Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Two Is Company, Three Is A Crowd

Leela, Doray And I
So it has finally come to this. The whole clan has come and gone and will come again! But it is only the three of us........ FOR NOW.

I woke up Monday morning, staggered to the bathroom, trotted back to my bedroom and what do you know, I almost slipped and fell. I was wearing my clogs and this has never happened before, I mean, while wearing my clogs, that is. So I thought there must be cooking oil or prayer oil somewhere, what with the weekend's festivities and a home memorial dedicated to Uncle Bapa and all.

I called Doray to tell him we need to talk and settle some domestic issues Leela has been troubling me with lately and we did. Like the way she wants me to wash a full load (but I can't keep the undies for too long), latch and bolt the entrance door or take off my clogs while bathing.

But I am not too sure how Leela is taking it.

This morning she sat sullenly by herself watching television in the hallway. It was only yesterday evening that we were sharing some of her woes and my woes and chatting away merrily.

It doesn't help that I can speak only some English with her and this has led to countless uncommunication, besides gesticulation and sign language. And Doray is her boss after all and can do a better job translating into Tamil for her.

It would be like having a China or Vietnam wife. A duck and a chicken like the Cantonese would say.

It turns out that Leela has washed the floor rug in the washer (gasp....choke) and that explains the extra wet and slippery surface. I would normally stamp my clogs a few times on the rug before walking off.

I must confess to be especially phobic now ever since my fall. And yes people, I think floor rugs should be hand-washed or thrown away once really really dirty. And do buy those strong, sturdy sort that can stay stuck to the floor or you will live or die the meaning of "have the rug pulled right out from under your feet".

Leela has recounted to me how she now has to work Doray's two sisters' homes as well. I thought she should return to her agent and look for another job, now that Uncle Bapa has passed on. It would be easier working only one family and staying there as well.

I discovered that Doray is the youngest child in the family. He looks to me like I was. I notice how Siva, his eldest sister, does has some hold on him. But I hope he can stand his ground and make his own decisions. I told Doray I will settle with Leela on most occasions whenever our linguistic connection permits. Unless she surfaces new issues, I will just keep mum.

Leela certainly has it quite good working for Doray, I felt. She doesn't exactly keep the whole place spick and spank, given the kinda time she has on her hands. She can lounge in the hallway watching TV, a luxury I don't even have and I am paying. She now sleeps on what used to be Uncle Bapa's bed in his bedroom.

So I thought I should move to Andrew's place. I thought I spotted a glint of murder in her eyes this morning..........

There can only be ONE QUEEN in the house. If there are two, one has to be the Wicked Queen while the other becomes Sleeping Beauty......

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