Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ok, Korean Boyz, I Will See You On Thursday Afternoon Right After My Gym Work-Out?

Awwww, You Nice Old Man You!!!!!
Of course I am joking. I may be saying all those things about Leela (Queen Of the Indian Jungle) and "Uncle Bapa" but I am still staying there with them, right? Warts, louts and all?

In fact, I don't see Doray very much. I am beginning to think this is a covalescence home for Uncle Bapa and Doray is really living elsewhere in the vicinity (part of a pro-family, multi-generational thingy) with some other people.

I spoke with Uncle Bapa today (see, I told you I wasn't so mean and I was just exaggerating a little) and he is really a very, very, very nice old man - really, really, really old too. He is 85, worked as a deliveryman driving a delivery van of some sort (from the little I can gather) and I am surprised Leela (an Indian native) actually speaks more words of English than Uncle Bapa does.

I have taken to gesticulating to Leela. I mean I can't go the whole road with her in English, so sign language will do. Like when I want her to mop up my room yesterday, I pointed to the floor, pretended I was moping and hoped she caught on to what I needed. She did. Very good.

The television is switched on almost all the time and it is usually the Tamil or Hindi movie fare. Spare me please!!!!!

Anyway I will just hang around for a while and see if something good will come out of this. Like I get to inherit something, anything when Uncle Bapa passes on!!!!!!!!

Hydroxy-Cut Makes Me Like So!
Let me explain the turmoil my mind was in when I was torn between kissing that cute Korean boy and not kissing him. I was afraid as it was a public space and I wasn't really ready for smooching (coz I am on a highly stimulative and caffeinated Hydroxy-Cut and this 6 capsules daily dosage does make me very, very, very irritable).

What if I refused to let him go and wanted more than just a kiss? What if he rejects moi? What if he refuses to divulge his contact? What if...........What if, indeed.

Asides Where The Korean Dude Was Touting "Free Hugs"
Well a troop or troupe (get the connection? monkeys or belly-hoopers) of women dumped their matriach on the empty seat beside me while I watched that NICE, CUTE, KOREAN boyz prancing, perhaps thinking I would "baby-sit" her while they shopped inside one of the malls.

A Filipino couple licked their icy-pops and OMFG, the woman wiped her ice-creamy fingers on the metal bars of the seat. If she is a doctor working here, I am Cinderella's stepsister.

What The Glossy Mags Say
Well, this writer with "August Man" echoes my sentiments. He wanted to die at age 50, so he picks up smoking young to kick-start the process. I really enjoyed reading his piece. He is so full of venom and anger. Like moi!

Except I can't finger if he is GAY or not. I mean he mentioned breaking a commandment of "Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neigbor's wife". For moi, it would be "Thy Husband" but then again, I was never very much into married men. Never was and never will.

And the editior is so dead right. When I read a men's magazine, I seriously only want to ogle at pictures of men either naked or togged out in high fashion. Their clothes, the fashion accessories, the jewelleries, the watches, everything. SO PLEASE, STRICTLY NO WOMEN!

Another home decor mag had a young furniture designer for IKEA mentioning how hard it is to have your design ideas translate into reality here in Singapore while she had no such problem in Sweden or at the IKEA store she is working for. Telling right?

I mean I had the same problem with the available "design technology" when I wanted to do up a high-end fashion umbrella fabriced in leather. WE HAVE NO SUCH THING HERE!

More Worries Of An Adoptive
Worse, what if my child turns out to be bereft of anything. He can't think. He can't decipher. He can't analyse. He can't anything EXCEPT slut-whoring and fashioning. And lagi worse, he mouths what the machine mill wants him to say. He only has grades and a certificate to show what he is made of. NOTHING ELSE!

What if he is gay and he brings home a "wimp" WHOM I ABHOR AT ALL COST. Even lagi, lagi worse, he brings home a "GALL". Not just any regular GALL but a bimb, a witch, a sluthole, a battle-axe. You get the whole idea don't you?

You Are Truly Lost, See That "Botak Hill" In The Distance? (Like In The Army) Run Up That And Then Down Again, You Will Feel Much Better! Only If You Can Still Breathe After That!!!!!

Oo! Your E-kiosk Is Abnormally Too Quick For Not Just Me But The Average Jane And Joe Whose Reaction Dynamics Ain't What You Think It Should Be
If you think NETS had settled my contactless cashcard problem, you didn't get it right. It is still pending and I haven't heard from them since that day.

In fact, part of my problem that day was when I pressed the button for the receipt, no receipt came out. If I had it, I could perhaps sent that over.

But the thing is, as the librarian showed me today, I had to be really quick on my reflex. A little too quick. I had to position my fingers just where the button is (the librarian knew where it was because she is working here) and the moment it flashes "Press here for receipt", I had to IMMEDIATELY.

Any slower and I won't get a receipt!

Was Tuesday A Public Holiday?
So was it? I mean I didn't see a soul in schools or anywhere but down Orchard Road, they were there all right, not in school uniforms but in their fineries.

And Hari Raya Haji wasn't exactly there on my calendar even though a Malay uncle cabby had told me it was on Sunday and New Year's Day was on Monday so Tuesday became a public holiday.

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