Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Am Gonna Read "AUGUST MAN" Before I Hit The Sack Tonight

Another Take On The Joint Singles Scheme
I have mentioned how most couplings have one older and the other younger in age. That is usually how it is like.

Imagine both aged 35. They grow old together, one get sick and wobbly, so does the other and they CAN'T LOOK AFTER ONE ANOTHER!

But if one is younger, another older, the older one gets sick, the younger one CAN LOOK AFTER HIM!

I hope you get the BIG PICTURE NOW!

I Liked Borat's Parody Of Religion And His Fight In The Nude
The way he parodied the Christian religion and their speaking in tongues and their swooning made me laugh so much, I peed on my pants.

There were so many parodies of American or whatever country's life. The overkill and unwarranted in star worship (Pamela Anderson). The fight in the nude which made it looked like two men having sex. The discrimination and the holier-than-thou-but-thy-ain't-no-better-actually attitude of the Americans and so on.

You must watch to really enjoy it! But you must be 21 and above.

Well Ok I Got Another Confession To Make
I am not exactly the Holy Ghost you "may" think I am.

As I was already fed up with the two Chinese Nationals at Auntie/Tim/Sidney or Sydney (wateva)'s place and just to show how dirty the room could get if I didn't clean it up, I didn't clean it up for three whole weeks.

The whole room stinks and it is covered from corner to corner with unimaginable gunk.

The day before I shifted out, I shaved my arm-pit and pubic hair and threw them into the storage carton that once transported my luggage.

Hope you enjoy clearing out the mess, TIM, YOU SISSY LITTLE GALL! That is what you get for messing with moi!

Ok So Auntie Is No Mamasan
Well she has a letter addressed to her, prominently displayed on a shelf. I am so sorry I "thought" she could be a Mamasan. My most sincere and profound apologies.

In fact I learnt a thing or two. Pasir Panjang wholesale market is owned by a certain Capital Asset Investment Fund (hope I got the whole string of names right coz I could just steal a perfunctory glance or risk breaking the Trade Secrets Act) company on behalf of the housing authority.

You can imagine how capitalistic the whole place must be reeking of!

You Mean A Holiday Follows One Holiday After Another? Is That It?
Let me explain the Public Holiday part. Hari Raya Haji last year fell on a Sunday. New Year's Day this year was on a Monday. I never knew Tuesday would be a public holiday.

I mean the usual procedure would be the day following a holiday falling on a Sunday would be declared a Public Holiday. I didn't know it would be for a Monday as well.

Unless of course they are working on a "Domino Thesis" and that is if Sunday is a holiday and so is Monday, then Tuesday too must be a holiday!

What a day and what a way to go!

Hey Dudes! What About Starting A "Boys' Club" As A CCA Or An "Interest Group"?
You must think moi is pretty productive today right? Well yeah. In a sorta way. I mean I have been bottling up all these feelings and I have no access to a PC at home. So I usually have to lag in my blogs.

Well, I was just thinking how "progressive" schools are going. They have interest groups now, much like CCA and they have stuff like tea or was it coffee-appreciation and the whole caboodle.

Well, be even more progressive. Start a "boys' club" in schools. Another interest group they could interact with would be to visit the men's clubs here. That is when the boys will "grow" into men. And they really "grow". In all the right places.

They don't need National Service. Well ok. That is another way they can "grow" into men. Again in all the appropriate places especially when two like-minded, red-hot blooded dudes get together.

All The Cute Dudes Live Here - I Really Don Wanna Move Out Of This Town
Of course I will miss living here in Bishan. Like Toa Payoh, it is in a central location. That means GREAT CONVENIENCE and EASE getting anywhere in Singapore.

Where I am now, Braddell Road is right behind my block and I know I can get on a couple of buses that will get me somewhere else, other than Bishan itself. Not many, just a few like Bus Services like13, 88, 93 and 157.

But property prices here are sky-high. HDB prices are already very expensive, what more the likes of Bishan Loft, Bishan Point and Rafflesia, though Bishan Park seems kinda within reach. IF I HIT A MILLION DOLLARS AT THE ALL-NEW IR CASINO, that is.

Most Of All, I Will Miss The RI And RJC Dudes!
Yeah whole big bunches of them, hanging out together after a freshmen's orientation at the food mall. Oolala.

Cute, sexy, hunky, nerdy, specky, geeky or just plain yummy! I wanna have them all for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper!

Group Dynamics
Well I can certainly observe all the group dynamics going on. Like the boy I know eyeing one other boy he fancies. He gave him the look not once, not twice but thrice over.

And you can tell they just try to get along. Sensitive souls, afraid to make a mistake or sound silly. And to react appropriately or be accused of being a retard. They have to sound and act smart. Even though it can be ALL STYLE BUT NO SUBSTANCE!


You can see it. You can feel it. And they sound it!

I Feel Sorry For All The Galls On A Weight-Loss Formulation If What I Went Through Was Anything To Go By
Well my heart palpitates quite a bit but most of all, I feel this tight knot right smack between my brows. I can't focus or think very well. I know I am irritable. It is like I am having my periods. Only worse!

It must be Hydroxy-Cut at work I guess. It is its ingredients and I am taking it to its maximally allowed dosage.

I know my weight is under control but it is quite a price to pay!

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