Saturday, January 06, 2007

Let The Healing Begin

My Alarm Bells Still Ring True
Blimps, bimbs and wimps. Now add foreigners, businesspeople and the state . That explains why I dont move around the "wimp" (gays, bis, wateva) circle very much. I am gay and I know the very tough times I went through. I know what gays are capable of. Even when they disguise this in the form of marriage. They still have traces left. Those really bad stuff. Evil stuff.

I met a couple of "rent bois" recently. I cant tell you how stupid they acted and how mercenary. I can't even be sure they are not foreigners. They look it, to me at least.

And women, like the wimps, are capable of greater deceit I feel. And some of the really old because of "experience" and thus baggages can be bad.

Well I dont wanna generalise but my past spats have been with these groups of people. I think we just keep our eyes peeled and be extra wary when we are confronted with the aforementioned group.

I think the face tells all. It is written all over it!

Not Changing With The Times
Save for one or two designs, the Rolex timepiece, in my opinion, hasn't seen much re-design. That would, in part, explain why it hasn't really caught on with the younger set and it is still that old towkay who would buy one. Contrast this with the fashionable, sophisticated and modern designs by Guess, Bulgari, Audemars Piguet and even Rado that have kept up with the times.

Let Us Not Be So Blinkered To Think That Living In A Community And An "Education" Maketh a Man
All the while when I lived independently, I found my true self. I didn't have to pretend and go along with most people. I find myself free from stymied thinking and the many, many, many prejudices imposed by society.

Now that I am not, I find myself drawn into all kinds of unreasonable thinking imposed by others. It seems like I have caught terrible fatal viruses of hate, prejudices and phobia. Imposed by social conditioning, religion, cultural habits, laws and bye-laws (unreasonable ones that is).

I am beginning to learn their bad behavior and habits too.

What I Expect Of Home And Relationships
Equal partnership, mutual support, help, lots of kind words and love.

Especially home relationships. It is pointless admonishing your loved one over spilling something. Accidents happen. The solution is to clean up or replace something and try to be careful the next time.

Nobody can lay claim to never dirtying and spilling stuff. That is what I mean by overlooking household faults and living with each other among loved ones.

Is that soiled cushion cover not easily replaceable but not your loved one?

Heal One Another As I Have Healed You
So the healing process has to start somewhere. Like when I speak with Uncle Bapa, I raba raba his back a bit. Or when I ruffle some kids' hair. Or when I hug someone (most likely a dude). Or like what the Korean Boyz did.

Enough of hate.

For me sex is a great healer! *Wink. With a dude of course. Anyone?

Leela, You Gila, I Hope You Are Not Some Abuser Of Some Sort
I can hear admonishments and that slap, slap sound (on the limbs I hope) like Leela was doing it to Uncle Bapa when he transgresses. I really pity Uncle Bapa, what with the stomach ulcers he is having and the discomfort he must be having which explains his coughing up phlegm all the time.

I saw Leela poking Uncle Bapa in the chest today. Borders on torture and physical abuse if you ask me. And she isn't a very clean person for sure. She does the vegetables on the coffee table in the hallway in front of the TV. The netting in the washer wasn't cleared and that explains the white flecks I got on my shorts that day when I washed.

Like Auntie Chan Moi. The foreign food handlers (maybe even local ones) and so on. So much for the nurturing qualities. And she expects everyone to do things the WAY SHE DOES.

She reminds me of She-Ape. I don't know what kind of background they come from. Perhaps not very good ones. She-Ape is just as loud. As crude. And if she hates certain kids so much, I can't imagine it.Visiting her home, we know she is untidy and she probably still has her mother cleaning up after her.

Leela the Gila is still trailing moi but under perfectly legitimate pretences. Like she was washing up or tending to the laundry. Whenever I am in the loo, she follows suit.

Like yesterday, when I was in the loo plucking out my contacts. Her bangles tinkle as she finds her way into the kitchen. Even today.

My final message to you is this : STAY A MILE AWAY FROM ME , YOU VOODOO WOMAN IF INDEED YOU ARE EVIL AND VOODOO! (Muahahahahahaha ! Burp! )

A Not So Good Intuitive Feeling
I am NOT XENOPHOBIC but I am beginning to think the Third Worlders aren't exactly pure and good of heart and intentions.

The hardships they underwent. Like my immigrant mother. She doesn't hanker after wealth. But she got stuck with a brood of us and we arent exactly rich. I have seen her strike herself whenever, as kids, we got to be too rowdy for her. She must have had quite a handful on her hands and on her mind.

And my mute sister isn't her favourite. It was traumatic to see Mom strike her. Then it was Bro and I learned that from them BUT I ALSO LEARNED TO STOP BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT I DID WAS WRONG.

That explains my insecurity and I wetted the bed a lot of the time.

The worse it is for those foreigners working I suppose or those in enterprises. Where do they vent it on? The customers , their staff and their immediate families perhaps? I don't think those who make it in businesses exactly got there by being kind, soft-hearted and NOT MATERIALISTICALLY MOTIVATED OR MONETARILY INTERESTED.

Just some thoughts. I am always wary of people in businesses, what their real intentions are and now maybe the foreigners among us. Even the locals. Well maybe just about anyone. Just more wary of some than others.

The Mormons
Now that I read about some bloggers' trip to Utah (you know who you are), it reminded me of the Mormons who used to solicit almost about anywhere here in Singapore.

I was particularly attracted to a few of the "ang-mohs" and once I invited one over to my home to "preach me Christ" but that wasn't the REAL intention of course.

*Wink *Wink. Coz I never did it with "ang mohs" before and I am curious and DYING TO TRY!!! And he looks yummy....

Hey! Does that mean I am evil?

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