Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Am Getting Madder By The Minute

Muiz, You MotherFucker, Don't Smirk On The Chat Channel
Your exact words were that you were looking for people who are not afraid to show public affection and with matured thinking. FUCK YOU MUIZ!

If you were matured enough, you wouldn't in my moment of downtime, request for TORTURE SEX. You immature brat! And you haven't explained why you did what you did! If you can't make it for our special time, say so. And if you have something rush-rush, say so! And we did reserve this in advance. So why did you ask moi to turn straight that very day and now you go on the NET to look for people

Unless I am not your type, then say so and we are finished with it.

You will never find what you want and if you do, it won't last. And if you turn straight, you would have the exact same problems. YOU WILL FUCKING DIE MUIZ! You will!

I Can't Be Controlled And Stultified, Get This!
I have enough unreasonable domination over moi. I feel small, controlled and stifled when I can't have control over my life, my love and my work. Especially my living space and my own lifestyle. I just want money for my own independence and to be self-reliant. No handouts. Not from the state, not from my beau, not from my siblings, not even from my "son".

Investment is the way to go. I can work for years on a peanut salary and never be rich enough . I reckon if property prices are going the way they are going, my investment should fetch a price of between $1200 to $1500 per sqft , reaching a peak of perhaps $1800.

It is just simple, I can't make it here, I leave. I can't make it abroad, I will tear up all my money and just die. It is that simple. No need to drag on like this. THIS IS ONE UTTER STUPID WORLD! Fucking stupid! The paper money means NOTHING TO ME! Get this right! Only because we have made it the medium for exchange that we need it!

I really wanna get out of blogging and always having so much time on my hands alone to think out issues like this.
FUCK YOU ONCE AGAIN! You mean you are GOD again? Maybe there are spirits about but that is it.

More Maddening Moments
I took one look at the delicious bed like I did the hotel's and I just felt like wallowing in it. A good clean queen size bed. I have been dead tired since Saturday and as I said, I would love to sleep in the whole day.

I advised Andrew that only if he really needs the money, then should he lease out his spare room (which now doubles up as a store). Otherwise from my experience it is not worth the trouble.

I have had enough of bad tenants. If they wanna move out of their own accord, so goes their deposit. And they can afford it. It doesn't help with agents serving as middlemen. They are pure useless junk if you ask me.

If you wanna begrude moi my only retreat, haven and living space, then begrudge the rich foreign students who have the whole place to themselves. Students who have not earned their keep or He-Ape's son who has every material wealth he wants - from the fashion he wears to the BMW he owns.

And we are talking about big roomy condominium apartments that their rich parents have bought them or helped lease for them. Think about that.

And we all know why many foreigners are being sworn in as PRs here in Singapore. Some hail from colleges which is equivalent to a diploma certification, if educational credentials and income are the only qualifying criteria we look at. I am sure many of us can do the job, if not better, with only an A level qualification.

If they worry about job-hopping, I guess the foreign nurses are no better right? Didn't they use us as a stepping stone to gain entry to better-paying jobs in the States?

I warned Andrew that lessees are not like us. They will just use whatever is available without qualms and without asking for permission and get away by not paying for it. We would be the prisoners in our own homes while they actually roam our whole place free, with their friends and visitors.

Enough Is Enough
Auntie Chan Moi and even the Auntie at the coffee-shop chides moi for thinking too much. Not that I want to. But this is the point how things have gotten to here. Really complicated and really stupid.

Like after I faxed over my bank statement and the contactless cashcard's history of transactions and the Bishan library has done the same (remember she got hold of my cashcard and printed out a transaction list and confirmed that two deductions have been made), they now want moi to go to their HQ and hand over the cashcard for them to process the investigation. ?????

And I am getting forgetful at the places I am holing up at. First because with clutter everywhere, you tend to misplace things. You are also more disoriented with unfamiliar grounds and with many people in the house, it becomes worse.

If I had wanted more culturally diverse families, I suppose I could go knocking on Doray's neighbors' doors. He has a Sikh and a Muslim for neighbors.

But seriously, I think enough is enough! I just wanna live with people I wanna live with.

Really Stupid Gays/Wimps/Bis/Whatever
I mean I have met enough of them. In cahoots with the galls. Just GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY LIFE!

How I Am A New Generation Oldie - You Mean You Play God Again?
I listen to ALL the new pop songs, enjoy "Singapore Idol" and rave at cute, young, hunky, male celebrities like "Rain". I will dress like I want to, eat like I want to and spend like what I want to!You got a problem with that?

Does that mean that because I am an oldie (that is what you think) I must stick strictly to my own age-group circle of people? That you decide who I love, what age and what gender? What nationality and social status even?

Why aren't the bikini-string female sunbathers picked on at the pool decks? What happened to equality of the gender? Has it gone further awry?

Again, fuck you!

The Only Things I Can Believe In
I don't need to justify anything. In fact ALL MEN ARE BORN EQUAL. Unless of course you have some serious mental or physical handicaps.

It is just the system and the opportunities (read: the UNHOLY TRINITY + a couple of other things who THINK THEY ARE GODS AND SO DECIDE ON PEOPLE'S FATES) that screw things up.

All I can believe in right now is just a home for myself, my beau, my "adopted son" (optional as I seriously must ponder putting him through all THE ALIEN SHIT I went through myself), a suitable teaching job and money for myself (for retirement, old age, young age, health concerns, whatever).


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