Sunday, January 28, 2007

Club Club

Clubbing For The 2nd Time (In An Entire Year)
Though my muscles and joints are a little stiff, prolly from the workouts or the stress, I itched to go clubbing. BIG MISTAKE!

The club was one club I visited decades ago when it occupied the site where a club which just closed stood. Of course a new club had opened and on the very day yesterday when moi went clubbing.

The music wasn't good, space is small, the crowd thin (because of the opening of the new club apparently). Didn't really dance. Certainly not the FANTASTIC TIME I had at the other club the last time.

No Let-Up Huh? Ok, War It Is!
When I got home at about 4am or so, the door was bolted. I had to ring the door-bell a few times before ringing the house up. And it was Leela, Voodoo Moodoo Koodoo Woodoo, who opened the door, her hair in a complete mess. Please, I know you are just a housemaid but do you have to scare house guests like that?

And Leela Leela, please. Turn on the bathroom lights when you brush your teeth. Don't scare the living daylights out of moi when I stumble onto the bath only to realise THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY THERE!

So Leela has done it again! Oh well, guess we will just have to keep up the spat till she leaves for good on Monday.

Syonara Queen Of The Indian Jungle! Muahahahahahaha.

Wa! The Clan Is Here Again!
Another round of "jamboree", this time in commemoration of Doray's dead elder brother. I sat squarely on the floor and ate lunch served on a banana leaf with my fingers, along with the rest of the clan. FAR OUT!

And yes Doray. The food isn't as spicy as some other red-hot food I have eaten before which include moi mom's curry and sambal. I hope you guys (which include the gals) like me wrapped up in my bath towel like that when I step out from my shower.

Hey how does it feel having a Chinese guy in your family! I hope you like it.

I did it on purpose like I wear that skimpy shorts at the gym. Oo. I spread me legs when I do my bench presses or when I do the hip adductors or when whatever opportunities present themselves. And smirk with that very, very, very sexual smile! *Wink.

Guys! Go for moi! Cheong arhhhhhhh.... Mua ha ha ha ha. And that reminds me that should I adopt a son, his surname will be Chong, to put right a wrong which had gone unrectified for two generations.

Good Night
I am stilll nursing a slight hangover which a good night's sleep would cure. All I want to do is just snuggle up to sleep RIGHT NOW!

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