Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Storm Has Blown Over, Or Has It?

Look Who's Here! Fido Dido Himself
He is a Jimmy Ye look-alike. He appeared in the Sprite Fido Dido ad eons ago. But the look is still unmistakably there.And here he was, working up a sweat at the gym. I just had to chat him up.

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 1
I am actually flattered if you frittered resources being on my trail, BIG BROTHER. It just goes to show how stupid you have been and are. Wrong trail, wrong person, wrong trial. You make me laugh BIG BROTHER!

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 2
As Troy and I sat at an al-fresco cafe chatting, there were pigeons beaking at scraps of food on the tables. In fact in many coffee-shops in the neighborhoods, this is a common sight with mynas and even crows. They even defecate.

And we cull farm birds on Pulau Ubin because of the avian flu, depriving the farmers of a livelihood?

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 3
There was a demand for membership cards and apparently a search at a LAN shop. The gangsta didn't look like gangsters to me. They were cute and handsome, probably even gay, dudes, as far as I can see.

What poor judgement BIG BRUDDER!

Big Brudder's Utter Hubris
I was standing near the schools' entrances on a public road distributing flyers for my tuition. A woman ex-VP of Kheng Cheng Primary got her P over and they forbade me to do this. So did the highly visible and popular ex-P of Pei Chun Public.

Even a Malay teacher who drove past outside the Guangyang Secondary wasn't happy. She had one of her students confiscate all the flyers that some of their students had taken hold of.

Three Reasons For Being At The Neighborhood Coffee-Shop
I visit the coffee-shop only because (a) it is cheap (b) I like the teh tarik (c) I can smoke.

Living Among The Low-Income
We gotta watch what we wear and what we eat, lest we invoke green eyes? And we have to put up with social problems and ills at this level?

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