Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I Have Watched "A Night At The Museum" And "Borat"

Look! Ma New Home! OMG! OMG! What Did I Get Maself Into This Time?
It is Leela from Madras, India. A housemaid flown over just so to look after Doray's old and sick father whom I will name Uncle Bapa (not that he is my BAPA, my BAPA ain't like that at all!) .

In fact Leela has been working here the past seven years. She is loud alright but she has that nice smile. If you ask me, she smirks!

But wait. Uncle Bapa coughs up phlegm (like those two Chinese Nationals did at Tim's (Sidney or Sydney, whateva) place and which was precisely why I decided to move) a lot because he had a drinking problem and the alcohol had eaten up his insides.

OMFG! I had to hang three air-refresheners in my room and wardrobe just to ward off some weird smell going on around the whole place . Someone peed and didn't flush! And the towel rack is old and rusty! EWWWWW!!!!!

I just hope I can hang on for as long as I need to!

Wussy No 3
She came to me with her two BFs, requesting I buy her a pack of Malboro Lights (I thought I heard Menthol Lights) as she is prolly underaged. Surprisingly, I obliged (must be that MAGNANIMOUS MOOD AGAIN) except that this time I think I AM THE WUSSY INSTEAD!

I walked the distance to the counter, urging them to keep guard over my GUDANG GARAM menthol cloved ciggies and lighter. It was almost like a clandestine affair and that serving "GALL" (an old loud HAG) wasn't exactly my all-time fave!

When I came back, she chided moi over the "wrong order" so I told her TO TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. She took it!


Wussy No 4 (and counting.....)
Some celebrity blogger on some celebrity webby. A highly visible and popular channel at that!

She mentioned something about looking stupid asking for a new piece after you have tried some clothes on. Here comes my swift riposte:

Like books and magazines, I believe clothes should have browsing copies for sizes from XS to XL (whatever sizes they are made in, that is). Nobody will know what kinda cut that clothes is in and how they will fit or even how they will look.

Only trying on will tell. Nobody buys that copy after trying it on unless it happens to be the last one! BecaUSE that TRYING-ON PIECE HAS BEEN tried on by almost EVERY BODY TYPE OF EVERY IMAGINABLE BODY ODOUR!

Do you wanna wear a piece that BORAT has tried on? No right!

So everybody asks for a new set!!!! Simple logic right?

An Adoptive's Dream
My eyes were trained on that one boy when the national papers did up an article on some Third World kids being trafficked and prostituted. I wanted to adopt HIM! Right after my house is nicely in place and I get a semblance of a job or start up an enterprise!

So I emailed and promptly got a reply from them. I told them I hope he comes from a good background as I do not want any surprises when I bring him home.

Like he wanna have lizards for tea and wanna have sex with moi.

A Boomberang
Oops I forgot. Don't forget that people in businesses are sometimes the foreigners (naturalised, permanently resident, pass holders, wateva) who in turn employ their own kind. So they arent really US, are they, who are mistreating their own kind?

And double oops. Did I also mention that NETS developed the contactless cashcard!!!!

Do Something With These Fucking Places Or Haven't You Got Any More Great Ideas? I Do!
During one of my pre-New Year chats with a cabby, I mentioned how Universal Studios or whoever else should have been roped in very much earlier to do up a theme park to boost tourism!

You mean some BIG SHOT earning BIG BUCKS at the top didn't realise this sooner? Do you want me to do YOUR JOB for you? PAY ME! BIG TIME!!!

And we can't help but be dismayed at how Marina South and the Tangs Village are now just wasting away!

Once We Outlive Our Usefulness, Are You Gonna Sent Boxer (Of "Animal Farm") To The SlaughterHouse ForMeat Racking?
I also mentioned how dealing with some government agencies have dealt me a sour aftertaste. It is like you LOSE, they WIN. And you don't really know what their REAL AGENDA and intentions are.

Are they just gonna dump you once they wanna muscle in on your ideas and your profitable venture when it takes off? Once you have laid the foundation for them and worked so hard?

Can you blame anyone if they have this kinda strange feeling which accounts for their relunctance to wanna work with us? On either a company or a country basis?

These Are Real Gems In The Making, Ain't They?
And if ALL THINGS need a TRACK RECORD, then this thing must surely be not new nor innovatiove to begin with.

Didn't Disney and the rest of the gang started that way too? With no track record and therefore they were new and sparkling bright gems waiting to be discovered.

I Am Not Allowing This Place To Go Down With Your Fucking Management, Geddit?
I also mentioned to an Uncle Cabby how if we do not speak up, we are gonna suffer, sooner rather than later.

I don't wanna see all of us go down in hell, do you?

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