Sunday, January 14, 2007

This Is The World We Live In And Created For Ourselves

Singapore Boy, You Make Me Hornier Each Day!
Yes, yes. It is TIME for a makeover and a rethink. But the icon should largely remain intact save for a few changes here and a few changes there.

Like a bright-orange short kebaya (to the knees I reckon) worn with a slit at the side and a lower, bustier cleavage-revealing neckline, a brown-tinted bob-cut instead of a coiffered bun, a change of color for the lips, eyes and face and standardised fashion accessories like a choker with a merlion pendant, bracelets and rings.

Maybe even strapped, open-toed, high-heels if it is practical enough.

What about the male flight attendants? Shouldn't we think up something for them too? Isn't it high time that they be part of an icon, maybe even the NEXT Singapore Boy Mascot for SIA?

You Haven't Laid In On The Heart Of The Real Problem
No, no, no. It isn't about education. It isn't about money. It is not even about color or nationalism . It is about personality. It is about communication and in the English language. It is about similar value system. It is all about character, attitude, thinking, reasoning, personal habits and a good heart.

Ok ok ok. If he is cute and young and has sexy buns like the Rentz Boyz, it helps! But after that, it boils down to character, thinking and a heart.

Above all, he is a REAL TALENT!

I Mean There Are Quiet Days I Much Prefer To Rest And Be Alone And Days I Wanna Be Raunchy And Days Loud And Celebratory And They May Not Necessarily Be Days We Both Want Them To Be On, Geddit?
I would love to sit down to a makan with Doray and his clan. But like yesterday I would much prefer to sleep as I was dead tired.

And yes, my newly-washed clothes are still damp not only because of the wet weather but also because the laundry-hanging site has no wind or sun. And they reek of the oil and spices that Leela and Doray's clan have been cooking their food in the past few days. If the site is inside the kitchen, what do you expect.

Housing authority, this is a FATAL design flaw of old. You must do something about it like what you have done for hanging up the air-conditioners and the air-conditioning condensers.You have actually built ledges for them, outside the house, emitting heat and sound and drying the laundry at the same time.

And today they have "prayers", 8 days in all , I was told for Uncle Bapa. And it is the Tamil New Year. And also the one-year death anniversary of Doray's older brother. How do I reconcile all these? And I thought Deepavali was the Tamil New Year?

Now if it was a celebration, I would have gladly participated. But prayers....? God, think of the smoke, chants and the rituals. I will pass, thank you very much.

Memories Did Not Light Up The Corner Of My Eyes
Renting a place has brought back memories of some of my past really short term tenants. Like the Filipino dude who used my wok without even asking, has his girl friend come over and they cook together, fuming the whole kitchen and dirtying it.

His whole ding-dong gang even came over and monopolised the sitting area. As the owner of my house, I got confined to my room instead.

Or what about the Singaporean who has his girlfriend over to watch TV in my living room. And I had to lease out to "straights" because there werent avenues then for renting out to gays. Not that I am saying that this is a good idea either, seeing how some gaylords turn out from my current experience or the one or two gay dudes I rented the place to.

Seriously wicked and vindictive! I avoid the Unholy Trinity at all cost if I can!

It is enough of a heterosexual world without us being cul-de-saced into a tight corner and hole.

How You Screwed Up Lives BIG TIME
The Aids-scare was at first targetted at homosexuals. Then it ran the ground over to the heterosexual community. If it was to turn men away from other men, you have done a very good job. Too good a job in fact.

You have targetted at a specific group and has thus condemned them to eternal damnation. Even worse, you espoused blood-to-blood and semen-to-blood as a likely tranmission route for the HIV. It seems that oral sex was a safer option and sodomy wasn't. You screwed lives BIG TIME, man, for those who have followed the line a little too seriously.

However directing the effort at a whole community and emphasizing faithfulness and monogamity would have been a wiser choice.

Water, Water, Water Everywhere, Every Precious Drop Counts
Your save-water campaign must have led to really bad hygiene conditions and many, many, many arguments and unhappiness on many homefronts. There are families who, to save on their water bills (partly also because we were really dependent on one source of water back then), do not flush after every use. Or they wash their laundry after a certain optimal load.

This is still apparent among Third Worlders and the older generation (Leela for both instances and this is a BIG PART OF ALL MY REASONS why I said what I said in yesterday's blog - I shun older people)

You Can't Touch This
The Straits Times' Saturday edition on "Housing Singles" ran an article in precisely the same vein. Two 70 year old tenants living in the same flat for donkey years have frequently argued over one not flushing the toilet after use in order to conserve water.

The slew of restrictions on singles owning homes have also screwed up enough lives.

I think for me, both the authority and the community have screwed up my life. The former with its draconian restrictions and the latter who must be GREEN WITH ENVY at moi and has thus put moi in my present predicament.

Fuck you both! I aint as VINDICTIVE AS YOU GUYS/GALLS/WIMPS are!

If I wanna be greener, I would have pointed to Doray who now owns 122 sqm of space on his own after his divorce or Bulldog (either he divorced or he bought with his kith and kin) or even Sissy Gall (otherwise known as Tim/Sydney/Sidney) who is still molly-coddled hiding behind the skirts of his mother.

I begin to understand what these people are up to. Perhaps they really marry just so to get a flat? You settle with the authority, not me. Come election time, you didn't vote with your heart and mind, did you?

What about the countless singles still holed up with their families, either by choice or circumstance. With their mothers or maids cleaning up after them. I COULD BE GREENEST but even if I can afford it, I won't pay for a maid. I can do the job better and I can live with dirt for some time. You can't keep up with dirt, can you?

I Speak For All - Regardless
I qualify to buy a flat and I am not in any education system anymore.

So why should I still insist on lowering the age barrier for single flat buyers or on revamping the education system? I don't benefit either way.

It is like I said I have even scanter respect for educators, old or even new-timers, who should have known better with the repercussions of EM3 streaming and should have vocalised EVEN LOUDER and REVOLT EVEN to get rid of it.

But did you?

I AM NOT LIKE YOU! I speak for the benefit of all though I am out of the system.

So why do you have to put me through ALL THESE SHIT just so to make you feel better. I suffer like you do. I didn't have a TERRIBLY GOOD TIME myself. In fact I had a harder time than most.

You have put the wrong person ON TRIAL HERE!



Read my lips again : WIMPS, BLIMPS AND BIMBS + a couple of others.

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