Monday, January 22, 2007

A Minor Question

Big Brother Celebrities' Show - Can't You Tell The Similar Parallels?
Ok I know I am THE MOST WANTED PERSON HERE ON EARTH, other than on the Planet Mars and maybe even Venus. But, please BIG BROTHER. If you want moi, you gotta ask real politely and GIMME ALL THAT I WANT. Which isn't really much. A house, a beau, a kid, a car, money and yes a teaching job.

I have noticed how after I have sat down at a coffee-shop or when moi visits a loo, there will always be all these old men, sometimes young people (this I like *wink*), swamping the place thereafter, sometimes before, as if they were waylaying moi.

Now I never really liked the kopi-tiams, what with their beer drinkers, oldies (yes both women and men) and more often than not, uncouth characters. But hanging out at hip and happening joints like the cafes where the youngies are is a TOTALLY EXHILIRATING AND UPLIFTING EXPERIENCE.

I notice how they all seem to know each other, monopolising the place, acting out some dramas of their own Eg: smooching (like the young student couple - hey enuf oredi, why don't we see boys kissing or holding hands - it would be our sweetest revenge) or fighting (like the old men folks at the community library ).

In fact we all know they are BIG BROTHER's people, maybe people working their "grassroots".

You don't go wage a psychological war on moi and see who wins the contest of wills and wits. BECAUSE I WIN, BIG TIME, all the time.


Water Pressure Builds With Depth And A DustBall Of A Problem
Ok here is a little science for everyone. The scientific theory behind the "MYSTERY OF THE GUSHING WATER FROM DORAY'S SHOWERHEADS" could be that because Doray's flat is located on a low floor and the storage water tanks are right at the roof-top, water pressure builds at deeper levels.

We all remember the FANTASTICALLY SIMPLE YET PROFOUND equation, don't we, of p = hpg (p=pressure, h=height/water level, p=density of water in this case and g=pull of gravity- a constant).

It doesn't help that the furry blanket Doray bought me is shedding its threads so my bed-linen is spotted with little micro-specks of its metamorphosis and they do morph into dustballs that need to be swept away.

Chants, Charms And Ceremony
But this morning, the WHOLE ENTIRE CLAN stayed over, both women and men. They were feasting and at one point when moi woke up to answer the call of nature (some time like 4am methinks which was about the time Uncle Bapa died), they were performing some ceremony.

If you thought you are gonna keep moi awake the whole night with those chants or wateva, you are just so mistaken. I SLEPT SOUNDLY THROUGHOUT WITHOUT A CINCH amidst the din. Sometimes moi may have nightmares but that is about it. This comes on like once in every three trimesters of a pregnancy cycle.

I may have trouble sleeping and only sleep later. But once I SLEEP, I SLEEP.

And there wasn't just one Leela now. THERE ARE THIS WHOLE BUNCH OF EVIL-LOOKING VOODOO women (nah, I am just exaggerating, they were friendly, smiley faces and they looked harmless - I think)

Wait. Am I beginning to sound like George Bush and his Evil Axis Of Power thingy where he just go on and on and on. So ok, she nicked my sneakers and that was because I did something else to her, but we have called it quits now. WE ARE EVEN!

If I were really afraid, would moi still be staying there? Eat and drink from their mugs and plates? Even so far as eating their food?

Anyway Andrew, call me if you can ! I still wanna move when the time comes. (I dont wanna sound like the cartoon character Penelope whom you remember in one of my early blogs - and yes I have watched "The Pink Panther" and "Captain Caveman" too).

Finger-Licking Good, The KFC Way
If Leela and Doray thought moi was one prissy, prim and proper prince brought up in pristine conditions like that Bollywood actress who is now being racially taunted on Big Brother's Celebrities' Show, they were FATALLY MISTAKEN.

When we were young, we did eat with our fingers, clasping them together to scoop up rice and dishes. That was EXACTLY what I did when Doray invited moi for lunch yesterday.

I ate with relish. The curry, umpulan and all was nice and I had thosai for breakfast. I thought dinner looked spicier and more delicious but as I do not like the habit of eating a heavy meal late and then sleeping, I had to pass on that.

By the way, couldn't KFC and Pizza Hut have just ONE HOTLINE for their delivery and serve each other's menus in their respective restaurants? After all, they ARE ONE NOW, aren't they? I wanna eat potato wedges and KFC doesn't serve them.

See, I WIN AGAIN! YOU LOSE, Big Brother!

Some Cute Dudes - You Know Who You Are
And this time, I mingled with the clan and got to know the younger set's names. There were Govind, Deevan (both sons of Veera), Kumar (the only child and son of Mareela), Umbra, Tamil and Putu (whom I oredi know earlier) - the latter three being brothers and they are sons of Siva.

Can A Single PR Join Forces With A Single Singapore Citizen (Bothe Unrelated)? No, It Seems
When I met Andrew and he is a PR, the question came up - could he and another Singapore Citizen (unrelated) join hands and mop up a flat in the secondary market under the Joint Singles Scheme? Seemingly, no.

But when I thought about it, this makes sense and it is right. Andrew has to decide if he wants to become a Singapore citizen.

At Least Women Have SomeThing, We Have Nothing
Of course the heteros (bis maybe, wateva) have it better. At least the women are protected under the Women's Charter in case of a divorce, abuse or death while gays do not have domestic partnership arrangements, let alone gay marriage laws.

And yes, moi is bequesting nothing to the State, not even his siblings, but only to his beau and "adopted son".

Andrew has it quite good here. He is now made a director of a trading firm (albeit a minority shareholder as Andrew tells me), owns 1152 sqft of living space which is nicely done up and drives two vehicles (one company sponsored and the other privately owned).

He should embrace citizenship here, I thought.

Why This Is Well-Designed
If you really must know why Andrew's place is SUPERBLY WELL-THOUGHT OUT AND DESIGNED, here are just some details.

Doray's kitchen has another design flaw. The cooker hob is right opposite the window and when the clan cooks (usually Leela, Siva and Putu), the windows must be shut tight. Imagine the fumes, oil, spices and not to mention the heat!

Now Andrew has an open-air drying space for the laundry, a washing area where the washer is, a bright airy kitchenette (where all fumes and oil will dissipate) and balconies galore. It has a second entrance/exit other than the main entrance/exit.

The room if moi takes it up (and if Andrew wants to let out to moi) is almost like a maid's because it is sparsely decorated and almost sited at the back of the house (but it is spacy and better ventilated of course) and it has its own bath and that second entrance/exit.

Well, we will see.

Minorities' Interests - Just As Important And Needs Protecting
Keith is straight (maybe bi, who knows and I am sure he won't admit it). He asks me if I was gay as he was curious (well, like I was when I decided to move into Doray's and hey look, I have lived with two women before - Auntie Chan Moi and Leela - AND I AM NOT LIVING WITH ANY MORE WOMEN).

I told him I am equally curious about his world. It goes both ways. We are a minority but I am just as curious about his sexual practices and habits.

Now that I live at Doray's, I am a minority. Like Leela told me, I am that Chinese man living in their flat.

How does it feel? Don't we feel hemmed in and discriminated against. Certainly we do at times. That is why we need protection.


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