Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Am Well-Rested

Linguistic And Communicative Incompetency
It also doesn't help that Leela cannot communicate well in the English language. Half the time I can't make head or tail of what she is trying to say.

I suppose the same goes when I speak with her.

Another NETS Fiasco
So I had to print out yet another cashcard statement and fax it over. This time I did it over at the ATM and incurred a statement fee.

It was no different from what the community library had faxed over. So I do not know why they need it again. I told Gabriel my refund will now be $30.20. I had faxed over the bank statement the other day already and the two deductions have been very clearly displayed.

It has dragged on for a full month now. Time to pay moi back his money. And I am not using the card anymore and returning it once this ordeal is over.

The SSC Fiasco
This reminds me of the two occasions I visited a SSC gym and the receptionist had on both occasions blancoed over a wrong entry in the register and wanted moi to sign on it, despite a few others having been admitted after that wrong entry.

What her intentions are, I am not clear. But having dealt with SSC trainers and their people in general and knowing what kinda attitude they do display sometimes, I told her I shan't be paying for her mistake.

Tough luck, get someone else to do your dirty job.

The Ang-Ku-Kueh CheaterBugs
Those few ladies manning the stall had been overcharging moi by 20 cents each time I pay for the two ang-ku-kuehs I usually buy. I discovered this when a new staff actually charged me only $0.50 a piece and not the $0.60.

Since I have moved out from that area, I am in a way glad I will never patronise that stall again.

Once bitten, forever shy. I am not trusting you again!

Death Is InEvitable, Let Us Face It Like Men!
It was strange when I spoke with Uncle Bapa that our conversation (was it really? I mean I was doing most of the talking and he just uttered a few words in reply - in Malay of course) should centre on death.

I told him how when someone reaches his age, he should just wait for GRIM REAPER to claim him. No point fighting it, Uncle Bapa. Just a man.

Hey in case you think I am a GOLD DIGGER like Anna Nicole Smith, you ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

After all, how many ways does a person die? One, naturally through old age. Two, via illness. Three, unnaturally in an accident like a fire or self-inflicted. Four, murder like the dismembered body crime case not too long ago.

Aint this right people?

And Uncle Bapa does "hisap rokok", so I told him how I too smoke, wanting to die myself at a ripe young age of 50.

I mean it is like I don wan all of us here to die. It would be like the opening line of our "Majullah Singapura" except the line now becomes : "Mati Kita Rakyat Singapura...."

Gila (aka Leela), YOU DIE!!!!
I have had enough. She was almost trailing moi around with a list of DOs and DONTs. I text Nora, the room agent, and threatened to vacate the place.

Somehow as if Providence was on my side, a piece of me turd didn't get flushed away today. HOOT LA!

Flushed Away
Have you noticed how the loos at Far East Plaza (the basement level) have this really strong and long flush? How your urea and faeces get washed away real fast and clean too? Not a single trace left? Well Doray's place has this flush. I am gonna get myself one of these state-of-the-art cisterns when my place is ready.....

More Confessions
Well ok. I dirtied the whole place at Psycho's and Bulldog's before I exited from their madhouses. I mean FUCK YOU, you mean I am gonna be all GOODY GOODY when I was treated the way I was?

You Are A Room Agent? I Am The President Of Tajikistan
One meet-up and show-around. We sign the papers (and it doesn't even bear the company's letterhead so how am I sure they are REALLY representing the companies concerned?) and they get their half month's agency fees.

Seriously easy. Anybody can do that if it is the way it is now

But wait till I need help if things go wrong like it did the last time. They aren't seen or heard. And they are supposed to be the mediators, the go-betweens, the negotiators, the managing agent, etc, etc.

Auntie Chan Moi And Leela
Now I know her real name. I mean she is a barrel of laughs when I speak with her. But of course she may not understand certain things.

Like how when I hoover, the filter spouts out grime, dirtying the clean floor all over again. How when I come out of the bath and she expects me not to wet the floor? How when she washes her floor rags and rugs in the washer, that could explain the mud-stained micro-flecks.

The same goes with Leela. How can I not wear my clogs into the bath when it is so wet and slippery. How can I not wet the floor when I come out of the bath with my clogs? This is natural. How my towel keeps dropping onto the floor when I hang it on the rusty towel rack and I have to fan it in the bedroom. How I can't hold the shower head in one hand and soap and wash my body and hair with the other. How she is really loud outside in the hallway when speaking with Uncle Bapa (tho she claims he is hard of hearing). In fact she seems to be scolding and nagging him.

Sole Comfort
I do enjoy my room. It is spacy. The bed seems a little larger than single (super single perhaps) and the bedlinen, pillows and blanket are clean and comfy. After I have the refresheners hung up, the room smells real nice.

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