Friday, January 26, 2007

I Guess You Are The "Best"

Too Many Things Happening
Too many things happening. Can't blog all. No immediate access to a PC. Otherwise my blogs will run into pages. In fact even writing about all that is happening cannot sufficiently express the emotions or the kinda situational thingies happening at that moment.

It is only as nearly as truthful or as complete as it can possibly be.

A Bunch Of Kids Who Needs Help
I bumped into this gangsta of very young and not so young kids at the LAN shop. I could tell that they were from not-so-good (read: very disadvantaged) or ideal family backgrounds. There were fights (as in arguments) with Hokkien expletives thrown in, spitting (all those sputum on the stairs, EWWWWWWWWW, looks like cum), ciggy smoking, generally uncouth behavior and they were very much at risk.

But I would like to think they are still good kids at heart. I really like to help these kids but I don't know how. I know I can't do it alone because they are in a gang (as in gangsta but with a REAL HIGH POSSIBILITY of turning to petty crimes perhaps?).

I know they need to be broken up, isolated in solos, maybe pairs, a lot of talking to, visiting their homes (to find out what is going on), given motivation and purpose in their lives and channels for all that energy and anger and whatever.

In fact with my hair just recently streaked in blond and my ciggy smoking, they thought I was prolly one of them or that I was from the CID. I look it I guess. MUA HA HA HA HA HA.

Oh, So You Wanna Play Rough Now, Leela?
I thought that was the end of our "feud" but apparently no.

Leela fired the first salvo when I turned my back and she switched my washing cycle to a low-mode while it was in medium. This despite Doray agreeing on this. Then of course there was the laundry hanging thingy which was agreed could be done at the balcony but she still insists on hanging them in the kitchen area.

There were dead cockroaches in the sink and on the floor and I suppose she thinks I AM A LITTLE SISSY GALL AFRAID OF pests. Look, Leela the Gila, I have slept with bed-bugs at Psycho's. Nothing scares me anymore. Not even snakes (except cobras of course).


Looks like our little spat is gonna go on for an indefinite period untill she calls a truce. I guess we are just gonna try to scare the wits out of each other as much as possible. Psychological scarefare!

How Domestic Spills Affect Our Personal Lives - Verdict : Very UnHealthy
While recounting some of my woes to my NEW hairdresser who turns out to be a really good listener with some good advice, I realise how all these domestic spats with gaylords and womenlords are spilling into my rest, peace and personal territory.

It is really unhealthy and taking some toll on me, I guess.

I mean can you imagine how THE BIG CONTRAST IS with Auntie Chan Moi not liking the loud locking and unlocking of the padlock but Psycho wants that because he thinks you are being stealthy if he can't keep an ear out for who comes in and goes out, even while he snores loudly in the hallway in his sleep (I can actually hear him upstairs and he complains moi talks loudly on my mobile upstairs and he can always move into that empty room downstairs which he eventually did)

I am very tired of this needless domestic idiocies and I really wish to move on.

You Can Do But I Cannot, You Good Leh! Your Grandfather's Road Izzit?
Let me elaborate a little on the schools' utter hubris I wrote in my last blog.

I admit I did walk up to ACS Primary (Peck Hay Road Branch the last time) to distribute my tutorial flyers. The Head of Science whom I thought was a real prick confronted moi. I noticed how he picked on some of the boys for whatever small reasons (don't all the schools). I argued with him. Later the P rang me and threatened me with a police report.

Tell me what you think. Was this an over-reaction? I mean even when I went on the puiblic roads with the other schools, they were not happy. And it was a "public road" and are schools even private places?

No doubt I was a stranger but the school field of NJYC is opened to the public for jogging. And moi wasn't there to steal or create trouble. Just flyer distribution, maybe much like those book vendors they call in to exhibit and sell their books.

The best part to this whole story is the ex-P of Pei Chun went on to start a tuition centre himself upon his retirement. I live in the neighborhood where he does his business. His flyers go all the way to the door-steps of flat-owners and I know some flat dwellers have problems with that.

He wanna deprive a person of a livelihood while he does the same for himself and he prolly doesnt even need the money?

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