Friday, January 19, 2007

Spit And Spat

This Means An All-Out War - Leela, You Gila, YOU DIE!
For once when Leela is out working the home of Doray's sister, the bathroom is actually dry. Otherwise she would be washing and soaking clothes in tubs, the washer's sewage discharge tube would be connected to the drainhole in the bath and she is always washing something, just before I leave home and just when I come back. So much so the bath is perpetually wet and soapy.

Yes she coughs up phlegm while brushing her teeth in the morning and I am actually sharing the toilet facilities with her and her alone, now with Uncle Bapa gone . The coffee mug she passed moi to drink coffee the other day was hers!

Despite the long and strong flush of the cistern, someone's turds (must be hers) do not always get flushed away. Like mine the other time. Quadruple yucks! Maybe Ngee Ann City's toilets with the suction-type loos would be a better bet.

That explains why anyone could slip and fall in such extra wet and slippery conditions. When I had sole usage of Bulldog's bath, I only use it twice. Once before I go out and a final time when I come home. So it is always dry and safe before use.

I can live with the glazed and sooty floor tiles (mind you, this is actually her job - a housemaid engaged to clean up the whole place) and with the fact that she doesn't empty the filter trap of the washer most of the time but I am very particular with safety concerns. You are dicing with someone else's life. You can have all the fun during school orientation or a birthday bash throwing the birthday boy into the pool. JUST MAKE SURE IT IS SAFE!

Just this morning, I discovered a nick in the corner of my brand-new sneakers. A nicely arced nick. Too nicely arced that it seems to be the work of someone. Now I am the type who takes care and value my material possessions because I have spent money (which isn't easy to come by) buying them and expect them to last me a lifetime if possible. This is an affront.

As it is, my shaver has holes in one of its shaving blade foil and it is nicking me when I shave. I need to replace this and the top-of-the-line Braun set costs $378. I am only using one of the two rotary blades of my old shaver now as a stop-gap measure before deciding what to do.

I tried hanging out my laundry in the balcony on the curtain rod which was supposed to shield the altar table. But the statues of the gods were never put up as Doray's brother died and now even Uncle Bapa has died. Most sit in their plastic wraps stored away in the altar table drawer. So how is it the GODS are present? Leela, once a Hindu, now a Christian, forbids this. Not sure if Doray has the same idea.

But she has stubbornly refused to leave a bamboo pole across the ledges there despite agreeing earlier.

I am not taking this sitting down, rest assured. This calls for fighting fire with fire. It means WAR! Leela, YOU DIE!

I hope Andrew calls. I really wanna move out.

Something's Cooking And It Ain't Thosai
Of course there are all those family and in-laws' problems. Leela told me the clan actually called her up to check on me to see if I am awake. Now what does my waking up or not got to do with them?

She doesn't seem like a maid to me but she insists that is who she is. If you ask me, she is one of them. A trusted person who has privy to all secrets in the family. Nobody leaves their doors open to an outsider like that.

Mercenary Rent Boyz?
They work as a syndicate. Different faces working under the same roof. My second sojourn out there saw the same gang leader (that cute dude with cute buns) but with an entirely different gaggle of people . I bought them dinner this time and left empty-handed, save for some short-lived fun the last occasion.

In case you thought I paid a king's ransom, one was free while I only spent on transport, dinner and tens of dollars on these RENT BOYZ. Who exactly are they and what are their intentions?

Really weird and strange bunch of people. And stop that drama, it ain't cool. It is stupid.

Alan, Again!
Alan, it is all over. I mean I may have that strong feeling for you way back then. But now the feeling is COMPLETELY GONE! I can only speak with you as a friend. And you are busy assiduously tracking your funds all the while we are speaking! So not much of a conversation either right?

Now My EZlink Card Is "Spoilt"
What next? I win a million dollars in the Singapore lottery? I strike it super rich in the property investment market? I meet "Rain" face-to-face at a press conference and we fall in love? I have "Rain" as my beau and adopt a Korean kid? I buy a condo in a posh district? I drive a luxury car?

I was told the "chip" has irretrievably broken down and I need to replace the card. When I swipe the card on the reader machines on the buses, it can't be read.

When I don't have the exact fare in coins, I have to try and change it with some bus commuters (feasible if only the bus is running empty and even then imagine all the indifferent and care-less stares or expressions) or drop in more than the trip's fare.

How inconvenient!

BIG BROTHER! Stop This Ok! I know all these things don't just happen like that. YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN! You control the market. You control everything. From our peeing right down to our eating. Your PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE! Stop already ok!

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