Friday, January 12, 2007

I Am Healed - If For Only A Brief Moment

I Need More Healing
Like what I have been having lately.

More Confessions From An UnHoly Ghost
Ok ok. So I made other mistakes. A "meatball" rolled right out of moi as I tried to put it into my mouth. Or I stumbled on a step and held on tight to someone, really really tight. Or I "inadvertently" brushed against someone and it wasn't his toe I groped. And I couldn't help sniffing the rent boyz' stuff, I mean he was so sexy. Hiro would have been ravaged right in his own room and he would have history turned on its head by being the first comfort man!

But wait, some PR who worked here 7 years and didn't pay his rightful "dues", now drives a company-sponsored vehicle (I wonder why, given the nature of his job) and lives in a 1152 sq ft 2-bedroom walk-up apartment on his own.

And you wanna deny moi my 82 sqm living space?

Fuck You!

My Heart Aches For You
By now you would already have guessed that I am no "Holy Ghost". I never was and never claimed to be. So it was with much secrecy and intrigue that I hailed a cab to pick "him" up. It was raininng heavily. To throw off suspicion, I pretended I was someone else. In fact after the "ordeal", my heart pounded when I heard someone outside my door. I thought they were on my trail.

I spoke a few words with "him" within earshot of the cabby, words intended to shake off even more suspicion and throughout the journey I largely chose to ignore "him". But from the corner of my eyes, I could see how "yummy" and "cute" "he" was.

Once we checked in, I threw all caution to the wind and unleashed my true self.

A King's Palatial Dwelling (Albeit A Crammed And Small One)
It was certainly much better than most rooms and homes I have been putting up at. It had nice, warm, white, clean sheets, paraquet floors, piped-in air-conditioning, sparkling clean shower and heater. Now I know where Bulldog got his bathroom inspiration from.

Most of all, it had a TV. I would have stayed the night but as things were, I didn't.

For the first time in a long while, I caught an hour of television. The news and a documentary. I gobbled up the free instant noodles, brewed a cuppa hot instant coffee and had a nice hot bath in a really nice bathroom.

Then it was out into the pouring rain where I headed "home".

An Eponynmous Road - Who Or What Is It? He/She/It Must Be Turning In His/Her/Its Grave If He/She/It Realised What Has Happened To The Road Named After Him/Her/It
This is second only to Geylang. Maybe even River Valley hasn't beaten its famed reputation for sleaze and sex. All the pubs that dot its road had foreign women rigging bare-backed, low-cut and breastly-revealing clothes.

And they wanna clamp down on men swimming nude in the sea and sun bathing skimpily at the pool deck?

Will This Help?
Perhaps shower facilities, adequate shower facilities, time and enough time to hit the showers would help relieve "teachers" of the sight and smell of soiled kids. But please, leave the school "playing" field alone. It is strictly for "playing". Geddit?

And you will be surprised how "teachers" are still bearing down on long hair in schools among the boys. And we thought we were "enlightened"?

Oh, Just Get On With It....
Of course I have my fair share of riding with rude and bad cabbies. Somehow I have less of that problem nowadays probably because I have hit it off on the right note with them by first identifying a "common nemesis" early on in our conversation.

Like this one who asked if I had queued up for his cab. I mean I was there first, then a whole retinue of people came over and started their own queue a short distance away from moi. The fact is, there wasn't any sign where the taxi stand is or where a queue should begin or end.

But the fact remains that when Ruddy Cabby came along, nobody protested to me boarding it. They knew I was first in line. So what is your BIG PROBLEM Ruddy Cabby?

Social Conditioning, Reflexes, Just Plain Blissful Ignorance And Brief Tolerance
Sometimes I wonder if WE have ourselves to blame for all the social divisions among us. I mean I am positively sure in a country where it does not ban smoking in public places, you would probably see both smokers and non-smokers sharing space together, each oblivious to one another, smoking or not.

But because the media plays up the dangers of passive smoking, people read about it and there is a law against smoking, all this "social conditioning" has led to people whinging, fanning smoke away from their faces, moving away and so on.

I would have a whole litany of complaints myself if I had not tolerated more and just plain ignore many stuff if it doesn't bother me too much. Like the joss burning at Auntie Chan Moi's place or her neighbor's.

Even Doray's place now has a distinct incense smell. But it is just a brief moment and once I get into my room and since I have hung the really fragrant air-freshener, I am perfectly alright.

These Are Some Of Our Thinkers
It is amazing how cabbies, uncle or otherwise, have the most profound analyses and insider sometimes.

Like one Uncle Cabby yesterday thought how we would perhaps have been more happily prosperous if we had been not such a control freak with regard to the economy and allowed "truly free and private enterprises" to reign as long as they do not trammel on human dignity, rights or overly profit greedy.

He also enumerated some of our successes and I wholly agree with him. Like what we have done right on our water policy and so on. It is just those other pressing wrongs that we need to redress. As I told Veera, if it needs a 360 degree turn-around and RIGHT NOW to set things right, SO BE IT.

Or the other Uncle Cabby who speculated on where the head honcho of our telecommunications giant is going.

Really amazing!

Maybe if you are right at the top, you have failed to see some, if not many, things. For instance, if I asked a shop assistant where else I could purchase a certain item, she/he may not necessarily know. A fellow ardent shopper probably knows more.

So we all make mistakes. I have had my share too. I didn't show my tattoo at a man's club so I didn't get $5 off on one of their special event day.

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