Friday, January 05, 2007

LeeLA LeeLA, You Are "It"

How Does It Feel?
At the end of it all, I suppose I am just a sour grape. I mean I am jealous the "straights" (or "bis") have it so good. So I really wanna see how imposing their set of rules on them will make them feel. It is oppresive enough we can't have PDAs, worse we cant live with our beaus either till we are 35 or in rare instances 21.

Truly a home isn't for leasing out to strangers. Unless we need to right? It is a place for like-minded people who can live out their lives together. Like your beaux and your kids.

I mean I will overlook most household faults . Who wouldn't clean up after their child or beau right? And I do expect they will do the same for moi too. It is mutual.

Of What Use Knowledge If You Can't Use It
I am not kidding about the effects of Hydroxy-Cut. I do feel very irritable even when I am on 4 capsules like today. But its effects have subsided by evening time. It doesn't really control appetite as it claims. I still eat if not more. But I suppose it is burning the calories and the fats and helping to reduce weight in the process.

That is when a knowledge of the bio-chemistry and bio-kinetics of its active ingredients will prove useful. Pointless to know what is conjugated linoleic acid but not know what it does to the body, right?

A Song Dedicated to "Leela" Sung To Barry Manilow's "Copacabana"

Her name was Leela
She was a housemaid
With black shaggy long hair and a saree long down to there
She would shriek and do the bangra
And while she tried to be nice
Uncle Bapa always lie down there
She would sit there and they would chat
They were old and they had each other
Who could ask for more?

At Doray's, Doraisamy's house
The hottest spot south of Bishan
At Doray's, Doraisamy's house
Louts and phlegm were always in fashion
At Doray's....they fell in love.....

A Worrying Trend
I worry for the kids today. As I sit at coffee-shops and I see the way parents (moms and pops and not all local) discipline or teach their kids, I am even more afraid. The kids, when they are themselves victims of unreasonableness, may in turn perpetuate another cycle of unreasonableness.

You can imagine what teachers teach them in class and what happens at home. Total variance. The kids must be torn and confused. What more with the media, their peers and so on. But of course not all that the teachers teach are GOOD either, for sure. They have their own set of prejudices.

Leela You Gila, You Make Me Even More Kee Xiao With Each Passing Day
Leela, Leela, Leela. I think I am falling in love with you.

But I am CONFUSED. I mean I have mixed feelings!

Is it your pretty smile! Is it your twinkling eyes! Is it your expressive face! The way you hang your bra in the toilet! How I wash my clothes in the washer after you! (chokes.......)

Is it your odor?Your skin color? Your body type?



P.S: Maybe Uncle Bapa is REALLY the ONE I am falling For....!!!! Quadruple Ewwwwww.....

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