Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Property Consideration

Well if you ask me, property prices are for sure dependent on location. I would also put down one other very important factor. In ascending order of premium living, I would list it as swimming pool view, riverfront, lake view, bayfront and seafront.

That to me means a larger expanse of water for owners to behold and belove.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Club Club

Clubbing For The 2nd Time (In An Entire Year)
Though my muscles and joints are a little stiff, prolly from the workouts or the stress, I itched to go clubbing. BIG MISTAKE!

The club was one club I visited decades ago when it occupied the site where a club which just closed stood. Of course a new club had opened and on the very day yesterday when moi went clubbing.

The music wasn't good, space is small, the crowd thin (because of the opening of the new club apparently). Didn't really dance. Certainly not the FANTASTIC TIME I had at the other club the last time.

No Let-Up Huh? Ok, War It Is!
When I got home at about 4am or so, the door was bolted. I had to ring the door-bell a few times before ringing the house up. And it was Leela, Voodoo Moodoo Koodoo Woodoo, who opened the door, her hair in a complete mess. Please, I know you are just a housemaid but do you have to scare house guests like that?

And Leela Leela, please. Turn on the bathroom lights when you brush your teeth. Don't scare the living daylights out of moi when I stumble onto the bath only to realise THAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY THERE!

So Leela has done it again! Oh well, guess we will just have to keep up the spat till she leaves for good on Monday.

Syonara Queen Of The Indian Jungle! Muahahahahahaha.

Wa! The Clan Is Here Again!
Another round of "jamboree", this time in commemoration of Doray's dead elder brother. I sat squarely on the floor and ate lunch served on a banana leaf with my fingers, along with the rest of the clan. FAR OUT!

And yes Doray. The food isn't as spicy as some other red-hot food I have eaten before which include moi mom's curry and sambal. I hope you guys (which include the gals) like me wrapped up in my bath towel like that when I step out from my shower.

Hey how does it feel having a Chinese guy in your family! I hope you like it.

I did it on purpose like I wear that skimpy shorts at the gym. Oo. I spread me legs when I do my bench presses or when I do the hip adductors or when whatever opportunities present themselves. And smirk with that very, very, very sexual smile! *Wink.

Guys! Go for moi! Cheong arhhhhhhh.... Mua ha ha ha ha. And that reminds me that should I adopt a son, his surname will be Chong, to put right a wrong which had gone unrectified for two generations.

Good Night
I am stilll nursing a slight hangover which a good night's sleep would cure. All I want to do is just snuggle up to sleep RIGHT NOW!

Friday, January 26, 2007

I Guess You Are The "Best"

Too Many Things Happening
Too many things happening. Can't blog all. No immediate access to a PC. Otherwise my blogs will run into pages. In fact even writing about all that is happening cannot sufficiently express the emotions or the kinda situational thingies happening at that moment.

It is only as nearly as truthful or as complete as it can possibly be.

A Bunch Of Kids Who Needs Help
I bumped into this gangsta of very young and not so young kids at the LAN shop. I could tell that they were from not-so-good (read: very disadvantaged) or ideal family backgrounds. There were fights (as in arguments) with Hokkien expletives thrown in, spitting (all those sputum on the stairs, EWWWWWWWWW, looks like cum), ciggy smoking, generally uncouth behavior and they were very much at risk.

But I would like to think they are still good kids at heart. I really like to help these kids but I don't know how. I know I can't do it alone because they are in a gang (as in gangsta but with a REAL HIGH POSSIBILITY of turning to petty crimes perhaps?).

I know they need to be broken up, isolated in solos, maybe pairs, a lot of talking to, visiting their homes (to find out what is going on), given motivation and purpose in their lives and channels for all that energy and anger and whatever.

In fact with my hair just recently streaked in blond and my ciggy smoking, they thought I was prolly one of them or that I was from the CID. I look it I guess. MUA HA HA HA HA HA.

Oh, So You Wanna Play Rough Now, Leela?
I thought that was the end of our "feud" but apparently no.

Leela fired the first salvo when I turned my back and she switched my washing cycle to a low-mode while it was in medium. This despite Doray agreeing on this. Then of course there was the laundry hanging thingy which was agreed could be done at the balcony but she still insists on hanging them in the kitchen area.

There were dead cockroaches in the sink and on the floor and I suppose she thinks I AM A LITTLE SISSY GALL AFRAID OF pests. Look, Leela the Gila, I have slept with bed-bugs at Psycho's. Nothing scares me anymore. Not even snakes (except cobras of course).


Looks like our little spat is gonna go on for an indefinite period untill she calls a truce. I guess we are just gonna try to scare the wits out of each other as much as possible. Psychological scarefare!

How Domestic Spills Affect Our Personal Lives - Verdict : Very UnHealthy
While recounting some of my woes to my NEW hairdresser who turns out to be a really good listener with some good advice, I realise how all these domestic spats with gaylords and womenlords are spilling into my rest, peace and personal territory.

It is really unhealthy and taking some toll on me, I guess.

I mean can you imagine how THE BIG CONTRAST IS with Auntie Chan Moi not liking the loud locking and unlocking of the padlock but Psycho wants that because he thinks you are being stealthy if he can't keep an ear out for who comes in and goes out, even while he snores loudly in the hallway in his sleep (I can actually hear him upstairs and he complains moi talks loudly on my mobile upstairs and he can always move into that empty room downstairs which he eventually did)

I am very tired of this needless domestic idiocies and I really wish to move on.

You Can Do But I Cannot, You Good Leh! Your Grandfather's Road Izzit?
Let me elaborate a little on the schools' utter hubris I wrote in my last blog.

I admit I did walk up to ACS Primary (Peck Hay Road Branch the last time) to distribute my tutorial flyers. The Head of Science whom I thought was a real prick confronted moi. I noticed how he picked on some of the boys for whatever small reasons (don't all the schools). I argued with him. Later the P rang me and threatened me with a police report.

Tell me what you think. Was this an over-reaction? I mean even when I went on the puiblic roads with the other schools, they were not happy. And it was a "public road" and are schools even private places?

No doubt I was a stranger but the school field of NJYC is opened to the public for jogging. And moi wasn't there to steal or create trouble. Just flyer distribution, maybe much like those book vendors they call in to exhibit and sell their books.

The best part to this whole story is the ex-P of Pei Chun went on to start a tuition centre himself upon his retirement. I live in the neighborhood where he does his business. His flyers go all the way to the door-steps of flat-owners and I know some flat dwellers have problems with that.

He wanna deprive a person of a livelihood while he does the same for himself and he prolly doesnt even need the money?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Storm Has Blown Over, Or Has It?

Look Who's Here! Fido Dido Himself
He is a Jimmy Ye look-alike. He appeared in the Sprite Fido Dido ad eons ago. But the look is still unmistakably there.And here he was, working up a sweat at the gym. I just had to chat him up.

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 1
I am actually flattered if you frittered resources being on my trail, BIG BROTHER. It just goes to show how stupid you have been and are. Wrong trail, wrong person, wrong trial. You make me laugh BIG BROTHER!

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 2
As Troy and I sat at an al-fresco cafe chatting, there were pigeons beaking at scraps of food on the tables. In fact in many coffee-shops in the neighborhoods, this is a common sight with mynas and even crows. They even defecate.

And we cull farm birds on Pulau Ubin because of the avian flu, depriving the farmers of a livelihood?

Big Brudder's Utter Stupidity No 3
There was a demand for membership cards and apparently a search at a LAN shop. The gangsta didn't look like gangsters to me. They were cute and handsome, probably even gay, dudes, as far as I can see.

What poor judgement BIG BRUDDER!

Big Brudder's Utter Hubris
I was standing near the schools' entrances on a public road distributing flyers for my tuition. A woman ex-VP of Kheng Cheng Primary got her P over and they forbade me to do this. So did the highly visible and popular ex-P of Pei Chun Public.

Even a Malay teacher who drove past outside the Guangyang Secondary wasn't happy. She had one of her students confiscate all the flyers that some of their students had taken hold of.

Three Reasons For Being At The Neighborhood Coffee-Shop
I visit the coffee-shop only because (a) it is cheap (b) I like the teh tarik (c) I can smoke.

Living Among The Low-Income
We gotta watch what we wear and what we eat, lest we invoke green eyes? And we have to put up with social problems and ills at this level?

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Minor Question

Big Brother Celebrities' Show - Can't You Tell The Similar Parallels?
Ok I know I am THE MOST WANTED PERSON HERE ON EARTH, other than on the Planet Mars and maybe even Venus. But, please BIG BROTHER. If you want moi, you gotta ask real politely and GIMME ALL THAT I WANT. Which isn't really much. A house, a beau, a kid, a car, money and yes a teaching job.

I have noticed how after I have sat down at a coffee-shop or when moi visits a loo, there will always be all these old men, sometimes young people (this I like *wink*), swamping the place thereafter, sometimes before, as if they were waylaying moi.

Now I never really liked the kopi-tiams, what with their beer drinkers, oldies (yes both women and men) and more often than not, uncouth characters. But hanging out at hip and happening joints like the cafes where the youngies are is a TOTALLY EXHILIRATING AND UPLIFTING EXPERIENCE.

I notice how they all seem to know each other, monopolising the place, acting out some dramas of their own Eg: smooching (like the young student couple - hey enuf oredi, why don't we see boys kissing or holding hands - it would be our sweetest revenge) or fighting (like the old men folks at the community library ).

In fact we all know they are BIG BROTHER's people, maybe people working their "grassroots".

You don't go wage a psychological war on moi and see who wins the contest of wills and wits. BECAUSE I WIN, BIG TIME, all the time.


Water Pressure Builds With Depth And A DustBall Of A Problem
Ok here is a little science for everyone. The scientific theory behind the "MYSTERY OF THE GUSHING WATER FROM DORAY'S SHOWERHEADS" could be that because Doray's flat is located on a low floor and the storage water tanks are right at the roof-top, water pressure builds at deeper levels.

We all remember the FANTASTICALLY SIMPLE YET PROFOUND equation, don't we, of p = hpg (p=pressure, h=height/water level, p=density of water in this case and g=pull of gravity- a constant).

It doesn't help that the furry blanket Doray bought me is shedding its threads so my bed-linen is spotted with little micro-specks of its metamorphosis and they do morph into dustballs that need to be swept away.

Chants, Charms And Ceremony
But this morning, the WHOLE ENTIRE CLAN stayed over, both women and men. They were feasting and at one point when moi woke up to answer the call of nature (some time like 4am methinks which was about the time Uncle Bapa died), they were performing some ceremony.

If you thought you are gonna keep moi awake the whole night with those chants or wateva, you are just so mistaken. I SLEPT SOUNDLY THROUGHOUT WITHOUT A CINCH amidst the din. Sometimes moi may have nightmares but that is about it. This comes on like once in every three trimesters of a pregnancy cycle.

I may have trouble sleeping and only sleep later. But once I SLEEP, I SLEEP.

And there wasn't just one Leela now. THERE ARE THIS WHOLE BUNCH OF EVIL-LOOKING VOODOO women (nah, I am just exaggerating, they were friendly, smiley faces and they looked harmless - I think)

Wait. Am I beginning to sound like George Bush and his Evil Axis Of Power thingy where he just go on and on and on. So ok, she nicked my sneakers and that was because I did something else to her, but we have called it quits now. WE ARE EVEN!

If I were really afraid, would moi still be staying there? Eat and drink from their mugs and plates? Even so far as eating their food?

Anyway Andrew, call me if you can ! I still wanna move when the time comes. (I dont wanna sound like the cartoon character Penelope whom you remember in one of my early blogs - and yes I have watched "The Pink Panther" and "Captain Caveman" too).

Finger-Licking Good, The KFC Way
If Leela and Doray thought moi was one prissy, prim and proper prince brought up in pristine conditions like that Bollywood actress who is now being racially taunted on Big Brother's Celebrities' Show, they were FATALLY MISTAKEN.

When we were young, we did eat with our fingers, clasping them together to scoop up rice and dishes. That was EXACTLY what I did when Doray invited moi for lunch yesterday.

I ate with relish. The curry, umpulan and all was nice and I had thosai for breakfast. I thought dinner looked spicier and more delicious but as I do not like the habit of eating a heavy meal late and then sleeping, I had to pass on that.

By the way, couldn't KFC and Pizza Hut have just ONE HOTLINE for their delivery and serve each other's menus in their respective restaurants? After all, they ARE ONE NOW, aren't they? I wanna eat potato wedges and KFC doesn't serve them.

See, I WIN AGAIN! YOU LOSE, Big Brother!

Some Cute Dudes - You Know Who You Are
And this time, I mingled with the clan and got to know the younger set's names. There were Govind, Deevan (both sons of Veera), Kumar (the only child and son of Mareela), Umbra, Tamil and Putu (whom I oredi know earlier) - the latter three being brothers and they are sons of Siva.

Can A Single PR Join Forces With A Single Singapore Citizen (Bothe Unrelated)? No, It Seems
When I met Andrew and he is a PR, the question came up - could he and another Singapore Citizen (unrelated) join hands and mop up a flat in the secondary market under the Joint Singles Scheme? Seemingly, no.

But when I thought about it, this makes sense and it is right. Andrew has to decide if he wants to become a Singapore citizen.

At Least Women Have SomeThing, We Have Nothing
Of course the heteros (bis maybe, wateva) have it better. At least the women are protected under the Women's Charter in case of a divorce, abuse or death while gays do not have domestic partnership arrangements, let alone gay marriage laws.

And yes, moi is bequesting nothing to the State, not even his siblings, but only to his beau and "adopted son".

Andrew has it quite good here. He is now made a director of a trading firm (albeit a minority shareholder as Andrew tells me), owns 1152 sqft of living space which is nicely done up and drives two vehicles (one company sponsored and the other privately owned).

He should embrace citizenship here, I thought.

Why This Is Well-Designed
If you really must know why Andrew's place is SUPERBLY WELL-THOUGHT OUT AND DESIGNED, here are just some details.

Doray's kitchen has another design flaw. The cooker hob is right opposite the window and when the clan cooks (usually Leela, Siva and Putu), the windows must be shut tight. Imagine the fumes, oil, spices and not to mention the heat!

Now Andrew has an open-air drying space for the laundry, a washing area where the washer is, a bright airy kitchenette (where all fumes and oil will dissipate) and balconies galore. It has a second entrance/exit other than the main entrance/exit.

The room if moi takes it up (and if Andrew wants to let out to moi) is almost like a maid's because it is sparsely decorated and almost sited at the back of the house (but it is spacy and better ventilated of course) and it has its own bath and that second entrance/exit.

Well, we will see.

Minorities' Interests - Just As Important And Needs Protecting
Keith is straight (maybe bi, who knows and I am sure he won't admit it). He asks me if I was gay as he was curious (well, like I was when I decided to move into Doray's and hey look, I have lived with two women before - Auntie Chan Moi and Leela - AND I AM NOT LIVING WITH ANY MORE WOMEN).

I told him I am equally curious about his world. It goes both ways. We are a minority but I am just as curious about his sexual practices and habits.

Now that I live at Doray's, I am a minority. Like Leela told me, I am that Chinese man living in their flat.

How does it feel? Don't we feel hemmed in and discriminated against. Certainly we do at times. That is why we need protection.


Saturday, January 20, 2007

How I Spent My Saturday Night

A Look-Out Tower
Hey have I mentioned where I am holed up now it is actually a look-out point? A look-out point that looks out to a school, that is, and to people going to school. Lots and lots of people. Cute people. Sexy people. I could just stand and stare and ogle for hours.

What goes on in the laboratory! What goes on during PE! Who passes through the school corridors! JC dudes heading for buses right behind me block! Almost everything!

Now all I have to wait for is just someone waiting for moi below the void deck and POW WOW! I stalk and pounce on my prey.

This of course excludes Doray and the China dude hanging out here!

Kam Mali Chan, You Die (3rd Time)
She was at it again! The EVIL VOODOO WOMAN! She stepped into the bath right before moi could and I just got home. In fact, she mops up the floor when I was home Thursday morning, wetting the whole place yet again. YOU ARE EVIL, ALRIGHT!

Never mind, I have bought a spider pendant and this will counter any EVIL CHARM AND SPELL YOU ARE GONNA CAST!

I notice how the shower gushes water and the shower tray is really wet and filled with water, all the time. In fact my bath towel is always wet as the rusty old towel rack from which I hang my clothes hanger is right behind us bathers! Who the fuck is the designer who did this? He must be executed for stupidity!

Yesterday night, I decided I should stay up late. Reading Lime, 8-Days and Home Sweet Home (Whoa boy! Do I ever).

This was getting really scary! The rack where moi stores moi's shoes actually has dried up dripping red dye, looking like blood. And I saw her with red nail varnish this morning and this HAS TO BELONG TO THE EVIL WOMAN!

This coming right after the arced nick on my brand new Adidas sneakers and when I checked with the store today, they told me precisely the same thing : IT IS THE WORK OF ONE EVIL WOMAN AND IT CAN ONLY BE LEELA, THE GILA! YOU DIE!

Things That Go Bump In The Night
At precisely 1.07am today, there was a realy loud crash. It sounded like someone falling. For a while, my heart went pounding for I thought Leela had fallen. OMG! What if she dies.... (though she deserves it of course)

When I checked, there was no-one and nothing in sight! I found a three-pin wall hook lying on the kitchen floor. And the sound definitely came from the hallway but I knocked on her door al the same.

OMG! What if she had hung herself? I was expecting to see a swaying dead body hanging from the ceiling but no, the DEVIL WOMAN came out, bleary-eyed and in sleep mode. So, she didn't die and she was safe!

We checked and discovered that the hook was holding up the wall clock. It was the wall clock that had crashed down!

I was really frightened for the first time in my life! I decided to turn on my bedroom lights the whole night and requested Leela to do the same with the bathroom lights. I don't think Queen Elizabeth I could actually live with Queen Mary of Scots. I really have to move out....Andrew.....please help me.....Call......please............

Like always, there was a logical explanation for everything. Doray had tinkered with the clock and the whole darn system must have been destabilised which explains the hook dropping off.

The Very Best And Not Too Expensive If You Have A Million Dollars To Spare, That Is
Andrew's walk-up-apartment with full recreational facilities near Yio Chu Kang boasts the best ergonomically-designed features I haven't seen in a very long time! It has very thoughtful lay-outs and very easy to upkeep, being ultra minimalist.

In fact a little too bare. Like the kitchen and the mini-bar fridge.

The only drawbacks are its interior single-stepped floor, there are no elevators, a bit ulu (unlike Bishan which is a self-contained neighborhood) and it is a 99-year leasehold with about 20 years already up.

I had offered to be his house-mate as well as house-maid. There is space for the two of us in that house and if appearances are anything to go by, Andrew seems like an easy-going person. The only thing he won't budge is the rent and that could be due to his accounting background.

Andrew, let up a little. You won't regret this!

A Shopping Spree
I went berserk today or did I. A looped colored earring, a looped belt strap and a choker from 77th Street. A mobile pouch and strap. Brand new bright orange Croc (TM) clogs to replace my 9 month old ones. QuikSilver and Rip Curl Tees (yes met a nice young dude too).

The Braun shaver has to wait. It is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Spit And Spat

This Means An All-Out War - Leela, You Gila, YOU DIE!
For once when Leela is out working the home of Doray's sister, the bathroom is actually dry. Otherwise she would be washing and soaking clothes in tubs, the washer's sewage discharge tube would be connected to the drainhole in the bath and she is always washing something, just before I leave home and just when I come back. So much so the bath is perpetually wet and soapy.

Yes she coughs up phlegm while brushing her teeth in the morning and I am actually sharing the toilet facilities with her and her alone, now with Uncle Bapa gone . The coffee mug she passed moi to drink coffee the other day was hers!

Despite the long and strong flush of the cistern, someone's turds (must be hers) do not always get flushed away. Like mine the other time. Quadruple yucks! Maybe Ngee Ann City's toilets with the suction-type loos would be a better bet.

That explains why anyone could slip and fall in such extra wet and slippery conditions. When I had sole usage of Bulldog's bath, I only use it twice. Once before I go out and a final time when I come home. So it is always dry and safe before use.

I can live with the glazed and sooty floor tiles (mind you, this is actually her job - a housemaid engaged to clean up the whole place) and with the fact that she doesn't empty the filter trap of the washer most of the time but I am very particular with safety concerns. You are dicing with someone else's life. You can have all the fun during school orientation or a birthday bash throwing the birthday boy into the pool. JUST MAKE SURE IT IS SAFE!

Just this morning, I discovered a nick in the corner of my brand-new sneakers. A nicely arced nick. Too nicely arced that it seems to be the work of someone. Now I am the type who takes care and value my material possessions because I have spent money (which isn't easy to come by) buying them and expect them to last me a lifetime if possible. This is an affront.

As it is, my shaver has holes in one of its shaving blade foil and it is nicking me when I shave. I need to replace this and the top-of-the-line Braun set costs $378. I am only using one of the two rotary blades of my old shaver now as a stop-gap measure before deciding what to do.

I tried hanging out my laundry in the balcony on the curtain rod which was supposed to shield the altar table. But the statues of the gods were never put up as Doray's brother died and now even Uncle Bapa has died. Most sit in their plastic wraps stored away in the altar table drawer. So how is it the GODS are present? Leela, once a Hindu, now a Christian, forbids this. Not sure if Doray has the same idea.

But she has stubbornly refused to leave a bamboo pole across the ledges there despite agreeing earlier.

I am not taking this sitting down, rest assured. This calls for fighting fire with fire. It means WAR! Leela, YOU DIE!

I hope Andrew calls. I really wanna move out.

Something's Cooking And It Ain't Thosai
Of course there are all those family and in-laws' problems. Leela told me the clan actually called her up to check on me to see if I am awake. Now what does my waking up or not got to do with them?

She doesn't seem like a maid to me but she insists that is who she is. If you ask me, she is one of them. A trusted person who has privy to all secrets in the family. Nobody leaves their doors open to an outsider like that.

Mercenary Rent Boyz?
They work as a syndicate. Different faces working under the same roof. My second sojourn out there saw the same gang leader (that cute dude with cute buns) but with an entirely different gaggle of people . I bought them dinner this time and left empty-handed, save for some short-lived fun the last occasion.

In case you thought I paid a king's ransom, one was free while I only spent on transport, dinner and tens of dollars on these RENT BOYZ. Who exactly are they and what are their intentions?

Really weird and strange bunch of people. And stop that drama, it ain't cool. It is stupid.

Alan, Again!
Alan, it is all over. I mean I may have that strong feeling for you way back then. But now the feeling is COMPLETELY GONE! I can only speak with you as a friend. And you are busy assiduously tracking your funds all the while we are speaking! So not much of a conversation either right?

Now My EZlink Card Is "Spoilt"
What next? I win a million dollars in the Singapore lottery? I strike it super rich in the property investment market? I meet "Rain" face-to-face at a press conference and we fall in love? I have "Rain" as my beau and adopt a Korean kid? I buy a condo in a posh district? I drive a luxury car?

I was told the "chip" has irretrievably broken down and I need to replace the card. When I swipe the card on the reader machines on the buses, it can't be read.

When I don't have the exact fare in coins, I have to try and change it with some bus commuters (feasible if only the bus is running empty and even then imagine all the indifferent and care-less stares or expressions) or drop in more than the trip's fare.

How inconvenient!

BIG BROTHER! Stop This Ok! I know all these things don't just happen like that. YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN! You control the market. You control everything. From our peeing right down to our eating. Your PEOPLE ARE EVERYWHERE! Stop already ok!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Two Is Company, Three Is A Crowd

Leela, Doray And I
So it has finally come to this. The whole clan has come and gone and will come again! But it is only the three of us........ FOR NOW.

I woke up Monday morning, staggered to the bathroom, trotted back to my bedroom and what do you know, I almost slipped and fell. I was wearing my clogs and this has never happened before, I mean, while wearing my clogs, that is. So I thought there must be cooking oil or prayer oil somewhere, what with the weekend's festivities and a home memorial dedicated to Uncle Bapa and all.

I called Doray to tell him we need to talk and settle some domestic issues Leela has been troubling me with lately and we did. Like the way she wants me to wash a full load (but I can't keep the undies for too long), latch and bolt the entrance door or take off my clogs while bathing.

But I am not too sure how Leela is taking it.

This morning she sat sullenly by herself watching television in the hallway. It was only yesterday evening that we were sharing some of her woes and my woes and chatting away merrily.

It doesn't help that I can speak only some English with her and this has led to countless uncommunication, besides gesticulation and sign language. And Doray is her boss after all and can do a better job translating into Tamil for her.

It would be like having a China or Vietnam wife. A duck and a chicken like the Cantonese would say.

It turns out that Leela has washed the floor rug in the washer (gasp....choke) and that explains the extra wet and slippery surface. I would normally stamp my clogs a few times on the rug before walking off.

I must confess to be especially phobic now ever since my fall. And yes people, I think floor rugs should be hand-washed or thrown away once really really dirty. And do buy those strong, sturdy sort that can stay stuck to the floor or you will live or die the meaning of "have the rug pulled right out from under your feet".

Leela has recounted to me how she now has to work Doray's two sisters' homes as well. I thought she should return to her agent and look for another job, now that Uncle Bapa has passed on. It would be easier working only one family and staying there as well.

I discovered that Doray is the youngest child in the family. He looks to me like I was. I notice how Siva, his eldest sister, does has some hold on him. But I hope he can stand his ground and make his own decisions. I told Doray I will settle with Leela on most occasions whenever our linguistic connection permits. Unless she surfaces new issues, I will just keep mum.

Leela certainly has it quite good working for Doray, I felt. She doesn't exactly keep the whole place spick and spank, given the kinda time she has on her hands. She can lounge in the hallway watching TV, a luxury I don't even have and I am paying. She now sleeps on what used to be Uncle Bapa's bed in his bedroom.

So I thought I should move to Andrew's place. I thought I spotted a glint of murder in her eyes this morning..........

There can only be ONE QUEEN in the house. If there are two, one has to be the Wicked Queen while the other becomes Sleeping Beauty......

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Am Getting Madder By The Minute

Muiz, You MotherFucker, Don't Smirk On The Chat Channel
Your exact words were that you were looking for people who are not afraid to show public affection and with matured thinking. FUCK YOU MUIZ!

If you were matured enough, you wouldn't in my moment of downtime, request for TORTURE SEX. You immature brat! And you haven't explained why you did what you did! If you can't make it for our special time, say so. And if you have something rush-rush, say so! And we did reserve this in advance. So why did you ask moi to turn straight that very day and now you go on the NET to look for people

Unless I am not your type, then say so and we are finished with it.

You will never find what you want and if you do, it won't last. And if you turn straight, you would have the exact same problems. YOU WILL FUCKING DIE MUIZ! You will!

I Can't Be Controlled And Stultified, Get This!
I have enough unreasonable domination over moi. I feel small, controlled and stifled when I can't have control over my life, my love and my work. Especially my living space and my own lifestyle. I just want money for my own independence and to be self-reliant. No handouts. Not from the state, not from my beau, not from my siblings, not even from my "son".

Investment is the way to go. I can work for years on a peanut salary and never be rich enough . I reckon if property prices are going the way they are going, my investment should fetch a price of between $1200 to $1500 per sqft , reaching a peak of perhaps $1800.

It is just simple, I can't make it here, I leave. I can't make it abroad, I will tear up all my money and just die. It is that simple. No need to drag on like this. THIS IS ONE UTTER STUPID WORLD! Fucking stupid! The paper money means NOTHING TO ME! Get this right! Only because we have made it the medium for exchange that we need it!

I really wanna get out of blogging and always having so much time on my hands alone to think out issues like this.
FUCK YOU ONCE AGAIN! You mean you are GOD again? Maybe there are spirits about but that is it.

More Maddening Moments
I took one look at the delicious bed like I did the hotel's and I just felt like wallowing in it. A good clean queen size bed. I have been dead tired since Saturday and as I said, I would love to sleep in the whole day.

I advised Andrew that only if he really needs the money, then should he lease out his spare room (which now doubles up as a store). Otherwise from my experience it is not worth the trouble.

I have had enough of bad tenants. If they wanna move out of their own accord, so goes their deposit. And they can afford it. It doesn't help with agents serving as middlemen. They are pure useless junk if you ask me.

If you wanna begrude moi my only retreat, haven and living space, then begrudge the rich foreign students who have the whole place to themselves. Students who have not earned their keep or He-Ape's son who has every material wealth he wants - from the fashion he wears to the BMW he owns.

And we are talking about big roomy condominium apartments that their rich parents have bought them or helped lease for them. Think about that.

And we all know why many foreigners are being sworn in as PRs here in Singapore. Some hail from colleges which is equivalent to a diploma certification, if educational credentials and income are the only qualifying criteria we look at. I am sure many of us can do the job, if not better, with only an A level qualification.

If they worry about job-hopping, I guess the foreign nurses are no better right? Didn't they use us as a stepping stone to gain entry to better-paying jobs in the States?

I warned Andrew that lessees are not like us. They will just use whatever is available without qualms and without asking for permission and get away by not paying for it. We would be the prisoners in our own homes while they actually roam our whole place free, with their friends and visitors.

Enough Is Enough
Auntie Chan Moi and even the Auntie at the coffee-shop chides moi for thinking too much. Not that I want to. But this is the point how things have gotten to here. Really complicated and really stupid.

Like after I faxed over my bank statement and the contactless cashcard's history of transactions and the Bishan library has done the same (remember she got hold of my cashcard and printed out a transaction list and confirmed that two deductions have been made), they now want moi to go to their HQ and hand over the cashcard for them to process the investigation. ?????

And I am getting forgetful at the places I am holing up at. First because with clutter everywhere, you tend to misplace things. You are also more disoriented with unfamiliar grounds and with many people in the house, it becomes worse.

If I had wanted more culturally diverse families, I suppose I could go knocking on Doray's neighbors' doors. He has a Sikh and a Muslim for neighbors.

But seriously, I think enough is enough! I just wanna live with people I wanna live with.

Really Stupid Gays/Wimps/Bis/Whatever
I mean I have met enough of them. In cahoots with the galls. Just GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY LIFE!

How I Am A New Generation Oldie - You Mean You Play God Again?
I listen to ALL the new pop songs, enjoy "Singapore Idol" and rave at cute, young, hunky, male celebrities like "Rain". I will dress like I want to, eat like I want to and spend like what I want to!You got a problem with that?

Does that mean that because I am an oldie (that is what you think) I must stick strictly to my own age-group circle of people? That you decide who I love, what age and what gender? What nationality and social status even?

Why aren't the bikini-string female sunbathers picked on at the pool decks? What happened to equality of the gender? Has it gone further awry?

Again, fuck you!

The Only Things I Can Believe In
I don't need to justify anything. In fact ALL MEN ARE BORN EQUAL. Unless of course you have some serious mental or physical handicaps.

It is just the system and the opportunities (read: the UNHOLY TRINITY + a couple of other things who THINK THEY ARE GODS AND SO DECIDE ON PEOPLE'S FATES) that screw things up.

All I can believe in right now is just a home for myself, my beau, my "adopted son" (optional as I seriously must ponder putting him through all THE ALIEN SHIT I went through myself), a suitable teaching job and money for myself (for retirement, old age, young age, health concerns, whatever).


This Is The World We Live In And Created For Ourselves

Singapore Boy, You Make Me Hornier Each Day!
Yes, yes. It is TIME for a makeover and a rethink. But the icon should largely remain intact save for a few changes here and a few changes there.

Like a bright-orange short kebaya (to the knees I reckon) worn with a slit at the side and a lower, bustier cleavage-revealing neckline, a brown-tinted bob-cut instead of a coiffered bun, a change of color for the lips, eyes and face and standardised fashion accessories like a choker with a merlion pendant, bracelets and rings.

Maybe even strapped, open-toed, high-heels if it is practical enough.

What about the male flight attendants? Shouldn't we think up something for them too? Isn't it high time that they be part of an icon, maybe even the NEXT Singapore Boy Mascot for SIA?

You Haven't Laid In On The Heart Of The Real Problem
No, no, no. It isn't about education. It isn't about money. It is not even about color or nationalism . It is about personality. It is about communication and in the English language. It is about similar value system. It is all about character, attitude, thinking, reasoning, personal habits and a good heart.

Ok ok ok. If he is cute and young and has sexy buns like the Rentz Boyz, it helps! But after that, it boils down to character, thinking and a heart.

Above all, he is a REAL TALENT!

I Mean There Are Quiet Days I Much Prefer To Rest And Be Alone And Days I Wanna Be Raunchy And Days Loud And Celebratory And They May Not Necessarily Be Days We Both Want Them To Be On, Geddit?
I would love to sit down to a makan with Doray and his clan. But like yesterday I would much prefer to sleep as I was dead tired.

And yes, my newly-washed clothes are still damp not only because of the wet weather but also because the laundry-hanging site has no wind or sun. And they reek of the oil and spices that Leela and Doray's clan have been cooking their food in the past few days. If the site is inside the kitchen, what do you expect.

Housing authority, this is a FATAL design flaw of old. You must do something about it like what you have done for hanging up the air-conditioners and the air-conditioning condensers.You have actually built ledges for them, outside the house, emitting heat and sound and drying the laundry at the same time.

And today they have "prayers", 8 days in all , I was told for Uncle Bapa. And it is the Tamil New Year. And also the one-year death anniversary of Doray's older brother. How do I reconcile all these? And I thought Deepavali was the Tamil New Year?

Now if it was a celebration, I would have gladly participated. But prayers....? God, think of the smoke, chants and the rituals. I will pass, thank you very much.

Memories Did Not Light Up The Corner Of My Eyes
Renting a place has brought back memories of some of my past really short term tenants. Like the Filipino dude who used my wok without even asking, has his girl friend come over and they cook together, fuming the whole kitchen and dirtying it.

His whole ding-dong gang even came over and monopolised the sitting area. As the owner of my house, I got confined to my room instead.

Or what about the Singaporean who has his girlfriend over to watch TV in my living room. And I had to lease out to "straights" because there werent avenues then for renting out to gays. Not that I am saying that this is a good idea either, seeing how some gaylords turn out from my current experience or the one or two gay dudes I rented the place to.

Seriously wicked and vindictive! I avoid the Unholy Trinity at all cost if I can!

It is enough of a heterosexual world without us being cul-de-saced into a tight corner and hole.

How You Screwed Up Lives BIG TIME
The Aids-scare was at first targetted at homosexuals. Then it ran the ground over to the heterosexual community. If it was to turn men away from other men, you have done a very good job. Too good a job in fact.

You have targetted at a specific group and has thus condemned them to eternal damnation. Even worse, you espoused blood-to-blood and semen-to-blood as a likely tranmission route for the HIV. It seems that oral sex was a safer option and sodomy wasn't. You screwed lives BIG TIME, man, for those who have followed the line a little too seriously.

However directing the effort at a whole community and emphasizing faithfulness and monogamity would have been a wiser choice.

Water, Water, Water Everywhere, Every Precious Drop Counts
Your save-water campaign must have led to really bad hygiene conditions and many, many, many arguments and unhappiness on many homefronts. There are families who, to save on their water bills (partly also because we were really dependent on one source of water back then), do not flush after every use. Or they wash their laundry after a certain optimal load.

This is still apparent among Third Worlders and the older generation (Leela for both instances and this is a BIG PART OF ALL MY REASONS why I said what I said in yesterday's blog - I shun older people)

You Can't Touch This
The Straits Times' Saturday edition on "Housing Singles" ran an article in precisely the same vein. Two 70 year old tenants living in the same flat for donkey years have frequently argued over one not flushing the toilet after use in order to conserve water.

The slew of restrictions on singles owning homes have also screwed up enough lives.

I think for me, both the authority and the community have screwed up my life. The former with its draconian restrictions and the latter who must be GREEN WITH ENVY at moi and has thus put moi in my present predicament.

Fuck you both! I aint as VINDICTIVE AS YOU GUYS/GALLS/WIMPS are!

If I wanna be greener, I would have pointed to Doray who now owns 122 sqm of space on his own after his divorce or Bulldog (either he divorced or he bought with his kith and kin) or even Sissy Gall (otherwise known as Tim/Sydney/Sidney) who is still molly-coddled hiding behind the skirts of his mother.

I begin to understand what these people are up to. Perhaps they really marry just so to get a flat? You settle with the authority, not me. Come election time, you didn't vote with your heart and mind, did you?

What about the countless singles still holed up with their families, either by choice or circumstance. With their mothers or maids cleaning up after them. I COULD BE GREENEST but even if I can afford it, I won't pay for a maid. I can do the job better and I can live with dirt for some time. You can't keep up with dirt, can you?

I Speak For All - Regardless
I qualify to buy a flat and I am not in any education system anymore.

So why should I still insist on lowering the age barrier for single flat buyers or on revamping the education system? I don't benefit either way.

It is like I said I have even scanter respect for educators, old or even new-timers, who should have known better with the repercussions of EM3 streaming and should have vocalised EVEN LOUDER and REVOLT EVEN to get rid of it.

But did you?

I AM NOT LIKE YOU! I speak for the benefit of all though I am out of the system.

So why do you have to put me through ALL THESE SHIT just so to make you feel better. I suffer like you do. I didn't have a TERRIBLY GOOD TIME myself. In fact I had a harder time than most.

You have put the wrong person ON TRIAL HERE!



Read my lips again : WIMPS, BLIMPS AND BIMBS + a couple of others.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Saturday Siesta If Only I Could

They Are Watching Moi
If you thought I had been born in 1819, the year Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles landed on our shores and so goes the folklore, founded Singapore, you are not only terribly mistaken, you are outta yer rockers and yes your fly is showing too.

I knew from the outset, there ARE people reading my blogs. People from all walks of life. People with the government. Maybe even the government itself. In a nutshell, BIG BROTHER is watching you.

It is no coincidence I sometimes intuitively feel that events and people just do not turn up the way they do. From the very buyer who bought over me place, who with a surname like that and a company he works for credited in a way like that, it is just too COINCIDENTAL to be true.

Even the people I am holed up with just can't be people who coincidentally wanna let out their places. More so if they are linked in some ways with the establishment. Like Doray for instance.

So would I write blogs about overthrowing the party, critiques on policies and personalities, personal troubles and even about the severe shortcomings of the education system without knowing full well who my audience is and the fact that I have every intention of joining the education service one day?

Would I enumerate things I think educators should be doing and not be prepared to do the same myself should I ever be called on to join their ranks?

Think about this, people.

I Am Beginning To Listen And Learn About Other Families' Familial Troubles
I am so taken up with Siva, Doray's eldest sister, I chatted her up this morning....again. Like every family, they have their own set of familial troubles. Troubles, big and small. Women troubles.

In fact it is no coincidence I chose to move from family to family, seeking out not only the different physical environment each time but also the rich familial experiences of each. Maybe just a little too rich at times.

The more diverse, the better. From a Buddhistic to a Hinduistic familial background. Really neat! As I mentioned I would love to live in the East, maybe even the West.

I Am A New Generation Oldie (If I Am That Old)
I am simply terrified when oldies are around. You know, those old men with their old ways. There is this perceived generation gap and it is usually true.

But if the young thought the same about moi, well, YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG! Just look at the way I dress. Ain't it hip and happening? What about the way moi writes?

What do you think?

I Hatched A Plot To OverThrow The Queen
Ok. Just to follow up on my GOLD-DIGGING ways and the REAL REASON why I am still at Doray's.

As I told myself, with Uncle Bapa gone and the house all in Doray's name, I just have to lay my hands on it, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. I will start first by having Leela, The Gila, removed from the residence. Then Doray will HAVE ONLY MOI in the house.


Muahahahahahahaha. Resident EVILLLLLLLL..........

You Are Coming? In Your Bed? Hey...And I Am Waiting.....In My Underwear
Did Rain just had albums "I Am Coming" and "In My Bed" all in one breath.....?

Friday, January 12, 2007

I Am Healed - If For Only A Brief Moment

I Need More Healing
Like what I have been having lately.

More Confessions From An UnHoly Ghost
Ok ok. So I made other mistakes. A "meatball" rolled right out of moi as I tried to put it into my mouth. Or I stumbled on a step and held on tight to someone, really really tight. Or I "inadvertently" brushed against someone and it wasn't his toe I groped. And I couldn't help sniffing the rent boyz' stuff, I mean he was so sexy. Hiro would have been ravaged right in his own room and he would have history turned on its head by being the first comfort man!

But wait, some PR who worked here 7 years and didn't pay his rightful "dues", now drives a company-sponsored vehicle (I wonder why, given the nature of his job) and lives in a 1152 sq ft 2-bedroom walk-up apartment on his own.

And you wanna deny moi my 82 sqm living space?

Fuck You!

My Heart Aches For You
By now you would already have guessed that I am no "Holy Ghost". I never was and never claimed to be. So it was with much secrecy and intrigue that I hailed a cab to pick "him" up. It was raininng heavily. To throw off suspicion, I pretended I was someone else. In fact after the "ordeal", my heart pounded when I heard someone outside my door. I thought they were on my trail.

I spoke a few words with "him" within earshot of the cabby, words intended to shake off even more suspicion and throughout the journey I largely chose to ignore "him". But from the corner of my eyes, I could see how "yummy" and "cute" "he" was.

Once we checked in, I threw all caution to the wind and unleashed my true self.

A King's Palatial Dwelling (Albeit A Crammed And Small One)
It was certainly much better than most rooms and homes I have been putting up at. It had nice, warm, white, clean sheets, paraquet floors, piped-in air-conditioning, sparkling clean shower and heater. Now I know where Bulldog got his bathroom inspiration from.

Most of all, it had a TV. I would have stayed the night but as things were, I didn't.

For the first time in a long while, I caught an hour of television. The news and a documentary. I gobbled up the free instant noodles, brewed a cuppa hot instant coffee and had a nice hot bath in a really nice bathroom.

Then it was out into the pouring rain where I headed "home".

An Eponynmous Road - Who Or What Is It? He/She/It Must Be Turning In His/Her/Its Grave If He/She/It Realised What Has Happened To The Road Named After Him/Her/It
This is second only to Geylang. Maybe even River Valley hasn't beaten its famed reputation for sleaze and sex. All the pubs that dot its road had foreign women rigging bare-backed, low-cut and breastly-revealing clothes.

And they wanna clamp down on men swimming nude in the sea and sun bathing skimpily at the pool deck?

Will This Help?
Perhaps shower facilities, adequate shower facilities, time and enough time to hit the showers would help relieve "teachers" of the sight and smell of soiled kids. But please, leave the school "playing" field alone. It is strictly for "playing". Geddit?

And you will be surprised how "teachers" are still bearing down on long hair in schools among the boys. And we thought we were "enlightened"?

Oh, Just Get On With It....
Of course I have my fair share of riding with rude and bad cabbies. Somehow I have less of that problem nowadays probably because I have hit it off on the right note with them by first identifying a "common nemesis" early on in our conversation.

Like this one who asked if I had queued up for his cab. I mean I was there first, then a whole retinue of people came over and started their own queue a short distance away from moi. The fact is, there wasn't any sign where the taxi stand is or where a queue should begin or end.

But the fact remains that when Ruddy Cabby came along, nobody protested to me boarding it. They knew I was first in line. So what is your BIG PROBLEM Ruddy Cabby?

Social Conditioning, Reflexes, Just Plain Blissful Ignorance And Brief Tolerance
Sometimes I wonder if WE have ourselves to blame for all the social divisions among us. I mean I am positively sure in a country where it does not ban smoking in public places, you would probably see both smokers and non-smokers sharing space together, each oblivious to one another, smoking or not.

But because the media plays up the dangers of passive smoking, people read about it and there is a law against smoking, all this "social conditioning" has led to people whinging, fanning smoke away from their faces, moving away and so on.

I would have a whole litany of complaints myself if I had not tolerated more and just plain ignore many stuff if it doesn't bother me too much. Like the joss burning at Auntie Chan Moi's place or her neighbor's.

Even Doray's place now has a distinct incense smell. But it is just a brief moment and once I get into my room and since I have hung the really fragrant air-freshener, I am perfectly alright.

These Are Some Of Our Thinkers
It is amazing how cabbies, uncle or otherwise, have the most profound analyses and insider sometimes.

Like one Uncle Cabby yesterday thought how we would perhaps have been more happily prosperous if we had been not such a control freak with regard to the economy and allowed "truly free and private enterprises" to reign as long as they do not trammel on human dignity, rights or overly profit greedy.

He also enumerated some of our successes and I wholly agree with him. Like what we have done right on our water policy and so on. It is just those other pressing wrongs that we need to redress. As I told Veera, if it needs a 360 degree turn-around and RIGHT NOW to set things right, SO BE IT.

Or the other Uncle Cabby who speculated on where the head honcho of our telecommunications giant is going.

Really amazing!

Maybe if you are right at the top, you have failed to see some, if not many, things. For instance, if I asked a shop assistant where else I could purchase a certain item, she/he may not necessarily know. A fellow ardent shopper probably knows more.

So we all make mistakes. I have had my share too. I didn't show my tattoo at a man's club so I didn't get $5 off on one of their special event day.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Be A Man - Take It All Off

HalfWay House
I sense there are many runaway kids, gay male kids that is. If I got my new place, it may just be a haven for them.

Rain means "Bi" In Korean
RAIN seems like a SMAsh! Since I can't afford his really expensive concert ticket and the good dress circle or front seats are probably sold out by now, I will have to stick to watching him on MTV and hopefully win a place to attend and ogle him at his press conference!

At least this is a consolation in my already drappy life!

A Big Codswalloppy Brouhaha
Now what the hell is the big deal with skinny dipping in the South China Sea off the East Coast beach? For that matter, what is the bigger deal with tanning at the swimming pool deck in a thongy bikini swim trunk with the butts exposed?

If anyone finds it to be in bad taste, just turn the other way.

If I had my way, I would have a part of our beach reserved for nude tanning like what they have in Sydney. Maybe even the swimming pools. And yes, it is only for the GUYS!

Hunky Night
It was body, body, body and more body! It is a Wednesday night and we all know what night that is!

I have never snuck in at such a late hour and was pleasantly surprised by all the good-looking hunks, beautiful cocks and steamy sex going all around.

WOW! If I had to die today, this would be my funeral pyre!!

Looks Like Our Schools Are At It Again, YOU PURE BIMBS AND WIMPS!
Looks like they are gonna astro-turf the school playing field. This coming right after "teachers" disgust at the thought of their sweaty, smelly and dirtied charges trudging their bodies into the classroom, stinking up the whole place.

If it is the boys, well, I am ALL FOR IT!!!!!

I do agree that around the housing estates, we do have utterly wasteful and useless plots of grass lawns (not the huge plots set aside for some land sale , not even the ones that has trees or shrubberies planted on them). Just plain empty, desolated and unintentful plots which see swarms of foreign grass cutters spending tax money mowing.

And I can't agree more how the soil and sand do get washed out to the pavements after the rain and we have to tip-toe and side step the puddles so as not to dirty our squeaky clean shoes while dressed up to the nines.

But this IS the school playing field. A field we get muddied, dirtied and smelly playing soccer or hockey. A field we had fun kicking someone in his groin or pulling off his shorts. A field if MOE allowed boys will just be boys. Having sex!

A field just ain't no regular playing field anymore once it is astro-turfed.


Veera, You Didn't Get This Right
No! Marriage is never on my mind. If I have to live life alone, so be it. No beau, no kid, so be it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Choices In Life

I know there are three choices laid out for me ahead:

Choice No 1: I get a beau

Choic No 2: I get a son

Choice No 3: I get both Choice No 1 And Choice No 2

Choice No 1 may not seem like a very likely option. My age is catching up and I am not exactly in that gene pool for the elixir of youth.

So Choice No 2 looks more likely. With a son to devote my life to, I can certainly ignore Choice No 1.

Of course Choice No 3 would be the most ideal.

But what can I do but only hope for the best

I Am Beginning To Learn A Bit More About The Doray's Clan

The past two days, I have been sleeping and wasn't very sure how I should react in the presence of the swarm of Doray's kith and kin.

Of course I had been saying "hello" and smiling and so on but nothing very much or deep. Today, I told myself I had to do something about it and get to know the clan.

My interest was piqued yesterday when Doray's brother-in-law told me the ashes would be strewn somewhere in the sea off Changi today. Only the boys get to do this while the womenfolk stay home.

It does strike one that the Indians seem to be a "male-dominated" society. I mean I have seen this when Leela (but perhaps because she is a housemaid?) cooks for Doray and warms up the heater for Doray to return home from work to bath. And their family heirs are almost all males. That means Uncle Bapa has predominantly grandsons.

I got to know who is who today and learnt a few "secrets" along the way. Not everyone gets along and this is only to be expected in a big multi-generational family like this.

The strewing of the ashes forms part of the Hindu funeral ritual and I was thinking this sounds a lot like what they do in India at the Ganges River.

I chatted with Veera, Doray's widowed sister-in-law (whose husband is Doray's elder brother). She works for the civil service and we hit it off quite well, I must say.

The "jamboree" would go on for another 16 days and it will be one year later before the "jamboree" starts again.

Uncle Bapa must be really happy to see his whole clan united as one BIG FAMILY like this!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Darren Ho (Of "August Man" Fame) , You Are My Hero! Apart From That Huggy Korean Boyz Or The Rent Boyz
As it is, I was already feeling sick, despondent, tired, fed-up, pent-up, aimless, nothingness, etc, etc, the whole works.

I am tired of moving house ever so often and dealing with all the bimbs and wimps. I am tired of waiting for what may or may not even come my way. I am tired of not being able to get a suitable teaching job. I am tired of the gays I meet who I know I am only bedding for sex and nothing more. I am tired of hearing grumbles and the same old news over and over again. I am tired of meeting the people whom I know I shouldn't be meeting.

In a word, I am just DEAD TIRED. When I think of Leela, The Gila, The Voodoo, Moodoo, Woodoo, it didn't help bring on a smile either.And I was miming to her all this time. Like on Saturday night. She asked if I was married so I placed two fingers together, slapped, punched and hit and separated my fingers again, meaning to tell her how fruitless it would be for me to get together with a GALL (that is how much I HATE GALLS). But she took it that I divorced and has a son. *WHAT IDIOCY, LEELA THE VOODOO MOODOO KOODOO GILA!

Even news of an impending suit against the NKF didn't cheer me up. I thought it was just some play-acting and we all know the actors and actresses are good friends. And we all have been had all this while. So enough already.

We are sick and tired of watching your antics, for FUCKING GOD's sake. Maybe for a change, we should be the actors and actresses. You watch us. See how you feel.

You live among the foreigners. You open up your houses to them, let them live in them and you go entertain them. You rub shoulders with them in the public places and you go kiss their arses. We have had enough!

So today, as I was pacing up and down the library, when my original plans ran askew because of the wet weather, I WAS BORED AND UTTERLY despondent. What else is new? MOE hires bimbos and wimps?

I would love to stay home in this wet weather, read, fix myself a meal, relax, watch TV, listen to music and surf the NET. Regular stuff ALL PEOPLE DO in their homes. And I don't spend so much money this way too.

When it is absolutely necessary and vital, I venture out to be among HUMANITY! But THIS HAPPENS NOT TO BE ME HOME!

I am not among people I wanna be with. My beau, my adopted son and so on.

The only piece of good news I got that cheered me just a little was: CALIFORNIA FITNESS IS GIVING OUT THIS FREE CALI-BEAR! I thought about how lonely I was on me bed. How I missed out on the Korean boy's smooch and how perhaps a fluffy furry toy bear could ease me OUT OF MY DESPONDENCY A LITTLE - just a little!

Then I picked up a copy of the January issue of "August Man". And there he was again! His half face curled up in a terrible, terrible frown. As usual, he wrote with spit and fire. I wished he was more caustic, more toxic, EVEN MORE VOLCANO ERUPTION-like. I told myself I must know this guy! But how?

He was just like this other guy I knew at the cybercafe. He was an angry young man and I have seen him spit out all his frustrations and anger in ONE SWIFT MOMENT. I had wanted to walk up to him and talk to him. But I didn't get the chance and I don't see him around anymore!

They were quite like the RENT BOYZ moi met up with. Just as angry. But I am not sure why.

Doray's sister who was conversing outside my door in Tamil sounded angry too. There were "bastards...bitches..." interspersed in her voice.

The only consolation to an angry person is another angry person. WE ANGRY TOGETHER! Or we get a comedian or a lovey-dovey like the KOREAN BOYZ or that cute Catholic High boyz with big eyes whom I would love for a "son" and we get cured!



Monday, January 08, 2007

You Have A Special Place In My Heart Here, Uncle Bapa

Uncle Bapa Is Dead
I have only been here one week. That kindly, friendly and smiley face is no more. On Saturday night, he was coughing as I spoke with Leela, the Gila, the Voodoo, Moodoo, Woodoo (and get this, she is Christian, the exact same kinda Christian I was born into and she reads a red Tamil Bible and holds a glow-in-the-dark rosary. Ok, ok, maybe she isnt Voodoo, I am not sure)

The next morning Doray's sister visits and before I thought I could chat with Uncle Bapa a while like I always do, he was whizzed off to the hospital as he has an attack of asthma. He had been on medication since last Tuesday I was told.

Monday morning Doray rang me to say Uncle Bapa is dead while I was having a bout of nightmare (I can't really remember but I know it was bad and I actually stomped against the wall like I was stamping on some BADDIE, what Christians would put down as a spiritual warfare?)

I rushed out of my bedroom and Leela was in the kitchen and she confirmed this.

The whole clan came over in the morning and some women were raising their voices as they argued over some funeral rituals or something, as I understand it.

After I verbalised my condolences to Doray and walked out of the house and while on the bus, I found myself tearing a little. This death reminded me of my own father.

But Uncle Bapa had it better. He was still mobile and had no tubes stuck into him like my dad was. He was still alert and could speak. And Uncle Bapa was in better shape too. My dad was emaciated, frail, ghostly white and wafer-thin.

I didn't wanna stay on as I thought it would be a private family affair. In any case I won't know what to say or how to react and don't know anyone there except Doray and Leela and it would be according to their Hindu funeral rites.

Whatever it is, I am sure Uncle Bapa will have it better wherever he is now. No more suffering.

To Each, His Own Way Of Grieving
I suppose we all have different ways of grieving. For me it is prolly writing about it. Not necessarily a lock of hair or an urn of ashes or a photograph.

It could be in your heart or in your mind or in another way.

Community Ties
I read today's papers and I understand that we are building community ties and not the ties seen to be PAP tied like the RCs, etc.

Well I am all for community ties. But my "family nucleus" will not be the conventional one. It is one of those changing facets of what used to be a traditional family unit. The one that a journalist had written about, only this is even more radical and more revolutionary in nature.

If the community can accept that, well, hey I wanna take my beau and adopted son along to all community events.

Can you ACCEPT THAT AND STOMACH THAT? Or are you gonna force us all into isolation and death just so we HAVE TO BE LIKE YOU?

The Biggies In Our Society
Religion, the all-encompassing State (which includes education and about everything else), businesses and the media.

They wield considerable influences and can transform thinking and shape minds.

So we have to be aware of what they are spouting or groups of us will die under their hands

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Let The Healing Begin

My Alarm Bells Still Ring True
Blimps, bimbs and wimps. Now add foreigners, businesspeople and the state . That explains why I dont move around the "wimp" (gays, bis, wateva) circle very much. I am gay and I know the very tough times I went through. I know what gays are capable of. Even when they disguise this in the form of marriage. They still have traces left. Those really bad stuff. Evil stuff.

I met a couple of "rent bois" recently. I cant tell you how stupid they acted and how mercenary. I can't even be sure they are not foreigners. They look it, to me at least.

And women, like the wimps, are capable of greater deceit I feel. And some of the really old because of "experience" and thus baggages can be bad.

Well I dont wanna generalise but my past spats have been with these groups of people. I think we just keep our eyes peeled and be extra wary when we are confronted with the aforementioned group.

I think the face tells all. It is written all over it!

Not Changing With The Times
Save for one or two designs, the Rolex timepiece, in my opinion, hasn't seen much re-design. That would, in part, explain why it hasn't really caught on with the younger set and it is still that old towkay who would buy one. Contrast this with the fashionable, sophisticated and modern designs by Guess, Bulgari, Audemars Piguet and even Rado that have kept up with the times.

Let Us Not Be So Blinkered To Think That Living In A Community And An "Education" Maketh a Man
All the while when I lived independently, I found my true self. I didn't have to pretend and go along with most people. I find myself free from stymied thinking and the many, many, many prejudices imposed by society.

Now that I am not, I find myself drawn into all kinds of unreasonable thinking imposed by others. It seems like I have caught terrible fatal viruses of hate, prejudices and phobia. Imposed by social conditioning, religion, cultural habits, laws and bye-laws (unreasonable ones that is).

I am beginning to learn their bad behavior and habits too.

What I Expect Of Home And Relationships
Equal partnership, mutual support, help, lots of kind words and love.

Especially home relationships. It is pointless admonishing your loved one over spilling something. Accidents happen. The solution is to clean up or replace something and try to be careful the next time.

Nobody can lay claim to never dirtying and spilling stuff. That is what I mean by overlooking household faults and living with each other among loved ones.

Is that soiled cushion cover not easily replaceable but not your loved one?

Heal One Another As I Have Healed You
So the healing process has to start somewhere. Like when I speak with Uncle Bapa, I raba raba his back a bit. Or when I ruffle some kids' hair. Or when I hug someone (most likely a dude). Or like what the Korean Boyz did.

Enough of hate.

For me sex is a great healer! *Wink. With a dude of course. Anyone?

Leela, You Gila, I Hope You Are Not Some Abuser Of Some Sort
I can hear admonishments and that slap, slap sound (on the limbs I hope) like Leela was doing it to Uncle Bapa when he transgresses. I really pity Uncle Bapa, what with the stomach ulcers he is having and the discomfort he must be having which explains his coughing up phlegm all the time.

I saw Leela poking Uncle Bapa in the chest today. Borders on torture and physical abuse if you ask me. And she isn't a very clean person for sure. She does the vegetables on the coffee table in the hallway in front of the TV. The netting in the washer wasn't cleared and that explains the white flecks I got on my shorts that day when I washed.

Like Auntie Chan Moi. The foreign food handlers (maybe even local ones) and so on. So much for the nurturing qualities. And she expects everyone to do things the WAY SHE DOES.

She reminds me of She-Ape. I don't know what kind of background they come from. Perhaps not very good ones. She-Ape is just as loud. As crude. And if she hates certain kids so much, I can't imagine it.Visiting her home, we know she is untidy and she probably still has her mother cleaning up after her.

Leela the Gila is still trailing moi but under perfectly legitimate pretences. Like she was washing up or tending to the laundry. Whenever I am in the loo, she follows suit.

Like yesterday, when I was in the loo plucking out my contacts. Her bangles tinkle as she finds her way into the kitchen. Even today.

My final message to you is this : STAY A MILE AWAY FROM ME , YOU VOODOO WOMAN IF INDEED YOU ARE EVIL AND VOODOO! (Muahahahahahaha ! Burp! )

A Not So Good Intuitive Feeling
I am NOT XENOPHOBIC but I am beginning to think the Third Worlders aren't exactly pure and good of heart and intentions.

The hardships they underwent. Like my immigrant mother. She doesn't hanker after wealth. But she got stuck with a brood of us and we arent exactly rich. I have seen her strike herself whenever, as kids, we got to be too rowdy for her. She must have had quite a handful on her hands and on her mind.

And my mute sister isn't her favourite. It was traumatic to see Mom strike her. Then it was Bro and I learned that from them BUT I ALSO LEARNED TO STOP BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT I DID WAS WRONG.

That explains my insecurity and I wetted the bed a lot of the time.

The worse it is for those foreigners working I suppose or those in enterprises. Where do they vent it on? The customers , their staff and their immediate families perhaps? I don't think those who make it in businesses exactly got there by being kind, soft-hearted and NOT MATERIALISTICALLY MOTIVATED OR MONETARILY INTERESTED.

Just some thoughts. I am always wary of people in businesses, what their real intentions are and now maybe the foreigners among us. Even the locals. Well maybe just about anyone. Just more wary of some than others.

The Mormons
Now that I read about some bloggers' trip to Utah (you know who you are), it reminded me of the Mormons who used to solicit almost about anywhere here in Singapore.

I was particularly attracted to a few of the "ang-mohs" and once I invited one over to my home to "preach me Christ" but that wasn't the REAL intention of course.

*Wink *Wink. Coz I never did it with "ang mohs" before and I am curious and DYING TO TRY!!! And he looks yummy....

Hey! Does that mean I am evil?

Friday, January 05, 2007

LeeLA LeeLA, You Are "It"

How Does It Feel?
At the end of it all, I suppose I am just a sour grape. I mean I am jealous the "straights" (or "bis") have it so good. So I really wanna see how imposing their set of rules on them will make them feel. It is oppresive enough we can't have PDAs, worse we cant live with our beaus either till we are 35 or in rare instances 21.

Truly a home isn't for leasing out to strangers. Unless we need to right? It is a place for like-minded people who can live out their lives together. Like your beaux and your kids.

I mean I will overlook most household faults . Who wouldn't clean up after their child or beau right? And I do expect they will do the same for moi too. It is mutual.

Of What Use Knowledge If You Can't Use It
I am not kidding about the effects of Hydroxy-Cut. I do feel very irritable even when I am on 4 capsules like today. But its effects have subsided by evening time. It doesn't really control appetite as it claims. I still eat if not more. But I suppose it is burning the calories and the fats and helping to reduce weight in the process.

That is when a knowledge of the bio-chemistry and bio-kinetics of its active ingredients will prove useful. Pointless to know what is conjugated linoleic acid but not know what it does to the body, right?

A Song Dedicated to "Leela" Sung To Barry Manilow's "Copacabana"

Her name was Leela
She was a housemaid
With black shaggy long hair and a saree long down to there
She would shriek and do the bangra
And while she tried to be nice
Uncle Bapa always lie down there
She would sit there and they would chat
They were old and they had each other
Who could ask for more?

At Doray's, Doraisamy's house
The hottest spot south of Bishan
At Doray's, Doraisamy's house
Louts and phlegm were always in fashion
At Doray's....they fell in love.....

A Worrying Trend
I worry for the kids today. As I sit at coffee-shops and I see the way parents (moms and pops and not all local) discipline or teach their kids, I am even more afraid. The kids, when they are themselves victims of unreasonableness, may in turn perpetuate another cycle of unreasonableness.

You can imagine what teachers teach them in class and what happens at home. Total variance. The kids must be torn and confused. What more with the media, their peers and so on. But of course not all that the teachers teach are GOOD either, for sure. They have their own set of prejudices.

Leela You Gila, You Make Me Even More Kee Xiao With Each Passing Day
Leela, Leela, Leela. I think I am falling in love with you.

But I am CONFUSED. I mean I have mixed feelings!

Is it your pretty smile! Is it your twinkling eyes! Is it your expressive face! The way you hang your bra in the toilet! How I wash my clothes in the washer after you! (chokes.......)

Is it your odor?Your skin color? Your body type?



P.S: Maybe Uncle Bapa is REALLY the ONE I am falling For....!!!! Quadruple Ewwwwww.....

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Am Well-Rested

Linguistic And Communicative Incompetency
It also doesn't help that Leela cannot communicate well in the English language. Half the time I can't make head or tail of what she is trying to say.

I suppose the same goes when I speak with her.

Another NETS Fiasco
So I had to print out yet another cashcard statement and fax it over. This time I did it over at the ATM and incurred a statement fee.

It was no different from what the community library had faxed over. So I do not know why they need it again. I told Gabriel my refund will now be $30.20. I had faxed over the bank statement the other day already and the two deductions have been very clearly displayed.

It has dragged on for a full month now. Time to pay moi back his money. And I am not using the card anymore and returning it once this ordeal is over.

The SSC Fiasco
This reminds me of the two occasions I visited a SSC gym and the receptionist had on both occasions blancoed over a wrong entry in the register and wanted moi to sign on it, despite a few others having been admitted after that wrong entry.

What her intentions are, I am not clear. But having dealt with SSC trainers and their people in general and knowing what kinda attitude they do display sometimes, I told her I shan't be paying for her mistake.

Tough luck, get someone else to do your dirty job.

The Ang-Ku-Kueh CheaterBugs
Those few ladies manning the stall had been overcharging moi by 20 cents each time I pay for the two ang-ku-kuehs I usually buy. I discovered this when a new staff actually charged me only $0.50 a piece and not the $0.60.

Since I have moved out from that area, I am in a way glad I will never patronise that stall again.

Once bitten, forever shy. I am not trusting you again!

Death Is InEvitable, Let Us Face It Like Men!
It was strange when I spoke with Uncle Bapa that our conversation (was it really? I mean I was doing most of the talking and he just uttered a few words in reply - in Malay of course) should centre on death.

I told him how when someone reaches his age, he should just wait for GRIM REAPER to claim him. No point fighting it, Uncle Bapa. Just DIE.....like a man.

Hey in case you think I am a GOLD DIGGER like Anna Nicole Smith, you ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!

After all, how many ways does a person die? One, naturally through old age. Two, via illness. Three, unnaturally in an accident like a fire or self-inflicted. Four, murder like the dismembered body crime case not too long ago.

Aint this right people?

And Uncle Bapa does "hisap rokok", so I told him how I too smoke, wanting to die myself at a ripe young age of 50.

I mean it is like I don wan all of us here to die. It would be like the opening line of our "Majullah Singapura" except the line now becomes : "Mati Kita Rakyat Singapura...."

Gila (aka Leela), YOU DIE!!!!
I have had enough. She was almost trailing moi around with a list of DOs and DONTs. I text Nora, the room agent, and threatened to vacate the place.

Somehow as if Providence was on my side, a piece of me turd didn't get flushed away today. HOOT LA!

Flushed Away
Have you noticed how the loos at Far East Plaza (the basement level) have this really strong and long flush? How your urea and faeces get washed away real fast and clean too? Not a single trace left? Well Doray's place has this flush. I am gonna get myself one of these state-of-the-art cisterns when my place is ready.....

More Confessions
Well ok. I dirtied the whole place at Psycho's and Bulldog's before I exited from their madhouses. I mean FUCK YOU, you mean I am gonna be all GOODY GOODY when I was treated the way I was?

You Are A Room Agent? I Am The President Of Tajikistan
One meet-up and show-around. We sign the papers (and it doesn't even bear the company's letterhead so how am I sure they are REALLY representing the companies concerned?) and they get their half month's agency fees.

Seriously easy. Anybody can do that if it is the way it is now

But wait till I need help if things go wrong like it did the last time. They aren't seen or heard. And they are supposed to be the mediators, the go-betweens, the negotiators, the managing agent, etc, etc.

Auntie Chan Moi And Leela
Now I know her real name. I mean she is a barrel of laughs when I speak with her. But of course she may not understand certain things.

Like how when I hoover, the filter spouts out grime, dirtying the clean floor all over again. How when I come out of the bath and she expects me not to wet the floor? How when she washes her floor rags and rugs in the washer, that could explain the mud-stained micro-flecks.

The same goes with Leela. How can I not wear my clogs into the bath when it is so wet and slippery. How can I not wet the floor when I come out of the bath with my clogs? This is natural. How my towel keeps dropping onto the floor when I hang it on the rusty towel rack and I have to fan it in the bedroom. How I can't hold the shower head in one hand and soap and wash my body and hair with the other. How she is really loud outside in the hallway when speaking with Uncle Bapa (tho she claims he is hard of hearing). In fact she seems to be scolding and nagging him.

Sole Comfort
I do enjoy my room. It is spacy. The bed seems a little larger than single (super single perhaps) and the bedlinen, pillows and blanket are clean and comfy. After I have the refresheners hung up, the room smells real nice.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I Am Gonna Read "AUGUST MAN" Before I Hit The Sack Tonight

Another Take On The Joint Singles Scheme
I have mentioned how most couplings have one older and the other younger in age. That is usually how it is like.

Imagine both aged 35. They grow old together, one get sick and wobbly, so does the other and they CAN'T LOOK AFTER ONE ANOTHER!

But if one is younger, another older, the older one gets sick, the younger one CAN LOOK AFTER HIM!

I hope you get the BIG PICTURE NOW!

I Liked Borat's Parody Of Religion And His Fight In The Nude
The way he parodied the Christian religion and their speaking in tongues and their swooning made me laugh so much, I peed on my pants.

There were so many parodies of American or whatever country's life. The overkill and unwarranted in star worship (Pamela Anderson). The fight in the nude which made it looked like two men having sex. The discrimination and the holier-than-thou-but-thy-ain't-no-better-actually attitude of the Americans and so on.

You must watch to really enjoy it! But you must be 21 and above.

Well Ok I Got Another Confession To Make
I am not exactly the Holy Ghost you "may" think I am.

As I was already fed up with the two Chinese Nationals at Auntie/Tim/Sidney or Sydney (wateva)'s place and just to show how dirty the room could get if I didn't clean it up, I didn't clean it up for three whole weeks.

The whole room stinks and it is covered from corner to corner with unimaginable gunk.

The day before I shifted out, I shaved my arm-pit and pubic hair and threw them into the storage carton that once transported my luggage.

Hope you enjoy clearing out the mess, TIM, YOU SISSY LITTLE GALL! That is what you get for messing with moi!

Ok So Auntie Is No Mamasan
Well she has a letter addressed to her, prominently displayed on a shelf. I am so sorry I "thought" she could be a Mamasan. My most sincere and profound apologies.

In fact I learnt a thing or two. Pasir Panjang wholesale market is owned by a certain Capital Asset Investment Fund (hope I got the whole string of names right coz I could just steal a perfunctory glance or risk breaking the Trade Secrets Act) company on behalf of the housing authority.

You can imagine how capitalistic the whole place must be reeking of!

You Mean A Holiday Follows One Holiday After Another? Is That It?
Let me explain the Public Holiday part. Hari Raya Haji last year fell on a Sunday. New Year's Day this year was on a Monday. I never knew Tuesday would be a public holiday.

I mean the usual procedure would be the day following a holiday falling on a Sunday would be declared a Public Holiday. I didn't know it would be for a Monday as well.

Unless of course they are working on a "Domino Thesis" and that is if Sunday is a holiday and so is Monday, then Tuesday too must be a holiday!

What a day and what a way to go!

Hey Dudes! What About Starting A "Boys' Club" As A CCA Or An "Interest Group"?
You must think moi is pretty productive today right? Well yeah. In a sorta way. I mean I have been bottling up all these feelings and I have no access to a PC at home. So I usually have to lag in my blogs.

Well, I was just thinking how "progressive" schools are going. They have interest groups now, much like CCA and they have stuff like tea or was it coffee-appreciation and the whole caboodle.

Well, be even more progressive. Start a "boys' club" in schools. Another interest group they could interact with would be to visit the men's clubs here. That is when the boys will "grow" into men. And they really "grow". In all the right places.

They don't need National Service. Well ok. That is another way they can "grow" into men. Again in all the appropriate places especially when two like-minded, red-hot blooded dudes get together.

All The Cute Dudes Live Here - I Really Don Wanna Move Out Of This Town
Of course I will miss living here in Bishan. Like Toa Payoh, it is in a central location. That means GREAT CONVENIENCE and EASE getting anywhere in Singapore.

Where I am now, Braddell Road is right behind my block and I know I can get on a couple of buses that will get me somewhere else, other than Bishan itself. Not many, just a few like Bus Services like13, 88, 93 and 157.

But property prices here are sky-high. HDB prices are already very expensive, what more the likes of Bishan Loft, Bishan Point and Rafflesia, though Bishan Park seems kinda within reach. IF I HIT A MILLION DOLLARS AT THE ALL-NEW IR CASINO, that is.

Most Of All, I Will Miss The RI And RJC Dudes!
Yeah whole big bunches of them, hanging out together after a freshmen's orientation at the food mall. Oolala.

Cute, sexy, hunky, nerdy, specky, geeky or just plain yummy! I wanna have them all for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper!

Group Dynamics
Well I can certainly observe all the group dynamics going on. Like the boy I know eyeing one other boy he fancies. He gave him the look not once, not twice but thrice over.

And you can tell they just try to get along. Sensitive souls, afraid to make a mistake or sound silly. And to react appropriately or be accused of being a retard. They have to sound and act smart. Even though it can be ALL STYLE BUT NO SUBSTANCE!


You can see it. You can feel it. And they sound it!

I Feel Sorry For All The Galls On A Weight-Loss Formulation If What I Went Through Was Anything To Go By
Well my heart palpitates quite a bit but most of all, I feel this tight knot right smack between my brows. I can't focus or think very well. I know I am irritable. It is like I am having my periods. Only worse!

It must be Hydroxy-Cut at work I guess. It is its ingredients and I am taking it to its maximally allowed dosage.

I know my weight is under control but it is quite a price to pay!

Ok, Korean Boyz, I Will See You On Thursday Afternoon Right After My Gym Work-Out?

Awwww, You Nice Old Man You!!!!!
Of course I am joking. I may be saying all those things about Leela (Queen Of the Indian Jungle) and "Uncle Bapa" but I am still staying there with them, right? Warts, louts and all?

In fact, I don't see Doray very much. I am beginning to think this is a covalescence home for Uncle Bapa and Doray is really living elsewhere in the vicinity (part of a pro-family, multi-generational thingy) with some other people.

I spoke with Uncle Bapa today (see, I told you I wasn't so mean and I was just exaggerating a little) and he is really a very, very, very nice old man - really, really, really old too. He is 85, worked as a deliveryman driving a delivery van of some sort (from the little I can gather) and I am surprised Leela (an Indian native) actually speaks more words of English than Uncle Bapa does.

I have taken to gesticulating to Leela. I mean I can't go the whole road with her in English, so sign language will do. Like when I want her to mop up my room yesterday, I pointed to the floor, pretended I was moping and hoped she caught on to what I needed. She did. Very good.

The television is switched on almost all the time and it is usually the Tamil or Hindi movie fare. Spare me please!!!!!

Anyway I will just hang around for a while and see if something good will come out of this. Like I get to inherit something, anything when Uncle Bapa passes on!!!!!!!!

Hydroxy-Cut Makes Me Like So!
Let me explain the turmoil my mind was in when I was torn between kissing that cute Korean boy and not kissing him. I was afraid as it was a public space and I wasn't really ready for smooching (coz I am on a highly stimulative and caffeinated Hydroxy-Cut and this 6 capsules daily dosage does make me very, very, very irritable).

What if I refused to let him go and wanted more than just a kiss? What if he rejects moi? What if he refuses to divulge his contact? What if...........What if, indeed.

Asides Where The Korean Dude Was Touting "Free Hugs"
Well a troop or troupe (get the connection? monkeys or belly-hoopers) of women dumped their matriach on the empty seat beside me while I watched that NICE, CUTE, KOREAN boyz prancing, perhaps thinking I would "baby-sit" her while they shopped inside one of the malls.

A Filipino couple licked their icy-pops and OMFG, the woman wiped her ice-creamy fingers on the metal bars of the seat. If she is a doctor working here, I am Cinderella's stepsister.

What The Glossy Mags Say
Well, this writer with "August Man" echoes my sentiments. He wanted to die at age 50, so he picks up smoking young to kick-start the process. I really enjoyed reading his piece. He is so full of venom and anger. Like moi!

Except I can't finger if he is GAY or not. I mean he mentioned breaking a commandment of "Thou Shall Not Covet Thy Neigbor's wife". For moi, it would be "Thy Husband" but then again, I was never very much into married men. Never was and never will.

And the editior is so dead right. When I read a men's magazine, I seriously only want to ogle at pictures of men either naked or togged out in high fashion. Their clothes, the fashion accessories, the jewelleries, the watches, everything. SO PLEASE, STRICTLY NO WOMEN!

Another home decor mag had a young furniture designer for IKEA mentioning how hard it is to have your design ideas translate into reality here in Singapore while she had no such problem in Sweden or at the IKEA store she is working for. Telling right?

I mean I had the same problem with the available "design technology" when I wanted to do up a high-end fashion umbrella fabriced in leather. WE HAVE NO SUCH THING HERE!

More Worries Of An Adoptive
Worse, what if my child turns out to be bereft of anything. He can't think. He can't decipher. He can't analyse. He can't anything EXCEPT slut-whoring and fashioning. And lagi worse, he mouths what the machine mill wants him to say. He only has grades and a certificate to show what he is made of. NOTHING ELSE!

What if he is gay and he brings home a "wimp" WHOM I ABHOR AT ALL COST. Even lagi, lagi worse, he brings home a "GALL". Not just any regular GALL but a bimb, a witch, a sluthole, a battle-axe. You get the whole idea don't you?

You Are Truly Lost, See That "Botak Hill" In The Distance? (Like In The Army) Run Up That And Then Down Again, You Will Feel Much Better! Only If You Can Still Breathe After That!!!!!

Oo! Your E-kiosk Is Abnormally Too Quick For Not Just Me But The Average Jane And Joe Whose Reaction Dynamics Ain't What You Think It Should Be
If you think NETS had settled my contactless cashcard problem, you didn't get it right. It is still pending and I haven't heard from them since that day.

In fact, part of my problem that day was when I pressed the button for the receipt, no receipt came out. If I had it, I could perhaps sent that over.

But the thing is, as the librarian showed me today, I had to be really quick on my reflex. A little too quick. I had to position my fingers just where the button is (the librarian knew where it was because she is working here) and the moment it flashes "Press here for receipt", I had to IMMEDIATELY.

Any slower and I won't get a receipt!

Was Tuesday A Public Holiday?
So was it? I mean I didn't see a soul in schools or anywhere but down Orchard Road, they were there all right, not in school uniforms but in their fineries.

And Hari Raya Haji wasn't exactly there on my calendar even though a Malay uncle cabby had told me it was on Sunday and New Year's Day was on Monday so Tuesday became a public holiday.