Monday, July 30, 2007


I Can't Take This
I am as sick as a kitten. It all started a few days ago. The moment I ate into the container full of mee goreng sprinkled with hot chilli and oil, I knew my throat began to flame up and itch.

What more with durian pancakes, prawn fritters fried in deep oil and cold drinks the last couple of weeks and the climatic change from hot to wet and then to hot again.

The stuffy room and the overall bad fengshui of the whole darn place must have surely added on to a poly-trigger of a flu, cold, cough, bodyache (that includes back ache), headache and fever.

To add to my woes, I am on a room hunt and here you have Galen, chasing moi off by the 30th even though we agreed to the 31st.

I am so mad I wanted to pee on someone's bag.

Searching For A Cure
I spent Saturday night, after viewing a room (enduring all the pain and aches and headaches), at home with a terrible headache and fever and aches all over me.

The next day, I shopped for Panadol Extra, Woods Peppermint Cure cough drops, downed a Rhinocerous brand cooling water, fed myself spoonfuls of Duro-Tuss and rested the whole day. I ate nothing save for some buns and hot milo in the morning.

Today I still had no appetite but forced myself to eat fried fish soup rice and a meal of toasted bread, eggs and hot milo. I bought two cartons of 12 bottles of birdnest ginseng and white fungus at $18 and walloped that off in no time.

Back at my old place the last time, I used to brew whitefungus which is supposed to be good for the lungs.

Unpacked And Unready But Moving House Anyway
By tonight, I should be signing the papers for a new room in the same estate and shifting out by tomorrow.

I haven't packed yet because the Indian dude and his mother who own the mama shop hasn't provided me with the cartons though I requested this two weeks ago.

But I have already arranged for a mover.

MaMa Mia
Now this mama shop owner I have patronised very often. I don't think I spent peanuts each time I buy from him.

Even if I were to relate my woes to him, I know he isn't listening and he doesn't understand. He is too pre-occupied with the business and watching Tamil/Hindi movies on his small-screen TV at his shop.

Worse, he is a mama's boy who still lives with his mother.

Just like Galen who has his mum coming in to clean his room, pick up his clothes to wash at her house (most likely handwash) and cleaning out the mess he creates in the kitchen (leaving behind his unfinished drinking cups in the sink for one).

Like his mother, Mr MaMa shop may be viewing moi with suspicion. I had on one or two occasions, after finishing a run and carrying no cash on me (as my shorts do not afford any pockets for notes or coins) , requested to buy drinks from him first and paying him later. It was an immediate payment anyway.

Run straight back home, take cash and then run down again to pay him

Well that is how life is like. People like these small business owners are so scared of you if they think you can't pay them.

There Are ABC WaterLife Plans Afoot Here, It Appears
Remember what I blog about the last time. The pure wastage of an enjoyment of the waters and greens of Lower Seletar. Well, today when I visited PUB's webby, there are plans to inject ABC waterlife here.

When and what exactly, it doesn't say.

ReTurf This And Rightly So
It is true the astroturf at this particular stadium is algaeing for some reasons. That makes it slippery slopy and so plans to refurbish it is certainly appropriate.

Some Development Ideas
One way to control soil, twigs and dead leaves and what-nots from being washed up on footpaths or to litter the places we live near to, is to have parks and gardens in designated control areas.

Like a belt of park or garden separated by some distance before we build residences. I don't think trees and shrubs can mingle with life so closely.

Remember my vision of residences is just a precinct of 5 towers and each precinct has a controlled belt of park or garden.

When we speak of good layout and design for flats, we speak of bedrooms clustered at one place, away from kitchens or the hallway entrance. Proportionate space for bedrooms and living areas. Distinct areas for washing and drying, away from fumy kitchens. Full length windows to let in air, light and breeze. Less concrete. Privcay can be afforded by tinting windows or putting up blinds lor curtains.

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