Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nancy Drew Returns Right After These Messages

Who Really Is Nancy Drew For Pete's Sake? Nancy Drew This,Nancy Drew That, Am I Outta My Mind?
I was asking myself the same question. How in hell did I end up masquerading as Nancy Drew, watched her movie and write about her?

I have never read a single Nancy Drew book. NEVER. I don't know any of her mysteries and how she goes about her sleuthing.

But if you ask me "Secret Seven" or"Hardy Boys", yeah sure, I can relate some of their fun adventures. I think.

Does that mean I am turning transsexual? Oo. Don't think so.

The Pigeons Are Here Plus A Couple Of Other Characters
At ma old place, the mynahs have broken into and invaded my home a few times. They left their dirty old marks alright - their shit. I have spotted sparrows entering and breaking into Bulldog's and now here at Galen's, the pigeons have been entering and shitting the last couple of times.

That is because some people are feeding them at the field or on the pathway (they will throw some rice or something) and they congregate naturally where food is.

There is a dude here too who feeds the stray felines. Another sleeps in the park. He is a pitiful sight of tatters and tears. Don't forget the bin scroungers. In fact "Get Real" has highlighted the plight of the homeless in one of its recent reruns.

It is strange. We house our foreign guest workers (can you imagine they get free lodging as well and as far as I know some pay just tens of dollars for utilities while here I am, paying rent every month to the tune of a couple of hundred). Look at our estate or the kinda work they do, is it any cleaner or better-quality?

We build animal shelters and shelters for the poor overseas, keep and groom house pets, feed strays but the homeless and hungry here don't seem to be getting anything.

Really strange if you ask me.

Galls, you think you can do something here instead of worrying about an age limit for getting free cover drinks at an "ageist" club? The nurture genes lie within you, so NURTURE, not corporate-raid or slut, SLUTS.

Our Band Of Rebels And The List Of Wrongs
As long as you have one or more shortcomings on which you have faced discrimination before, you are in. If not, you are sitting on the other side of the fence and YOU are the ones we will be attacking in an uprising.

I say we disfigure you. What do u say? You have everything, don't you. The looks, the bods, the money, the fame, the brains, the paper, the everything and you flaunt them all. Why don't you try out our lives and see how we feel?

And history is on my side too. Remember how all those odd-balls among us were like put up for a freak show in some media-circus parade?

Chang-And-Eng, the dwarves, the conjoined twins...GOD...

Let me list the wrongs committed against us, the 3rd, 4th and even lower classes: age, gender, race, height, size(too lanky, too stodgy), looks, sexual orientation, education, economic status and so on.

I am not going to put my life on show and pretend to be a comic stand-up enjoying all your laughs. It hurts deep down inside and I ain't laughing inside.


I Confess To Almighty God And To You My Brothers And Sisters, That I Have Sinned Through My Own Faults, In My Thoughts And In My Words, For What I Have Done And For What I Have Failed To Do (Holy Jesus, I Can Actually Remember Part Of The Recital For A Cofessional Prayer)
Sigh. Some more blunders in language. "Adverse" for "averse" on a previous blog about my quitting smoking (yes, it has been 1 month and 1 week since) and "pranking" for "prancing" on a blog about those cute but mischievous school uniformed dudes at McDonalds.

So we have racist, bloggist, sexist and ageist. What does an educationist then say about the person?

Imagine Muiz And I Wedded At A Ceremony Like This. What A Head Turner And A Real Nice Change! I Wonder How Gays Feel When They Attend Wedding Ceremonies Like These?
I have sat through my two sisters' wedding ceremonies and being the "ku ku" according to
I have attended a similar ritual for my brother's. There is always that early morning rise for a traditional wedding rites, I have to kick the wedding car.

make-up session, then the groom will come knocking and has to bribe his way to get at his bride. Then it is off to a church and finally the tea-ceremony.

At night, it is always the banquet at some hotel or restaurant.

But today at a void deck, there was a Malay wedding. Really percussiony rowdy. That makes think how nice if I were to wed a dude at a private ceremony like this. It will seriously be a memorable day. A special day in a lifetime.

Anyway I have blocked out the thought and will try to keep clear of weddings as far as I can.

No point burning away my neuron cells like that. I mean I have enough thinking going on in my head already.

David Rasif aka Robin Hood?
For a moment there, I was on the side of David Rasif. I mean look at the kinda super rich clientele he had swindled. And they ain't even one of us. I am sure they can afford to lose something, which isn't very much on their terms.

Perhaps David Rasif was just being Robin Hood?

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