Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What A Night It Has Been

Open Up A Close Society
Let me elaborate more on the open and close society thingy I mentioned the other time.

It isn't about loosening our morals at all. It is about helping anyone (straight or gay) find avenues for building relationships, maintaining the relationship and leading the relationship into something larger and more meaningful - like marriage or permanent coupling.

It means more open communication and above all, rethinking and redrawing policies which have no good reason to exist. Because of all those half-baked and non-sensical policies, problems arise.

One obvious example is the issue of homosexuality. By not recognising this and giving a legitimate place and face to homosexuals, we are forced underground with a slew of consequences for society and for ourselves.

We are like in hiding. We can't be open in our relationship because society is conditioned to frown on this and gays in school are teased no end (I just witnessed one case of a school boy being taunted as sissy) anf maybe eveb forced to conform.

Because gays cannot pursue their natural inclination, they feel oppressed and the lesser ones, turn bi with SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS for their families and their gay side-kicks.

They are essentially the same rebellious people even if they marry. No change, except they now hide under the cloak of a marriage and more clandestine activities, repression, langer, lies and deceit follow. And frustration if their marriages fail or they have unfulfilling relationships within the marriage.

It is like restricting society on a whole slew of stuff (when this does not make sense), only to turn them rebellious and to be ostracised. It goes underground and surfaces elsewhere. The problem doesn't go away.

That is what I meant when I mentioned that gays could be behind most gang activities (not so much the criminal kind but more the rowdy, taunting and pranking kind).

Room Agent Shit
I still remember the agents who bring in tenants to my old place.

Those fucking agents who bring in all those lousy fucks despite my telling them the kind I want.

There was this Janet who wilfully bring in blue-collared foreigners and try to commit a thousand mischief. Now there is also this agent Janet right now whom I contacted through the classifieds. Sounds a lot like her.

Fuck you BITCH!

Most importantly, these are just landlords or fellow-tenants or tenants. They are NOT MY BEAUX. If it is my beau, I live with it.


Fat Sissy Fart
I just finished my viewing of the room and I am now at Mcdonalds.

The location is fine but the whole place stinks. The owner is fat and obnoxious and his pet dog stinks. In fact the whole place does. Wait till you see his toilet. I don't even think he is local though he claims he is.

We were asking him about the air-conditioner but he went on to yak about the internet access. Simple lack of listening skills.

I am passing this up.

Another Foreign Gay Slut
As another form of revenge on this dude who wanna rent out his room (he turned moi down based on age) , I text him to tell him that I have a younger cousin from Taiwan aged 16 who may be interested.

I immediately drew a response asking for more details in double quick time.

I asked for his and lo and behold, he is a Malaysian aged 20 studying at a university here. He is cooped up with 5 others, 4 Filipinos and 1 Parisian. He claims to be attached, which I suspect is to throw people off, and mind you, it is sharing a double deck bed in his room.

I claimed my cousin is bisexual and has a girlfriend and that he doesn't like sissy gays. I asked if he could bring in his gf to visit, stay over and have sex in the room.

Now I know all his answers that he doesn't mind is just a lie. He will prolly want to be fucked himself.

Then I drop the bombshell - he looks like a sissy fart (and this is true from his profile on the gay website) and my cousin is not interested.

TADA, life's sweetest revenge.

A Scorpion Among A Brood Of Chicks
As I told an old auntie the other time, I suspect that the immigration must be seriously myopic and perhaps intentionally so to bring in all these kinda thrash into our doors.

Thrash to cause havoc and upheaval among the people so that we quarrel among ourselves.

That must be their EVIL intention.

Don't Test Me On This - You Show Me Then
Look let me repeat this just in case you didn't get it.

Being friend with someone of a different nationality and living under the roof with one are two entirely different things altogether.

There are always issues of cultural, lifestyle, religious, food and language differences. Even if it is someone of the same nationality, there are still differences in habits, personality and lifestyle.

I remember the Black Queen was always speaking so loudly in her native tongue over the telephone with her relatives calling in from overseas. It is really disconcerting , first because of the intensity of the chat and second, the totally alien language.

If you can, then it is just your personals right? Nobody cares. Don't expect everyone to folow suit.

Gay Fashion House's Hubris
The gay fashion house hasn't issued me my membership cum discount card yet. It has been two months already.

I have given them my residential address (because the particulars form required it) and explicitly told them not to mail there but to mail to my correspondence address. I wrote this at the top of the form and boxed it.

So last Sunday I told this dude if he could arrange for me to pick it up at their outlet. He got my contact and promised to call but didn't.

Today, I went back to the same outlet and met another guy. He told me they can't arrange for self-collection so I told him to mail the card to my office address. AGAIN.

Non Service Call
Just like the pair of jeans I bought and needed it altered. I arrange to pick it up once it is ready. Someone called to say it is. I go down but it was the wrong pair. The counter dude promised to call me to inform me of what had happened but he didnt.

I had to call the next day and the counter gall promised me she would call once it is REALLY ready.

A PI's Office
Dont ask me why I had ever been in a PI's office, a very well-known one at that.

You should see the kinda spies who work for him. Really good undercover agents, mostly looking like the shabbily dressed uncles we all know and recognise.

And the clientele. A photograph of rich-tais tais (and I recognised one) who must have engaged him for various reasons, one of which must be to sleuth on cheating husbands.

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