Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Heat Is On And Off Again

Despite Mantaining Or Lowering Labor Costs, Why Is The Price Of Everything Still Increasing?Strange how in spite of cheaper labour costs with foreign imports that everything else is still increasing in price.

You should look at the staff working here at this fast-food restaurant. Almost all are Malaysian Indians. What about the endless stream of foreigners cutting grasses (whatever purposes these grasslands serve, that is)?

What does this say?

Different Segments Of The Gay Population Need Different Addresses
Wait. I am only speaking about one segment of my fellow gay brethren. The naughty and rebellious ones who prolly will turn straight or bi but with their innate qualities intact.

What about those who have gone off the trolley? These are my gay brethren whom I have to speak up for. The ones who are really hiding in real fear and who cannot express their sexuality.
The ones who have gone mad.

What about them? Haven't you pushed them enough, right almost to their brink of deaths?

Of Returning Like For Like
I chatted with two dudes just recently. The chit-chat ran along the lines of serving in the service industry.

I talked about that sales assistant (most likely the sales supervisor) who works at the gay fashion house and who overcharged moi 20 bucks.

Now this is gonna be a long story so bear with me.

Sexual Cronyism?
My reasons for thinking he is the supervisor is because he seems to have served the longest while the rest just come and go. He is cute, hunky and good-looking.

Maybe he got to where he is by cronyism in return for some sexual favors, hey, I dont really know.

What I am very sure is that the other colleague of his whom I have seen a few times at first and now seems to have vanished into thin air (maybe he is now headquartered because he got promoted) was someone I had a tryst with.

Sexual Pettiness
He bj moi, didn't ask for anything in return and when we met a second time, he wasn't happy. So I asked why he didn't ask me in the first place and promptly returned him his favour. What pettiness, I thought!

I mean I have bj and done countless other sexual favors for others without asking for anything in return . Just as some have done for me and didn't ask anything in return.

I mean it is just all in the heat of the moment thingy and what grabs us to do what for each other. Not keeping score who has done what.

Pure Attitude
Anyway maybe this ex-CJC dude told this hunk about me or spread some untruths or half-truths about me, I am not sure.

A Culture Of Cannot Ask Questions, Seems Like This Started With Schools (Cannot Ask Questions And Cannot Talk Back)
This hunk is pretty attitudinal and you can't seem to ask any question about the products.

In fact, he wasn't happy and denied it when I confronted him about the shortchange but duly refunded moi the $20 when he realised it was true.

Customers Just Wanna Buy That Thingy, Not Pick A Fight With Anyone, Geddit?
Chris put it rightly that customers just wanna buy a service or product because they need it, they like it or they desire it.

They are not there to pick a fight with anyone, pure and simple.

I mean if I am told to collect my altered pair of jeans and when I do and it is the wrong pair, of course I am anxious and if the sales staff didn't call as promised to tell me what the hell is going on, I will certainly call back to check.

The same goes for a membership or discount card that didn't reach me after 2 months despite explicit written instructions to mail it to my correspondence address and not to my residence.

Of course I will check back on the status of this card and if I personally visit the outlet and the sales staff said he will call me after investigating but didn't after a couple of days, I will have to check back again.

Pure and simple.

It is all about communicating what is going on so customers know what is going on. Pure and simple.

Oo You Can't Take The Heat?
Once again let me reiterate. I will just blog about everything and if you think it is true, you can quietly go about changing things.

If that isn't you or it that I am blogging about, then it isn't. If it is, then you and it are just what I am blogging about.

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