Thursday, July 05, 2007

More Commercial Breaks Before Nancy Drew Returns

A Little Pick Here And A Little Scrub There And EveryThing Is Just About Brand New Now
Here at Galen's, things have just gotten to be so-so.

The vertical multi-tiered and multi-pegged clothes' hanger I had gotten had given way under the weight of some of my sports bags and yes, I have bought myself a new short shoulder strapped travelling bag and the back pain I have been experiencing with all my other low-slung slingers is finally kaput and history.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Christ is King! Amen! Alleluia! God willed this...wateva.....

It is probably not such a good idea to cement screed the bathroom because it is a damp area. The floor and walls have sported a mildewy green algae and moi has just scrubbed off a few of it.

And this got me thinking about the spirulina tea I drank......chokes.......

Not only that, I haven't really paid much attention up untill today, that is. The drain porthole has gotten clogged with lots of hair (and those ain't exactly mine....) and that explains how water has been unable to flush away.

So moi rolled up his sleeves and pants and actually got down on all fours just to pick away at all those DARN HUMAN'S hair and gave the drain covers a good scrub-down.

Happy to report the drain porthole is now sparkling white again and the water is really going places.


Fashionista I Am Most Certainly Not
If you thought I was a fashion whore, you thought wrong. Just as you thought you were King, your gall-fren was a virgin, you are NOT a foster-child and those were your biological parents.

I haven't had a shred of "Branded" clothes wear about my house, save for my Calvin Klein underwear which costs something like 30 odd bucks a pair. Is that expensively branded?

Those designer underwears I wrote about were Body Gloves and goes for 15 bucks for a pack of three.

Heart To Heart Talk
I had this with Auntie Galen (Galen's mom) right after I blogged about the roaches and lizzies thingy the last time.

It appears Galen's dad has dementia and Auntie Galen is kinda disturbed about it. That explains her highly excitable and tensile temperament.

But while I take in everything she confides in me at face value, I do know there are things she holds back and there are things she doesn't speak about.

Anyway, I try not to make things too difficult for them and try to hold the peace. Like I always do.

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