Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nancy Drew Will Be Right Back Tonight When I Blog But In The MeanTime

Hey, Haven't I Been Here Before, Or Am I Just Imagining Things?
Have you ever taken a bus that takes you to the same spot where you boarded the bus twice?

I mean the bus sign doesn't say a thing about which way it is going. It has the same sign that says "Serangoon" which listed the routes it would ply before reaching this destination.

But at the roundabout, it could go either one way or the other.

I am talking about Bus Service 317 in case you wanna know.

This Is Free-Listed, So Why Do I Need To Buy A Discounted Ticket Just To Get Another Free Movie Pass?
Now a movie ticket is absolutely "Free" if the movie is free-listed. It must be presented Monday through Thursday. There is a $1 discount if it isn't free-listed up to a maximum of three admitting tickets.

I thought this was crystal clear-cut.

I had no problems with the other movies I watched except that I wrangle a little just to check if the staff knew their stuff.

But haggling over "Nancy Drew", I realised how stupid it had gotten.

The title above says it all.

New Tastes For New Flavors
There are many new flavors to canned drinks nowadays if you care to check carefully.

I mean I have tried this nice small little cans of a barley-like drink and another soya-bean kind, both tasting better than what we have. And these drinks are Korean products.

Just the other day, I took a swig of something called a spirulina tea and it tasted absolutely refreshing. And doing a little research, spirulina is a kind of algae vegetable.

What do you say to that?

Your Card Doesn't Stand Up To Multiple Swipes And Insertions Into The ATM's Card Slots
I had my bank ATM card replaced today. The replacement fee was waived when I argued that it was through no fault of mine if the card was of a lousy grade material.

After repeated swipes and insertions, its laminate had torn off all over the place and it got nicked at its corner.

I can't be faulted for something that has got to do with the card itself can I?

So That Is How An "S" Pass Looks Like
It was here that I spotted it. The bank I mean.

An "S" pass holder. It had the same kinda look and feel as our pink and blue IDs, except that it was a light green and there is a distinct big S" imprint (or hologram...can't really be sure) mark on its front. The holder, in question, was an Indian-looking older dude.

Speaking of which we are beginning to see many of the dark-skinned foreign nationals here and they are just from across the causeway, not from their motherlands as we would expect.

Guess the whole flock of "S" passers are finally here!

The Good-Lookers Are Everywhere And Another Wanker?
There are so many hunks out there. The basketballers, the sun-tanners, the swimmers, the runners and so on. Ok, so I caught another HOT YOUNG wanker but hey, what's the big deal? Doesn't everyone? Besides, I can't even reach over and help him, can I?

Maybe not all those guys out there are exactly hunks but you do get some tingling horny sensations down there whenever you see them half-naked in various undress. Even if it is a scrawny but nicely-toned kinda body frame.

But I am keeping it all under control and I shall pick who I should speak to and I suppose vice-versa.

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