Friday, July 06, 2007

Nancy Drew Shall Return Right After All These

Much Younger But Technologically Behind?
Gosh I spotted two dudes who were so much younger than moi but they actually need mouses for their lappies.

Guess I am not so far behind in the technology race.

A Discriminatory World
I watched the "Tyra Banks" show and she featured primordial dwarves and their parents. Then I watched another docu-film about how short people got discriminated against. I remember how a job ad wanted people who have "pleasant disposition".

It does seem we get discriminated against on the bases of our looks, height, gender, race, age and a whole slew of other stuff.

I suggest we fuglies stand up, unite and revolt against this trend towards the beautiful and that includes the beautiful themselves - the jocks, the brawnies, the good-lookers, the snooties and the narcissists....

Temptress And Seductress All
Two bimbos in their revealing minis sashayed past a gang of young but hot basketballers playing at a court, fagging in between. Their intentions were glaring and obvious.

Then another bimbo joined them.

That is so telling how the womenfolk (if they are even one of us) have to stoop so low just to attract that kinda attention.

Another Air-Route For Our Boyz In Green
Now what is this? Even this stadium is not spared the flyover by our boyz in green. That makes it 4 stadia in a row.

A Closed Society
You know, I don't think we are an "open" society. By that I mean we are closed in our thinking, in our communication and closed in our behaving and ways.

Just look at some of the changing rooms with showers at our stadia. They are locked up and aren't open to the public. Serangoon and Hougang are two prime examples.

I can go on and show you how some stupid rules and regulations and a multitude of restrictions have made us look damn stupid and closed-up especially when the rationale is so STUPID.

But enough for today.

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