Thursday, July 19, 2007

Nancy Drew Will Not Return Temporarily

Why You So Liddat?
As you all know, I am currently stuck with ONE HUGE BAD INVESTMENT. It is funny how I cashed out on the rest too early of which 1 or 2 were doing superbly well, their prices having skyrocketed to record highs in recent times.

The reason is simple: This single country fund shrank from day 1 and I did not wanna cash out in the hope its price will rise again to breakeven or even higher. But now I am not too sure if I should cut losses before it loses even more steam. And I do need the money now.

Perhaps the fund should now be renamed a plateaued or shrinking fund instead so potential investors know what they are really buying into and renamed again when its status changes accordingly?

To top it all, it is now a single pricing. No more a buy and sell price. That effectively means that I lose out as the sell price is always lower while the buy price is always higher. I end up with a lower price at the end of the day as I am at a sell position and I have bought into it at a higher price.

This isn't fair at all.

Add This To The Menu Of Real Education For The Real World
What about "Do rats climb up the sewage pipes and enter our flats' bathrooms while risking themselves being flushed away?"

Does it make sense that traditional chinese medical halls also sell ciggies?

Hoot ah, isn't real education fun?

Half A Million Is No Small Sum For A 5 roomer
I am so sorry I have to dispute the official statement that public housing are still affordable and the one substantiation put up was that buyers typically fork out about 10k above market valuation on the average for their housing purchaes.

Now, how much the market valuation is has not been revealed nor what the average selling prices were for these units (prime or otherwise).

My own checks show that for those 5 roomers at the locale where the record-breaking $720 000 buy was done, average prices were usually about SGD500K.

In fact other non-prime locations were also registering phenomenal prices.

I think I am gonna be priced out of buying up a public house very soon.

If there should be checks, this is where checks should be and I would urge the authorities to do so.

Immigration And National Character Relook
Speaking of which, we are beginning to see so many of the Malaysian Chinese or indigenous (even from its Sarawakian and Sabahian suburbs), Malaysian Indians and Indonesian Malays here who, of course could be easily mistaken for our own.

They are re-writing the character of our country, though not always in good ways. We see them at the kopi-tiams and playing big roles in scripting and performing in our national media.

And the media shapes national character and as far as I can see, our local productions, English or Chinese, in visual or audio form, have impacted this character in so many ways - our speech and our behavior and even our modelling of these roles.

Especially the young.

Not always good.

Yellow Men Good, White Men Better
And we are still clinging on to the notion that only the West holds the monopoly on educational training needs. Because they are still coveted for educational training roles (in schools, at universities or in sales) or in teaching management roles.

Even though credentials are really only pooh-pooh.

I know because this guy sitting next to me is white and he is preparing seminar outlines on his lappy.

Cause And Effect And How A Bit Of Logicating Gets You By
Of course letting Yvonne handle my mails can be unnerving, not least because of the kinda irregular opening hours for her.

She may be off one day or start later or end earlier or have extremely long lunch hours.

Just like the other day, I wasted a whole day because she was off and she could not be reached on the telephone at all. I paid a visit anyway but the office was closed and almost until the end of the day , did she pick up the call to say she is off for the day.

I had to do something else for the day.

The next day, she starts later than her usual hours and by that time, it rained and I got delayed even later.

She hasn't been monitoring her records very well and thought I hadn't paid up for the FP January till July. She had a logo change after the CNY period and I have seen the invoice with this new logo before.

So I must have paid up for at least a quarter period (3 months) and not the recent quarter.

That is how I always logicate.

Environmental Effects
I just realised how I got to the state of who I am.

As a child I had curly hair and we all know from biology lessons (that was like back in the good old days of course, not sure if they teach this now) that this is a recessive trait. But Mom always puport that that means I have a bad temper.

So I believe I believed her and so I got a bad temper.

And anyone who has to live with unreasoning and that kinda violence at home, would grow to be ill-tempered.

Like someone living in the Bronx would or someone living at Block 90, Pipit Road.

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