Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Evening Movie

Black Sheep - The Movie
A New Zealand production (a nice change from the usual Hollywood mill) that seizes upon every chance to show off the many beautiful lakes and greens that the country has. The accent is a bit strange to hear though since we are so used to American, British or local films.

The story has strong undertones of science gone wrong, perhaps alerting us to possible dangers of cloning sheep like Dolly.

It also turns the table on man where he gets a dose of his own medicine when he is horrifyingly turned into a chimera cross between a Man and a sheep - a SheepMan? - when the genetically altered sheep revolt and bite back.

It also confirms what I have said all along. That sheep do not "baa' but "meh". All the sounds they make are just that.

There are many blood-spilling scenes, making the movie one BIG GORY and GUT-SPLITTING mayhem. There were more than hilarious moments such as a sheep driving a truck off a cliff and when a SheepMan starts shearing itself.

Two important lessons to draw from the movie. One, it shows how much of a danger Man can pose to himself and nature and two, that Man should perhaps just leave nature alone and not tamper with it.

And yes, I got another complimentary movie ticket which I think I will put to use watching either "Harry Potter" or "The Simpsons".

Two Is Company
Now that Chris wanna join me for a room-stay, I am not quite sure how that changes the equation of a room-hunt. First, price will certainly go up for two persons and second, I am not too sure if landlords are as accomodating.

It is good to have company however, and Chris and I are no strangers. We have met before although he may have forgotten.

My Other Gay Brethren
Ok, as in any kinda population group, there are of course subgroups. I have mentioned two.

Don't forget the effeminate kind, the ones who are most likely taunted in schools no end for their lack of athletic abilities and their outwardly female appearances and behavior.

Poor souls, what about them? Are you also gonna drive them to their deathbeds too? Haven't they suffered enough and what if they rebel too, as they surely are paying back what they got before.

A Comparative Study Of Housing Locations
I am fixed on the locale of my abode partly because of the kinda funds I think I am gonna end up with and partly because this place has a better layout of its apartment blocks and nearer tranquil waters, greens, amenities and sporting facilities.

Although it hasn't got the kinda facility for long walks around its waters and greens yet, I am crossing my fingers that our Parks people will get round to installing one and fast.

The only set-back is the kinda long journey most buses are routed to go anywhere.

Where I am now, it is a transportational hub but the layout of the apartment blocks leave much to be desired. So closely packed together and certainly no place for long walks around waters and greens.

So sad! It doesn't even has a stadium of its own for christ's sake.

The estate near the mini-ECP hasn't got 3 roomers. Transportational convenience is only just. But it has about everything else though.

What a pity!

What Are We Really Made Of
So what is it that makes up our culture here. I mean the kinda speech and language and behavior we exhibit.

I think the way we talk seriously lack content or depth. It just scratches the surface and yes, there are many false assumptions and wrong conclusions we always lead ourselves into. In fact we have a very standard cliche that seems to emanate only from ONE SOURCE.

I am not sure if schools or the media, what with its oppressive regime, its "rules and regulations" (if they are at all reasonable), its national exhortation, dissection of world events and its portrayal of characters on TV has created this.

Certainly, it has reinforced certain stereotypes and typify ONE PERSPECTIVE on life and the world. And bred enough rebelliousness, resentment, hostility and so on.

Seriously I think we have very little EQ, not to mention just so-so IQ. People know only as much as they need to know and within their own circle of their living. Period.

And we do seem to have very little motor control of ourselves or awareness of our environs and of people around us too, it appears. Very very self-absorbed.

And I am not speaking of the very old, the very young or the disabled.

Strange bedfellas these species they call Singaporeans! But perhaps they are not us in the first place. Hey I can't tell sometimes and I won't know either until they open their mouths.

And perhaps the oustiders (the foreigners and permanent residents and naturalised citizens) can see us right through for who we are. They may have a different take on things here. I don't know again.

Sigh, what can I say? Life stinks?

Yea, Let Us All Pray For Me And The World
Of course I appreciate the little prayer offered on moi's behalf.

But let me offer my take on all these gathering of prayer groups at home. Sure, it lifts my spirit up somewhat with the hymn-singing, hymn-praising, the slaying and swooning of spirits and the babble of tongues (thie last two I am not sure, it is kinda scary for moi)

But once this is all over, it does nothing for my human problems which need a human solution.

I will find it more valuable if I talk out my problems and someone offers helpful advice borne out of experience and helps me find a solution.

What do you think?

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