Thursday, July 05, 2007

Nancy Drew Will Be Back Right After This Commercial Break

The Boys Here Are Really Cute
Now this incident deserves mentioning.

By now you would have realised how blogging at various WIFI hotspots have mostly been one big frustrating time for moi. Either I don't get a connection or if I do, many things can happen to make it usually impossible to surf.

The connection will die or the traffic will slow, just to name a few things that can go wrong.

But McDonalds seems to have its WIFI up and going at this outlet and the crowd is mostly students from the neighborhood. Really rowdy, really super hyperactive but hey I LOVE IT HERE! At least there are none of the swear words or dialects I hear back at the branch near me home.

Ok so I love the whole darn place. Up until the group of boys sitting to next to moi were prancing and horse playing and a black chewy pearl got catapulted onto me.

Ewwwwwww....get off me BOYS! That is absolutely the last straw...but being the good old calm and composed me,I shrugged it off and took out my paper towel to wipe off the fall-out. DOUBLE EWWWWWWW..........

Ok ok, so the boys are really sweaty and scruffy in their school uniforms BUT HEY, THAT IS THE WAY I LIKE IT.

And The Older Boys At This Sporting Facility Here Are Even Cuter
God! All those scrawny but nicely toned bare-bodies running around like that on the tracks can only set my heart on fire! Not to speak of their cute nice little buns basking in the sun at the pool.

They are really cute but HEY, SEE NO TOUCH, what is the fucking use?

Let Us Have A Threesome Here And WhereEver It Doesn't Exist
Have you noticed how some neighborhoods have none of the TRIO of sporting facility that most neighborhoods DO. The TRIO of a sports hall, a stadium and a swim pool.

Pasir Ris is one of these.

Gosh, why doesn't this figure in the scheme of opening up more recreational spaces?

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