Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Parallel Plots : Nancy Drew - The Movie And Miss Boo Ah Chiang

I really watched "Nancy Drew - The Movie" today.

And boy, what can I say? The movie had an almost similar kinda plot as my blog! Seriously creepy. I did a triple take, what do you expect?

The Plot
Nanz (as she is popularly known) moved into a house of a film legend, Dehlia Draycott, and set about to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death. She was found dead floating in the water, an untimely death at age 43, the prime of her acting career, as the tabloids put it.

In between squeezing time for her father, her birthday party and her friends at Hollywood High School, Nanz manages to poke her nose into the dead actress' marital affairs (although in public she was never married).

Nanz wasn't at all well-liked in school. She dresses funny (although a fashion house owner would actually flatter her for her purity in dress sense and her penny loafers blazed a fashion trend), is meticulous, neat and tidy and outshines her peers at almost anything - academics, the track, the world of theatre and she even has a spell-binding hold on the principal .

Her sleuthing finally paid off when she unearthed evidence that Dehlia Draycott had borned a child out of wedlock and she was murdered so that her inheritance wouldn't go to her love-child.

Do not expect slapsticks or fast-action though there were heart-stopping moments like when Nanz had to dispose of a time-bomb ticking in her hands before it exploded into a fiery fireball of hot flames.

It had many lighter moments too with all the other characters in the movie providing the comic relief. The estate agent Barbara Barbara, Corky, Nanz's beau and her two high-school arch-enemies-turn-buddies.

Nanz seems to be able to bribe her way with her home-baked brownies and her sleuthing kit in a bag sees her through many of her cliff-hanging perils.

An improvised threaded spindle that came in handy when she needed to reel in Dehlia's will (which was evidence that she had bequeathed her wealth to Jane Brighton - her illegitimate heiress) from the rogues and a carbiner rappel that saw her safely rappelling down the wall of a house.

I enjoyed the movie, had my laughs and most of all, I couldn't help noticing the glaring similarities between the two of our plots. An unmarried woman who died mysteriously and the estate of the deceased. And both equally wealthy.

Uncanny, if you ask me. All I need now is some video footage of Miss Boo Ah Chiang which will provide me clues to prod me on in all the right directions to investigate her death.

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