Monday, July 02, 2007

Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang (Part 3)

I know some of you out there are snicking. Moi Nancy Drew? Well if I can't be the Trio Of Investigators or the Hardy Boys Duo, then what can I be right? And by the way, the movie is screening at cinemas right now. Catch it if you can because I will.

Ok so Nancy Drew may not exactly be your idea of a sleuth, what with her psychic powers and all. Maybe she is just a psychic detective then?

Anyway the mystery deepens.

Moi (going into a trance): "Yes, Miss Boo. I feel your presence here in the bedroom. Is that a Super King? Why you little witch!!!! (proceeds to slap Miss Boo's spirit a few times on her ghostly white face). Ok sorry."

Moi(eyes rolling, eyeballs disappearing and whites of eyes showing) : "And you are wearing a Levis Strauss 501 Limited Edition designer jeans studded with rhinestones too? You are a fashion whore, aren't you? Ok ok, so I digress. I am supposed to find out how you die. Any clue Miss Boo?"

Tune in to another excitinmg episode of "Nancy Drew: The Mystery Of Miss Boo Ah Chiang" where we will try to unravel the mystery of how Miss Boo died.

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