Tuesday, July 24, 2007


It has been more than an eventful week. One blog like this cannot even begin to cover all that has happened. Not even if I were to pen a few blogs. I will try nevertheless.

Whoever You Are, Show Yourself - I Dare You
I am not joking. That night after I bought a couple of stuff at the mama-shop and was headed home for Galen's apartment block, I could see a light in the hallway.

That has never happened before. That means he was actually sitting on the couch in the living room and watching television.

Then as if he was informed of my "homecoming", the windows and door were suddenly thrown open. And yes, he was doing exactly what I imagined he would.

He wanted to pick a fight wth moi (so we had a few screams but on introspection, it was silly and hilarious) and that was the night he broke the news to moi that he is terminating the "lease".

All I want to know is who the mastermind behind the spate of incidents is though I could guess.

Lucky 8 - A Quest For A Room And The Foreigners (Which Include Residents Or Naturalised Citizens) I Meet
I met this family of four. The dude, who is an overseas uni student, was really cute but hey, I suppose if I refer to the mom , who is prolly my age, as "auntie", she took offence and wouldn't want moi for an in-law?

And who knows and cares if he is gay or not. Ok, so I readily admit to going wobbly in the knees at the sight of him BUT WHAT CAN MOI DO? Kneel and beg the hunk that I wanna sleep with him? And I wasn't thinking when he offered his card and I didn't take it.

Sure,I can always go back there but HEY, MOI is not so unethical.

Anyway it is a utility backroom and exceptionally small that I don't think a single bed or two-door wardrobe can even fit in. Seriously, since this is at the back of the kitchen, shouldn't it be an extension of the kitchen itself or just used as a washing or laundry drying area?

But I have to think twice about the lift upgrading that is going on, just as I need to for the other place I viewed.

This time, it is a Taiwanese turned Singapore citizen. The whole place was undergoing the same kinda upgrading. I came by twice in fact because at the first appointment, we both just didn't get to meet and my mobile phone went flat.

But I talked to a China grandma from Hubei province who is here to nanny her granddaughter, the offspring of a local dude and a China gall.

She was a real pleasure to talk to, more so than many of the local aunties I have spoken with. I find her much smarter, more communicative and sincere.

Her neighbor is a China couple who has a daughter nannied by a foreign domestic (oops, oxymoronic) maid.

Just last night, I visited the private condo of a Malaysian "engineer" turned PR. It was a 1+1 apartment and he was actually leasing out the study, an enclosed glassed area. Nothing there at all. It appears he has an Indonesian Chinese sleeping in his room and on his bed with him and when his "bf" swings by, this dude sleeps in the hallway. What a slut!

What all these tell me is that the foreigners or residents or naturalised citizens among us seem to be doing very well here in the short 7-10 years they stay here. They are either starting up some businesses of their own or owning properties like anyone of us is, only on much begtter terms at times.

Many are from well-off families, it seems. Not us poor locals.

Measures Of Last Resort
Find the hunk again and undercut the agent.

Or threaten Galen with squealing on him among his neighbors if he doesn't extend my stay. I am gonna tell the neighbors he doesn't give a cent to his mom and I intend to write my rental cheque in favor of Auntie Galen rather than in his name.

Or just move in with the Malaysian PR slut and make the sex orgy a foursome.

Look, if I am desperate enough, I may join the PAP.

I Wanna Do More But I Can't On That Kinda Subsistence
When Jeffrey called the other day and told me about my property investment value, I was happy and sad at the same time. I mean with that kinda money, I can only think about myself.

That is just what it is enough for.

I can't, on that kinda value, provide for my mute sister. Nor could I help out my siblings in other ways.

It will be just enough for a modest 3 room HDB flat (a location on which I am more or less fixed on) and perhaps for a small enterprise. Nothing much else. Pure simple frugal living. Sports, long walks in the nature reserves and helping out with one group of the disadvantaged.

How My Investments Have Held Out So Far
I have cashed out my single country investment fund. I can't hold so long and I do need the money now. So I made a loss of about 1K. Big deal. Didn't the government lose something like tens or even hundreds of millions? Brave souls, dudes.

Too bad I cashed out early on the rest which have skyrocketed in prices. No point crying over spilt milk now.

I can only hope for my stock and property investments to reap me the gains I need.

Hey I took a walk along the beach the other day and there in the distance was my investment property staring me right in the face. If I can see it here, I am sure it can see me there too.

That means it has an excellent beachfront view of blue waters, white sands and beautiful greens. What with more than a fair share of good amenities and transportational services nearby.

I am pretty sure it can fetch better than excellent prices.

With the hefty increase in development charges and another round rumored to come on soon, I am more than sure supply will hold steady and there may even be a mini-crunch, thus creating demand for this part of waterfront living.

At least for the short term.

Part Of My La La Land Dreams
You won' believe this but you must.

Part of my dreams when I was living in La La Land was to own a huge mansion with other equally huge mansions alongside moi's, my siblings and parents(now deceased) living in them.

All of us would be driving BIG CARS and living together as one HUGE BIG "HAPPY" (if that is ever possible for any family at all) family.

Doesn't seem like this is gonna happen soon.

Build Some Board Walks Here As You Are Gonna Do For Punggol
Speaking of long walks, the Lower Seletar Reservoir has such large bodies of beautiful greens and waters, it is pitiable it hasn't got walk boards looping round it for traispers like myself. It makes for a beautiful view of sunrise and sunset, not to mention the tranquil and scenic views.

It is here that the Sembawang AirBase and Seletar Airport are. No wonder there are all these aircrafts, both military and civilian, hovering and droning about. In fact, I was treated to a display of parachuters parachuting near the Bottle Tree Park the other day.

It is also here that the Orchid, Seletar and Sembawang Country Clubs are, each within a stone's throw of one another, eating into the green areas for nature lovers like me.

Much like the Marina Country Club is eating into the East Coast Park or The Belvedere the Katong Park or the Singapore Island Country Club the Macritchie Reservoir. Always some golf clubs over-shadowing nature parks.

And yes, when I read the sign boards outlining the history of the whole place, I was utterly aghast that the beach villas of the 30s (which were truly built over the waters and near the waters) were wiped out by the 70s.

There was even that bay that was fenced in (thus warding off the strong currents) which provided swimmers natural waters for their sports or just to take a dip in

If board walks are built here, they will open up recreational spaces for nature lovers to take advantage of the natural surrounds.

P.S: I am so sorry if I have been using the government as a whipping boy for all the issues that have cropped up. That is the only way to survive the community hounding you.

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