Sunday, July 22, 2007

I Am Out On Orchard Road

Statistical Count
I am on yet another quest for a room.

Just to recount, this will be my BIG EIGHT. I have lived with 5 gaylords (all problematic sissies or macho marys) and 2 families. One of the families has a gay dude and the other women, especially older women and a foreign woman.

So I guess that is indeed the truth: the UNHOLY TRINITY (wimps, blimps and bimbs)

To put into perspective what my dispute/s with Galen are, here are just some of them. I will also return to the kinda office hours Yvonne keeps later on.

Oh, This Is So Wrong Man!
Auntie Galen had mentioned about turning on the lights late at night in the kitchen.

Oh yea, I do admit to that. Sometimes when I get back home late and as I need to go out earlier in the morning the next day, I would do my washing at night. So I do turn on the light in the kitchen. Nobody gets affected unless she is from across her block that is.

And the dining area between the hallway and kitchen has a raised platform. Imagine what can happen in the dark. I can just kick it and trip.

The fish tank is in Galen's room so I see no reason why he should wash it in the common toilet.

It seems I am financing the lifestyle of him and his whoever (two dudes, mind you) and he goes for weekend trips like the last week. Though Auntie Galen will defend this as a company treat. So I asked if that dude was his colleague but she kept mum.

My rent is like extra pocket money for him, I guess. And Auntie Galen will point out he works 12-hour days. Who knows where he goes and what he does in those casual work clothes. Is he even really working?

The Bitch Whore I Can Be And That Is Because Of The Environment
I enjoy bitching these days, a skill I picked up working and living with gays and women. So I actually went round to speak with the neighbors.

Seems like beneath the calm and quiet of the neighborhood, there are real strong undercurrents of small disputes amongst the neighbors.

The old couple with a daughter is not on good terms with the younger couple with their son , it appears. They had quarrelled over mosquitoes breeding in their flower pots, leading to complaints and a fine for the offending neighbor.

And the old lady actually accuses the younger woman of working as a prostitute. And she doesn't like Auntie Galen either.

I think I got the best support from Danny, the son of the other old lady. I brought him inside the house, showed him the flaks from the washer and the drainport and so on. He would be my best witness and we have exchanged contacts.

What a neighblorhood, it seems!

A 5-Hour Day Or Less Or None At All
Yvonne keeps office hours like 9.30am till 12.00pm. Then it is lunch before the afternoon work resumes from 2.30pm till 5pm.

She hardly ever starts at 9.30am (it is almost always 10am or later) and sometimes it is a half day off and she comes in only after lunch. She also comes in late after lunch like 3.00pm and knocks off early at 4.30pm.

She is in her sixties, almost retired and I guess she doesn't need the money and this is just like killing time for some pocket money. She must be substantially well-off to afford this.

My New Quest For A Room
A gay and old civil servant who works in the lower courts. A paralegal. What in the old days would be just a legal clerk.

Can be quite hubrous. When I asked if he could offset the deposit against the last month's rental (should either terminates the tenancy), he said there is no such thing and he knows because he works in the courts.

This is like all those young grads who follow the rules strictly and can't be flexible.

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