Thursday, August 02, 2007

Nursing A LongStanding (Just A Couple Of Days) Cold And Cough

Control Areas That Do Not Mess Each Other Up
Of course showing different species of non-fruit bearing flowers, trees and shrubs to students is important.

But that doesn't mean we should have them grown anywhere and everywhere around us, with the end result that many are just unproductive, scattering inedible pods, legumes or spores that soil and dirty which need foreign contractors cleaning up and sweeping them away.

Wouldn't we rather they harvest fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices?

If we must, let us have ONE place where these non-fruit bearing trees and shrubs are grown that people may get to see and learn about them. Much like a museum or an art gallery.

As I said this is all part of a "controlled area" just like a control experiment where one is held contsant while the others are varied.

Likewise, all the useful, productive, fruit-bearing trees, vegetables, herbs and spices are also grown in a belt of a controlled area around living residences.

Remember my vision of first having the sea around us, then building a belt of white sands, followed by parks or gardens (this is where the above come in) and finally separated by some distance a precinct of 5 residential towers. In concentrics of course.

Building inwards from the sea and all waterways (rivers or lakes) or outwards from the central catchment reserve, as the case may be.

This is repeated for another precinct. There is simply no issue of nature dirtying mankind's living quarters that way be it soil, dead leaves, twigs or branches strewing our walkways or our car-parking lots or whatever.

Hey our foreign guests contracted to clean up after us have to cut grasslands or suction away dead leaves right now as I am blogging about this.

Residents have access to these parks or gardens and they can have a good pick of the harvest and eat them as well.

Isn't that a much better idea?

More Lao Aunties
Before I moved out that late afternoon and while waiting for the mover (who is really someone from the cab company that drives an extra large 7 seater SUV and of course on top of $16 and the metered fare , I pay extra) , I got round to talking to a few more aunties and rallying them to my cause.

6 Months And I Wanna Get Out Of Here
Now I am holed up with a young couple with their young kindergarten-going kid. A youngish and handsome-looking husband who is about a decade younger than moi. Someone who works in the ship-building industry (that explains all those bagfuls of soiled, oiled clothing waiting to be washed). Someone who smiles a lot. Maybe a bit too much.

Someone whom I have warned Chris (who is a young bottom) about ever getting near to. This guy, from his looks, tells me he is most likely bi.

The wife is one of those touchy and high-strung type, who can be loud and rough, especially with the son when he "misbehaves" or in fact with moi. I will tell her off when it is at appropriate times.

In fact she was so scared when moi was sick with the flu and cold, so scared Ashley will contract it, scolding him for getting too close to moi and claiming that she had contracted it herself and chasing moi off to see a doctor.

Something which I did, for the sole sake of Ashley, her young kid. Anyway I am monitoring my own health. I was self-medicating and if it doesn't help after some time (like it didn't now), I would definitely see a doctor. After all, what the doctor does is just to prescribe medicine again anyway.

That says a lot about her. What if they were sick themselves or if they have the elderly at home? Are they also gonna avoid them like the plague too?

The real estate agent had claimed to moi both parents had engineering degrees while the wife then told me they only had NTC certificates.

The kid, Ashely, is cute, adorable and very endearing. He would sneak into my room and plonk himself on my queen-size mattress (yes we don't have a bed and yes, now all those shoes must be put out in the hallway, if not I am not sleeping next to shoes), something which his mother will scream at him for or holler for him to get out.

He would wanna help me with the luggage when I move in (and repeatedly warned by the real estate agent not to as he will hurt himself) and sweeps away his cards from the sofa to invite moi to sit on it.

He is innocent and pure and just does things at the spur of the moment, like any kid would.

Today we had quite a bout with the washing. Ashley didn't attend school as Mabel (the Mom) is "sick" (anyway she told me she paid $22 for two types of medicine at the same clinic moi attended, one of which is for 'wind").

There were issues of using what kinda hangers and that I should hang my jeans outside to dry in future, never indoors. She didn't clear the filter after her wash and I have told her so because I put in my wash, only to realise she didn't.

According to her, jeans will smell but hey I have washed and dried my jeans indoors countless times and I don't smell a thing unless it is wet weather of course and the jeans isn't thoroughly dry.

She disallows us using her pegs, restricts us to only 4 bamboo poles (she doesn't have more but hey if you wanna rent your house out, then make provisions for it) and I have told her if I am around, I will dry my laundry outside but if not, it is gonna be indoors.

My clothes are ALL NEW, so I AM VERY FUSSY AND PARTICULAR NOW WITH MY WASHES. I want my clothes to last and last - that being the ONE AND ONLY reason.

The bath has a nipple spray for a shower and this is really slow and trickling.

In fact I have decided that I will buy my own bedsheet set (complete with pink bedlinen, pillowcases and a bolstercase).

This woman is gonna be nothing but trouble AND I WILL HAVE TO PUT HER IN HER PLACE when necessary.

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