Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Meek Inherits Nothing In This Kingdom Of The Wicked

Bo-Chap About Malicious And Untrue Gossip
Arh. Don't get me wrong. When I said I am "bo-chap", it means I dont care for idle and malicious gossip about me, especially since I didn't hear about it and I know it isn't true.

But if it is my work and my responsibility, I do care.

Keeping Both Parties Happy And With No Qualms
So having experienced first hand the kinda tenants I have had, when I leased rooms from others, I make sure I am responsible and do a proper job of not inviting criticisms, as far as I can. Right down to the washing and the cleaning and the storage. So both parties are happy.

Keep Your House In Good Order First, Then You Can Point Your Finger At Others
So yea, you snigger behind my back and say "you are gonna be a good home-maker." But look here buster, if you don't keep your own house in good order, then how are you gonna keep the world in order and the people living in your house happy?

So what if I bought a dustpan that comes attached with a broom? I am not gonna vacuum (which is a BIGGER HASSLE reserved for a BIG CLEAN UP) just for bits of hair or dirt here or there.

UnEnviable Position As Guardian
This is something I am telling Chris.

He is putting me in a very precarious and difficult position by his half-hearted move-in here.

I Signed The Docu And I Am Responsible
By changing his mind about moving in by the 5th or 6th, wanting and not wanting the key and wanting to move out right after I the agent and owner had confirmed the tenancy (but which they were also undecided at first), just make me look like I am going back on my word.

Half-Hearted And In Two Minds?
He hasn't exactly brought all his barang barang over and I know a lot more stuff are still at his old place. So what does this mean? He is straddling two homes?But why? He is still in two minds?

Who Do You Live With? What Is Happening In Your Life?
What is his relationship with the "person" who on our first acquaitance was a friend as I knew then he owned a dog (and still does) and he had quitted school (which I wanted to help reinstate him back but he refused).

But now it is an old auntie. What am I to believe?

And Chris only started work three months back, about the time the PUB supply got disconnected at this place. He was just hanging around for two years after quitting school.

As Long As We Are Ok, The Others Can Just Go To Hell But Yes, The Others Can Affect Us
Granted, I can understand his relunctance to move in after I told him about the bouts with Mabel but as I told him "as long as we are alright, those others can just be anything".

And it is true how a third party(in this case, "The Woman") can affect a couple's (the two of us as room-mates)relationship in many ways.

Third, Fourth Maybe Fifth Postulates?
And as a third postulate, evidenced from the photocopy, it does seem like Chris had his ID enveloped in a plastic holder of sorts, judging from the dotted lines around the edge and could this have prevented the hologram from appearing in the photocopies?

How high-tech and stupid can a technology be if it can be blocked out like that?

Maybe it is the ink or the photocopier that could not capture the hologram. Or did Chris willfully blocked them out himself?

Who knows?

You Mean You Are Not Petty? You Are So Magnanimous?
Please don't play the "you are so petty" line on me. Aren't we all? It is the small things that can really morph into something bigger and that can really drag us down or affect us, ain't it?

It Wasn't Correct What, So Why Can't I Show You The Correct Version?
I don't like arguing and I never did. But it is just that those others on the other side of the line seem to be arguing on false grounds and having us believe it is true. And imposing this on us.

So? Do we just keep quiet and swallow? All the time?

Why Should We Always Be Giving Way, Why Don't You? Why Don't You Get Out, Why Should We?
Why dont we be the unreasonable ones at times so you can try handling that like you do sometimes.

Always considerate and thinking of others? Does everyone else? Do you?

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