Sunday, August 26, 2007

Great Affectation, A Whooping Cough, My Last Word On My Property Investment And A Penciling Portrait Artist

My Final Analysis On My Property Investment
I have been studying the papers and yes, there seems to be quite a lot of different asking prices for any one property.

I went down for like the third time to take a long and hard look at my property development project and when I saw what was going on, I realised what was really happening. The best is yet to be and right now there are two, so it seems!

Just to recapitulate again:

The said property development project is sheltered from the whizzing highway (unlike other projects), it is a high floor unit and its particular stack is an obstructed corner one with its living hall and bedrooms all commanding a prime view of the beach and the pool.

It is 131sqm (about 1410sqft), it is a 3+1 with a living room balcony (some don't come with this).


Translated it means a premium selling price.

A Whooping Cough That Won't Go Away
Today is the 26th day into my whooping cough which doesn't seem to ease up at all. What in God's name is this?

And this is precisely what I mean about how adults transmit unfounded phobias and biased values to the young.

I mean you remember how Winnie (the real estate agent) and her faraway kin Mabel had warned Ashely to keep clear of moi, lest he catches my cough and cold. But hey, Chris sleeps right next to moi and both he and Ashley didn't catch any of it!

Only the two women did!

How do you explain that?

You Die
As I spoke with ma new hair-dresser (yes, moi has gone for a hair cut but with a new hair dresser and regretted it - not keeping my hair long and not going back to Ringo, who I believe is the best among the lot so far), it was more in recent years when moi got out there that moi was terribly affected.

First when trying to buy a flat under the Singles Scheme (new flats out of reach of Singles, resale flats sky-high in prices), tried marketing programs in and around the public schools (a thousand and one whinges and demands among the "educators"), tried starting up a private school (ridiculous fire safety requirements to submit a whole building plan for just one office unit) and consulting at my constituency surgery (one session and I was already turned off) that I began to run into all kinda stupidity that the administration has placed in way of policy obstacles in my path.

So don't expect me to go with you and not complain as loudly as the next person on the ground.

Sports, World Travel And Books
Add this to my menu of must-dos. To buy and borrow all those really cool reads on Science, Language or whatever.

And it was with this in mind that I re-visited Kino after a long lapse and do they have so many more new arrivals!

I have picked up two books and I have started on both at the same time.

"God Is Not Great: A Case Against Religion Or How Religion Poisons Everything"
I am into chapter 3 and there are so many insights (which I already know anyway) and aside barbs, based on real happenings in the world.

I can relate to how when my Mom died, I picked a verse from the Bible for her tablet. And yes, I do admire some churches' very beautiful archiectecture, stained glasses and ornate carvings, even its plomb in rituals come Good Friday, Easter or Christmas.

"Critical Mass"
A read on the science of society. I have only started on its introduction.

Genetic Basis For Poor Familial Relations?
Mom has said it time and again. She has always pointed a finger at my Father's side of the family as the culprit of some of our bad genes going around. Dad is Straits Chinese and Mom is China-born.

She has consistently said that on her side, familial relations are always close and warm. She always grumbles about this when she has to deal with relatives from my paternal end. Relatives who are not really relatives but a whole load of trouble.

Maybe I have inherited half of both my parents' genes and I am more like my Mom in that sense, more Chinese rather than Straits Chinese.

A lethal cocktail perhaps.

But I place great emphasis on familial ties which I am sorely disappointed with within my own. Big Bro and Second Sis seem more outwardly inclined than inwardly so. As for Mom, oh well, you already know what I don't like about her.

How stupid! But what can I do?

What Is Happening At Andy And Mabel's
Chris wants out but I am holding him to his commitment for the next 6 months.

Mabel has gotten a bit better but poor Ashley seems to bear the brunt of her temperamental bouts. So whenever he tears after a whack and she goes away, I will creep up to him, wipe away his tear and coo words of comfort and encouragement into his ears : "Ashely is a smart and good boy"

So I want him to believe that and grow up believing that.

And yes, Winne, her auntie agent as purported, seems to be residing right along this same corridor of families. Why they are keeping this secret is beyond me!

That is what I hate about Singaporeans. Talking in circles, always wavering and meandering and spewing untruths most of the time.

A Penciling Portrait Artist
I have been keeping late nights recently. I am spending days at the Orchard Library before it closes, keeping my eyes peeled out for new book arrivals at Kino, started gymming again and window shopping along the Orchard belt.

And it was then that I spotted this portrait artist. Yesterday she drew two, one of a little boy and the other of his sister, both in one canvas.

They were so lifelike and most of all, I realised the jet black hair and eyes were what make the kids and their portraits stand out.

Master portraitor indeed!

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