Saturday, August 04, 2007

In A Drowsy Droop

A Bad Case Of The Cough And Cold Bug
Despite seeing the doctor (who was a locum anyway), I am still coughing. The cough medication has made me drowsy and sleep over long periods. That is how much it is affecting me. I don't think I am thinking very straight, so pardon moi.

A Porridge Diet
All I am having for my meals now are just plain pure Teochew porridge.

A Bot Of Bird's Nest A Day Keep The Flu And Cough Away
I am downing pack after pack of bird's nests. Each time it gets more expensive, the price increasing from SGD18 to SGD43 for each pack. But there were promo packs that come with extra bots of juices free.

But I will never pay by NETS again for this provision shop. It charges an extra 50cents for a NETS transaction.

Just 6 Months And Scram
I am very settled in. All that needs be resolved is the nipple spray and for Chris to move in.

It isn't easy living with a stay-in home-maker. It seems like I am under a 24-hr surveillance. She will wait for moi to go out and then she will also go out. If I stay in, so does she. Sigh! If you so afraid, then why lease out your room?

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