Monday, August 20, 2007

God, Are You Listening?

Mind Blowing Property Indexes
Now that there are published data on private property prices transacted (especially new and yet to be completed projects), thanks no less to our dear dear National Development Ministry, there is more transparency and information on property deals so that buyers and sellers can make better informed decisions.

However, current as it is, it lags a month behind real-time transactions.

Armed with this new information (but based on last month's transactions only), I can make a guesstimate where my property investment stands.

The heart of town prime districts, as usual, boast of runaway record prices.

Not lagging too far behind are all those less prime, suburban but waterfront residential areas. One such new launch in a really suburban town has fetched a record high of $1146 psf though the average was more in the $754 range.

What stumped me was another development in the east which , though in a good locale, wasn't even in as posh a district as my property investment was, and it was so far away from any good sea-view. It was in a shabbier and more densely-populated part of town.

However, it managed a record $1510 psf while the average was in the $1205 psf range.

A premiere seafront development rightly deserves its $2182 psf highest accolade but gosh, as in another development that fronts the sea, both were right next to the highway and we all know how the swish-swosh of the traffic gets to you especially during peak hours, like in the night when you get home.

All said, my development is in a newer, posher district closer to amenities AND it happens to be that stack that affords a beautiful sea-view (greens, water and sand for that matter) while being far away enough from the highway to be sheltered from the wheezing traffic.

Why can't it equal or better the current prices like hitting 3m or even 3.5m or even higher in its sales price would be THE riddle of the millennium if it doesn't happen.

My Life Mapped Out
A place of my own.My beau and/or kid. A small enterprise. Helping ONE kind of the disadvantaged. Retirement and emergency kitties (medical, housing, education or whatever) for me and all my siblings and kin (nephews, nieces and in-laws). Daily living expenses for my bro and my mute sister. Outing expenses for all of us.

All these need all the money I can get.

Maybe we can all get to live near each other, perhaps not in mansions, but in HDB flats?

Let Me Explain What Is Happening Within My Family
My Big Bro
First, my brother has been retrenched from his assisting sales managerial position in a local steel fabrication company.

This is due to relocation of its major operations to China and Malaysia. He has been hanging around since 2001 or thereabouts and has not been able to find a job despite his decade and a half of experience in the industry. He is about 54 years old now and I am not quite sure how the proposed revamp in the CPF changes is gonna hit him.

He has two young daughters, the oldest who is in Secondary Two and his wife is bringing home the bacon (which can't be very much), the last of which I heard she was teaching in some school for the intellectually disabled.

All I can see is that he spends a lot of his time on his own, away from his wife and two daughters.

My Eldest Sister
She is mute. She is 53 years old.

My Third Sister
My third sister is looking after my 2nd sister who is mute. Her husband works as a technician in a local air-refrigerating company. The company has since gone bust and he is now working for a similar company. His work is an occupational hazard which is very physical in nature like climbing heights for one. He is 47 years old.

They have two young sons, my nephews, one of who is serving National Service and the other who will follow soon. Both were schooling in vocational instititutes, one having finished N levels and the other Secondary Two (who was in the EM3 stream by the way).

My Second Sister
My second sister's husband works in a similar industry as my third brother-in-law. Her younger son, my nephew, has only O levels and has finished his National Service.

Her daughter, my niece, is now in pre-university while my oldest nephew has completed his Masters degree in the university.

Don't You Think We Need As Much Charity, If Not More?
If you can't tell that we are a working class family with HUGE FINANCIAL NEEDS, what with growing and young people in our midst, while we are ageing ourselves, THEN YOU MUST BE AS BLIND AS BATS.

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