Thursday, August 30, 2007

Akan Datang: Here's To High School Musical

If A Contract Or Deal Wasn't Fair, We Should Have Means To Opt Out Or Rescind It
Let us all get this very clear.

We should all keep to our word on any deal and never back out of one, unless of course if we find out later that the deal wasn't fair and it was a trick.

Just like Daniel, who asked moi to pay for a utilities bill, based on over and above his purported usual of $70.

He only showed moi one month's bill (which could happen to be on a low side) and as I am informed more recently, it could be that his air-conditioner wasn't serviced and so wasn't efficient which explains how the bill ballooned to 200 odd bucks for just the two of us.

Wholly preposterous! I will know because I didn't use the air-conditioner so much and most of it was its fan option like what I do at my old home the last time when my manual fan broke down.

I am so sorry, I will back out from a deal like this if I found out I was conned or tricked.

Yeah, while I sat at a coffee-shop at Serangoon Gardens, there was actually a pub named after him - "BullDog".....Yucks!

Playing More Devil's Advocate
When moi bought the cash card the last time from the AMK library, the woman manning the counter actually pulled one out from a plastic bag of just a few such cards.

Much like what those sales people did, pulling out those computers from their stores which were packed and sealed in cartons.

Just playing devil's advocate, how are we to know these are not the defective ones that they have re-packed and re-sealed, just waiting to send them back to the manufacturer, but while waiting, hoping to spring or unload (dump) on unsuspecting customers.

Coz that is what is happening to my HP lappy now!

Pull Down The Old CCs And Rebuild?
Guess what I spotted here while at the National Reference Library. There was gonna be a forum on "Remaking CCs" and a fresh-faced, newly-elected parliamentarian actually walked past me.

Gosh, long overdue man. Just look at the old Serangoon Gardens CC laying half rotting! Or even the Bukit Panjang one - old, run down and half empty of people.

Missing Label
While moi was at the Library@Orchard, I was hunting high and low for that day's copy of the newspaper.

It seems that newspapers have been archived in this manner : this week's copies, last week's copies and today's. Unfortunately for the today section of the English national newspaper, the label was missing.

The Chinook Is Here!
Oh yes, when I walked out of Thomson Plaza, the chinook helicopter was hovering right above it. I boarded the bus service 410 and as it was nearing the Bishan bus interchange much later, I spotted it in the distance.

Ok ok, BIG BRO, are you tailing moi?

NDP is all over, so what else can this mean?

Traffic Jam?
I was just reaching the bus queue when the bus moved off. There was a sign hung up which read that the next bus will be departing late because of traffic jam.

It was a full 20minutes before the next one arrived.

Seriously this is the bus interchange and I am not sure what traffic jam they were referring to. If it refers to traffic jam out on the roads (yes, it was pouring today), delaying the next bus won't help the bus keep to its time schedule.

When the bus went out on the roads, there wasn't the slightest sign of any traffic clog-up anywhere save for a short while on Victoria Street.

Why Did You Turn Into A Different Road And Thus Different Direction?
This is the seond time it has happened.

I boarded Service 132 somewhere near the AMK hub and the next thing I know, the bus turned into AMK Avenue 6, then coasted all the way down Marymount Road, turned into Marymount Lane, effectively bypassing the whole stretch of Upper Thomson Road, as it rightly should (unless there is a bus route change I don't know about).

It finally turned into Lornie Road and I had to alight here and walk back up to Upper Thomson Road which was about two bus-stops away.

The last time this happened was with another bus service near Hougang.

A Society Based On Science And Reason
Having read some chapters of "God Is Not Great", I am saying exactly the same thing. The sooner society gets into a more sciency and reasoning mode, the better it is for all of us.

But of course there is always consideration for emotions and for compassion too.

Last Last Word On Ma Property Investment
Well, the best is yet to be but it seems that the best are all gonna be much smaller units with different facing and that doesn't translate into a good view.

For now, there is one really prime set of units, even primer than moi's with a good view and really spacious with two balconies and even planters to boot.

But moi's can't be too far behind.

Simply Put: Running Its Full Course
In short, any illness will have to run its course and nutrition/medication can only help so much. It will have to end sometime, just a question of when, unless it is chronic or terminal.

Petty Politics And Political PlayWriting
All I can say is that petty politics meant to wield control of power at the workplace or at the country level just isn't beneficial to ALL OF US.

Yes the politickers benefit to some extent (in the short run) but certainly NOT THE REST OF US.

It doesn't translate into improvements in lives, work processes or bringing in the dole, let alone solving bigger issues and problems.

We are all just gonna stagnate and die from not being able to surge forward.

I Guess Not, Huh?
I am unconvinced that a beltway for a highway won't help us alleviate, if not, eliminate traffic jams.

Here, our beltways are looping around the whole island and when one gets clogged up, another will appear in concentrics to the first.

Well given that we have developed as we have, I guess it is gonna be ONE HUGE redevelopment costing billions just to redraw our road map again right?

Petty Politickers, Get Together To Tackle This
This would be ONE PRIME example engineers of the world can get together and think of SOLUTIONS to beat traf fic congestion.

Maybe even underground highways that are multi-levelled?

Only A Woman (Or A Sissy Gay) Will Do This
What is happening at Andy and Mabel's?

Well I just noticed how the netting in the filter had torn and she had replaced two of the five blue kitchen balcony laundry sockets with red ones. And yes, let us not assume that the fairer sex is all frail and weak. They are capable of much more inner and outer strength than we think.

I hope this is not a ploy on her part to blame moi for damaging them.

I know I didn't because after every cycle I clear the filter of its debris and it was ok. The same goes for the sockets.

Women! Bah!
And yes who is Winnie holing up with coz the clothes hanging out are usually men's!

And is Mabel helping her wash her laundry too (she does not have a washer perhaps?) because there are all these bags of clothes lying around the washing area.

Even till now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No doubt it would be a mere siege of discomfort.. He was much older than she, without doubt.. Dreams tell us many an unpleasant biological truth about ourselves and only very free minds can thrive on such a diet.. There's the rattan in the corner: I'll bring it to you myself.. Sit down, said Podington, gazing blankly at the water around him, I can't do that! At this moment the horse made a slight movement.. Yes, said Podington, you've got the reins.. And from the reader's standpoint it has the advantage--is this not also an author's advantage?--of a more modern setting and treatment.. Many persons frequently have these comforting dreams before waking, just when they are called.. It is the foreconscious that accomplishes this work; and the only course to be pursued by psychotherapy is the subjugate the Unc, to the domination of the Forec.. She was going to market with her cook, who carried the basket.. He had a fine, manly figure of his own. Then he says, One--two--three-- git ! and him and the feller touched up the frogs from behind, and the new frog hopped off lively, but Dan'l give a heave, and hysted up his shoulders--so--like a Frenchman, but it warn't no use--he couldn't budge; he was planted as solid as a church, and he couldn't no more stir than if he was anchored out.. The truth is, Hannah, I-- Never mind, now, William, she said, gently.. After repeated calls, Hargraves came before the curtain and bowed, his rather boyish face bright and flushed with the knowledge of success.. The boys walked in silence--but it was a pregnant silence; for as the roof of the Claiborne house began to peer above the crest of the hill, Ross plumped down on a stone and announced, I ain't goin'.. Possibly it was the same recollection that revived something of the awkwardness he had felt then.. This unites with a powerful group (4) formed by that which has been excited in our Unc.. The Rotunda, he said, is my genital, the captive balloon in front is my penis, about the weakness of which I have worried.. Or, at any rate, he had helped to make him all this; he had booked him well and given him his opportunity.. Morland and her daughter repaired to their toilettes.