Friday, August 24, 2007

Off My Chest And I Am Still Laid Up

Final Word On A Compulsory Annuity
In short, have a short term year-to-year renewable annuity.

The Stinkos Are Here
Guess who I bumped into today. He-Ape and his wife. The wife is looking younger, prettier and sweller. Thanks to beautification processes? I wanted to spit at their faces - the chao ah kua. Like I would so many of the rest of them.

Oh yes, my two nephews and niece (from my second sister's family anyway - this is really stupid I thought) have attended their tutorial classes. I don't see any marked improvement, really. I think it is still your own effort.

And of course they are connected to missionary schools who feed them the students. And they have to resort to media relations and gimmicks to get their student enrolment.

More Stink
And yes, do you remember I mentioned that nun-wannabe who worked as a secretary then a hairdresser and now a child educator? Well she is connected to them too.

Actually between us three, we share two similar traits. We are all Catholics (though I am really lapsed while they are holy pious - at least on the surface) and Peranankans. I am not sure if these traits actually make us stinkier than the normal.

All I do know is that nun-wannabe would slime all the priests at churches as having love affairs with women on the side (this I can't discount nor prove) and she loves touching moi in the dark halls of the cinema.

Yes, she prolly would hold me to the 10k I "borrowed" from her to pay off my loans but hey, she offered to help out and I didn't point a gun at her to ask her to.

When our relation soured (I was under the impression we were just friends), she demanded this money back.

Well I could have gone on paying off the banks. Unlike her breathing down my neck and threatening all sorts of suits. It really shows.

Guess I will return her the sum with interest and the 2K to my second sister soon enough.

Don't You Wanna Make Money For The Family?
Of course sometimes I can get angry with my family members like my brother and second sister. As far as I remember, I wanted us to profit, make money and be financially protected - be it in the stock market or in insurance coverage.

I know my brother can be a himbo while sis can be a bimbo. They haven't exactly taken the bite.

I mean I sometimes wonder how my brother's generosity in church donations - be it in kind or cash has panned out. When he was retrenched, did any of his church friends do anything to help him?

If you wanna spend, make sure you can also earn.

This Saved My Skin
I am actually glad I did some of the things I did. Like invest in a fund. That money proved to help me in a part downpayment for my housing asset.

I am also glad I went ahead to buy this housing asset, regardless of whatever means I resorted to. It saved my skin. If not for it, I couldn't roll like I am doing now. And who are the beneficiaries in the end anyway?

Aren't I ploughing back?

If I hadn't bought this place, I may be subjected to the vagaries of humans. That include my kin. I could be homeless, dependent, kicked around, picked on, whatever.

I am not gonna depend on this. I wanna depend on myself.

Money Talks Even Among Kinship
When I return to the fold, I am fully aware of the people dynamics I am dealing with. I may even be shunned, like I may be now, if I were to ask for a room to stay in. Rent free? Not on your life.

If I throw down some money, well, that is different.

Alas, isn't this sad? Even among your kin, money talks?

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