Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hair Spray

My Cough Is Much Much Much Better
Today marks the 29th day of my whooping cough and guess what, it is almost all gone! I can just feel it within me, especially my throat. Usually it will get irritated for whatever reason.

And not necessarily because of the food I eat, coz I have been keeping away from cold drinks, chilli and oily stuff (according to the TCM sales assistant, even chicken, eggs and sugar, the last which I have not heeded at all) and yes, I have been downing bird's nest and the Chinese chuan bei pipa herbal syrup like running water.

I am not sure what did the trick for the complete cure or what irritates the throat (maybe it is the air-conditioner or the change of climes from hot to wet recently or even the pollution?)

All I know is that I should speak very soon about something bad that has happened while not speaking too soon about good things that have.

Maybe this was it.

Human Vagaries
Human nature can be fickle. Chris has proven this ten fold over. I don't know who his gay friends are within the circle. I hope whoever they are (if he joins that clubbing circle of the rent boi I know, I pity him), they are not leading him astray.

After promising to foot the rent before we parted, he went back on his word again. Only this time, he wanted to quit the place TOTALLY. I mean heck, he has wanted the household key and then he doesn't. So it was a complete case of a yo-yo.

I have broached the subject with Mabel if it is ok just for moi to stay at the place at a reduced rate and I am now awaiting word from her.

Nah, I Can't Really Depend On You
Yes my siblings, like so many others, could be all glib and tongue and assure everyone that because of our blood kin, they would look after moi.

But we can't really be sure, can we?

I have to think real hard about returning to the fold. I must make sure I can cope with what is gonna come my way.

That is because I know each and every one of their character just as they would claim to know me.

And this can be very disturbing to moi if you will notice the dark mood I am in recently.

Wimp, Blimp And Bimb (Again?)
Speaking of with, the Unholy Trinity prolly displays the most vagaries.

Smile Your Frivolous Fat-Arse Shit
So please He-Ape just shaddap with your "SMILE" sloganeering. You have every reason to smile because YOU ARE FILTHY RICH AND FILTHY SCUMMY.

And oh yes don't forget his bribes that help him snag his student enrolment in the first place.

Miss Teenage HairSpray
Yes I watched the movie and it was almost like watching "Grease" all over again.

Well almost.

Very very briefly the movie is about how a fat gall had her shot at being Miss Teenage Hairspray (with the help of the hairspray sponsor of course) and in so doing, redefined what beauty should be on the show's station.

She didn't win but hey, that wasn't what the movie set out to do.

The movie sets out to espouse racism (eventually it was "Everyday Is Negro Day" when the show integrated both Black And White).

And in one short movie, the film captured love that cuts across racial and weighty considerations, a political media that played up these differences and yes nepotism (the station owner's daughter was rigged up to win the contest).

Oh and don't forget religious fervour that got carried away in the form of Nikki's best friend's mother who tied her daughter up and admonishes her as a devil child. A religious fanatic no doubt.

Interspersed with songs and dances and with veteran heavyweight actors and actresses like Christopher Walken, Michelle Pfeiffer (God, how they really have aged) and John Travolta (yes, he reprises his role as in "Grease" except that now he plays a heavy-set mother to Nikki Blonski, the Miss Teenage Hairspray wannabe) backing the show, the movie just couldn't go wrong.

And don't forget the movie soundtrack out now in major music stores. One track "You Can't Stop The Beat" sounds a lot like the Village People's "You Can't Stop The Music" in the movie "YMCA".

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