Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Am At The Esplanade

Gosh! What Can I Say? You Are Still At It Despite Your Age?
I have restricted myself to only buying the weekend editions of The Straits Times these days.

But because I was scouting for a new place of late and there seem to be quite a few new news lately (like the property price surge and so on) and I am holed up at home nursing a cough and cold (which just got worse because I haven't been refraining from chilli or cold drinks, in fact I ate a plate of hot curry rice the other day), I have been faithfully moping up daily copies of it.

Indeed there were newsworthy articles.

On the day that I didn't buy up a copy of The Straits Times, I chanced upon MM Lee's video webcast online. I laughed so much because he was really hilarious when he reacted to a lady audience's question.

That is how magnetic he can be. Whenever he says something, I will sit up to listen. I pointed this out to a Filipino dude who sat next to me in the fast food joint in Orchard Road when I played the webcast.

It was also admirable to see him, at his age, to be travelling far and wide. One episode showed him climbing up a flight of stairs as best as he could despite his octogenarian status.

Truly admirable!

Mabel The MapleStory
Things have settled down quite a bit. But of course there was that shocker just yesterday when Mabel wanted us to quit by month end.

I protested as notice has to be a month wef the date that the notice is served. And yes, we are not paying rent for the extra 10 days we stayed since notice is served on her side and we do have the tenancy contract for 6 months.

And of course Winnie, her auntie agent, has to find us a suitable replacement at no cost. Coz I aint gonna spend another cent on agent fees. And the deposit has to be duly refunded.

This smacks of another episode of Doray and his agent friend (maybe even beau and they could have eloped together to Malaysia the last time and hey, if Doray collects the agent fees on her behalf, what does that tell you about their relationship?) collaborating to fleece tenants of their deposits and agent fees.

For the moment there is no word that the notice is gonna be served.

Well Chris Is Ok So Far
I have also warmed up to Chris. He is kinda matured for his age, no less attributed to his quitting school at secondary two and moving out to stay on his own for two years.

I admire this. especially since he is only 17 going on 18.

We get along quite fine, we are just room-mates , he is attached and of course I am just putting my blind faith and trust in him.

Of course I have to get used to his putting on foundation in the morning and waxing his hair to a perfect peacock stand before he goes to work.

But hey, which cousin nephew doesn't deserve his uncle washing his clothes for him, filling up his water-bottles and sweeping up the long hair he sheds?

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