Friday, August 31, 2007

It Was All Wrong

Not As Frivolous As You Would Imagine
Lest you think my real education for the real world hinges on the frivolous, think again.

Our everyday lives are usually impacted by things that happen to us on the ground. In other words, something closer to our hearts. Be it at home, in school, at a shopping mall, on the bus or on the train and so on

And while KI is supposed to be a H2 subject, what about a H3 level for a subject so crucial as to critical thinking, critical analysis and critical writing?

A Political Shadow Lurks?
It was a deserted stadium when I arrive. But as soon as moi strip off his clothes (don't worry, I am still in my decent shorts) and start on my rounds, invariably there would be others joining in.

Hmmmm, BIG BRO, is this another one of your tailing and shadowing moves? And yes, the helicopter is here as well.


Yes, This Bus Turned A Wrong Direction Too
Let me write about my other experience on another bus which turned into a different road and direction, just like what happened with bus service 132.

I must have boarded one of the three bus services, namely 55, 25 or 132, plying Hougang Avenue 2, very near the Hougang Stadium. They all ply the same route anyway, connecting Hougang to Ang Mo Kio.

Instead of just driving along Hougang Avenue 2 and straight on to Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3, this bus turned into Hougang Avenue 8.

I had to alight because I knew it was a wrong turn and cross over to the other side of the road to board a bus service 165 home. Of course there is bus service 74 as well.

Very strange, this!

Is this another one of your shadowy moves again, BIG BRO? Or as I came to know recently, it could be a substitute driver for our bus company.

Can't Explain This, Can You?
If my EZlink card isn't working for the second time now, then the blame cannot be pinned on my Cash Card .

Remember how the last time my Cash Card was identified as the culprit for the corruption of the chipset in my EZlink Card? I have since discarded it but this second replacement card is facing exactly the same problem.

Final verdict: it must be the EZlink card itself and that explains the new type of card they have come up with?

Bleary Eyes And Late Nights
My contact lens, corrected for astigmatism, aren't exactly helping me to see very well.

If anything, it is blurry and sometimes foggy. I can't read print very well (there is like a double) and alphanumerals can be easily mistaken.

Doesn't help that I am keeping late nights these days and I come back like 2am in the wee-hours of the morning.

The next day I can be really shacked.

Wrong Gendered Loo
Can you blame moi then for actually walking into the "Female" toilet the other day at Central shopping mall. Not that the maroon silhouettes of the two full-bodied male and female figures were any help.

I walked into a cubicle, shitted, walked out and lo and behold, a gall was looking at herself in the mirror. At first I thought she was in the wrong toilet (like there was once a gall who walked straight into a men's toilet at another major shopping mall) but after she convinced moi I was the intruder, I excused myself and staggered out.

Wrong Numbered Bus Service
Just like yesterday, my vision must have played tricks on moi and I read the yellow polka-dotted numerals of a SMRT bus service 960 as 980, duly boarded it and it took me to far-away Woodlands via a very circuitous route around almost the whole of the Bukit Panjang estate.

The toll my eyes and my late nights must have taken on me.

Missing Information
Speaking of which, it is really commendable we are gonna have all those bus route information displays put up at all our bus stops.

But I noticed some stops near Bugis Junction that now only show information of bus journeys going forward.

They used to map out the entire journey, greying out those before the bus stop while boldening the ones after. There is also information on the time of arrival for the last bus from weekdays through to the weekends and Public Holidays.

By not displaying information on the entire bus journey, one will now have to physically cross over to the other side of the road to know if the bus in question is the one that can take them to their destinations.

Don't forget we have linear bus stops here and if I understand the term correctly, some buses do not stop at a certain bus-stop but the next.

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