Saturday, September 01, 2007

What Can I Say? You Have Strategised Brilliantly

Which Side Are You On?
Yes, we all know how some bus boards are not turned over the right side sometimes. Haven't we spotted a few ourselves.

For a newbie, this is disconcerting if he has to determine the right side of the road he should be waiting at for the bus.

I guess the bus route information displays then come in handy.

Say, How Many Buses Are Alloted For A Particular Service Number Anyway? Or Is This Hush-Hush Too?
Elaborating a little on waiting times for buses.

I suppose that at any one time, there will be two buses parked at the bus terminal. When one of the two pulls out, the third will arrive, if not sooner than later?

And frankly we don't even know how many buses we allot to a particular service number do we?

It is a numbers game, no?

What Privileges Have We Got That A PR Doesn't?
As I sit here blogging today (after last night or is it this morning's late night/morning INTERNET sojourn), there is this group of three China men

Now I have nothing against anyone. Hey I was even holed up with one yesterday evening only because the pimp was touting the masseur as a Taiwanese national rather than the Shandong native that he really is.

It was more the loud chat they were engaging in, within earshot of almost everyone at this section of the cafe anyway, that caught my attention.

They were discussing the recent surge in property prices and the rental income one could accrue as a side-stream.

It is obvious they are PRs and they were hoping to ride on our current property boom. They are already able to compete with us on many fronts, public housing projects and private properties. What else isn't there that they don't have as a privilege that we locals are now enjoying?

As a kitchen help and server at a bakery cafe remarked, as a PR, she is aware of some of our Singaporean issues but she isn't affected nor bothered. In fact, she has thoughts of taking with her the small fortune she has made here when she reached her golden years, back to her homeland.

Uncle Cabby yesterday also mentioned how a whole multi-generational tier of families (grandparents, parents and children) who can tag along with a kin that comes here to work.

That says a lot, doesn't it? Wake-Up call Singaporeans!

They are everywhere in fact and some as fair or as dark as some of our kind, they are not easily singled out or recognisable.

Whoa! Is This Top Secret Too?
And I am curious, what kinda alphanumeral prefixes our PR and eventually their naturalised citizenship identity cards, aren't you?

If there are any in the first place and what kinda sequence of serial numbers (do these denote their population size in our midst even?) post-cede after that.

I thought a serial number like S0065782F (made-up, triple coincidence if it belongs to you) would mean the 65 782th citizen among us.

This "Foreign" Dude Works Hard For His Money
As I said, I have nothing against anybody.

Just like this European (east or west, maybe even Turkish or Middle Eastern, hey some are fair and white-looking too) dude who seems to be working his butts off at the Orchard Mcdonalds cafe - all three kiosks plus the one inside Shaw Centre it seems).

I could see a perceptible difference in that all the tables were cleared of the leftovers, spick and spank, unlike the last few occasions I had visited the place.

And he was the supervisor but really hands-on.

I don't begrudge him anything. Because if I were in that position and I have found my vocation and career inclination, I will work very hard too.

Brilliant Development Strategies To Make Up For Lost Advantages
I have to tip my hat to the HongKong property developers of my private housing project.

First it is a freehold project and I believe if anyone is serious about having a stake in any country of abode, this is it. Otherwise he is just a transient hotel guest who comes and goes as he pleases..

But more importantly, each residential tower's exclusive four residences on a floor were configured differently in terms of the unit's layout like having one or two balconies at the living hall and master bedroom (plus a panter box) and their facing direction as well as the units' sizes.

There were three pools and greenery to make up for a lack of a out-of-range view if there were, and for towers whose views will be blocked out eventually, their huge sizes compensated for this.

Anyway there is only one or two ideal facing types and this seems more like the South-facing ones (only selected stacks and storeys really and the sea and bay could be seen at certain angles), not the East-West types - practically blocked by other developments.

In other words, the developer (or more precisely its designers - the architects and engineers) has made up for a lost natural advantage with other kinds of man-made advantages.

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