Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sleaze What Else?

See How Costs Have Spiralled But Wages Remain Stagnant
And look at all the ridiculous prices that are being quoted for room rental these days. Prices start from $450 all the way to $600 or even $700.

Mind you, this is just for HDB and the flats aren't that fantastic that warrant such a premium. The condition of the flat, the age of the estate, even its location.

But salaries and wages remain relatively the same. Hasn't gone up commensurate with costs.

How the fuck do you explain this?

Another Someone's Mistake That Moi Has To Pay Dearly For
Well I traded my membership card for a towel card at the gymnasium and when I returned it, I got somebody else's membership card instead.

I turned to make right this wrong but the Uncle attendant couldn't locate my card and yes I don't remember my towel card identification number. Who does when a different one is issued each time and there are tonnes of them, right?

So I had to have a replacement card and yes, the old one has much of its letters erased after repeated swipes.

I have mentioned this before to a towel attendant long ago and I am not sure if this was their feeble attempt to get it replaced lest there be any complaints or just a genuine mistake on the part of the old fumbling Uncle towel attendant.

As long as the old one gets invalidated and nobody gets into the gym on it, I am fine. This could be another possibility, having someone come in on my account. And Chris did mention he wanna join Calif Orchard.

Because there is always that interconnectedness and relationship among the few shenigans (as someone would put it). Like we all know how one entrepreneur could hold the F1 race here and how someone gets appointed to the board of our very famous branded beverage company.

Right before I entered, the counter staff took a photograph of me on their webcam and claimed they needed this for identification which was never done before anyway untill now, that is.

You wanna be a magician and pull off hat tricks, so can I.

Because it is a known fact that young people below the age limit can get in to watch R(A) films, pubs and clubs (getting high and drunk) and lay their hands on ciggies.

The last two I have seen with my own eyes.

So what else can be not sleazy here?

Unless you happen to be living in a charmed circle of the rich and famous and the elites?

So That Was How You Did It
Yes misplacing my bunch of keys at the gym just yesterday showed me how the one dude (their staff) could actually cut open my padlock with a huge cutter.

That was how they wiped out my padlock when I forgetfully left the locker locked for two days.

But at least I got a free padlock this time, and I don't need to purchase one from them like the last time.

Padlock-Key Vs Key Security System
That is the problem with a padlock-key system as opposed to just a key system.

The former and the latter can see you misplacing your keys but if they are on a loop or strap, this is less likely.

With the padlock-key system, the additional danger is if you just forget to fish out your key, you could just padlock your locker to a permanent lock-in.

There Just Aren't Enough Jobs At The Upper Middle And High End Spectrum?
Gospel truth is : yes tens of thousands, maybe even half a million jobs, have been created.

But in what sectors and at what kinda entry level? The low skilled and the semi-skilled?Cleaning, technical or service industries?

Are they even meant for locals in the first place? The cheap price tag remember.

And if they weren't, could a local with our own Cambridge qualification fill it, despite its calls for a certain minimum qualification that a foreign third world university graduation certification usually qualifies the candidate to?

Let us face it, it is really ridiculous to need a masters holder to teach all those foreign third world students in a private international school.

They can't even handle the international English standard of testing like the IELTS and TOEFL, not to mention our Cambridge ones.

Even our local neighborhood students who usually make the grade for entry to polytechnics or some of the lower-ranked (academically only, mind you) junior colleges.

Gosh, how stupid can this be?

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