Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Henchies That Are Just Plain BootLicking Incompetents

M/s Butchy And A WebCam Recept BitchWhore Of A Dude
Remember how while on a trial try-out at Calif, I was attended to by a membership recruitment consultant (who was really yucky and bitchy) and a personal trainer (who wasn't really my kinda coach)?

Well those were just part of the reason why I didn't join, besides of course, the stiff prices. Who would wanna pay for what you are getting that isn't even up to par, right?

As they have an all-club membership (kinda wonder why a trial can't be all-club too, otherwise how do people decide?), moi snuck to several clubs just to recce the place (are facilities comprehensive, etc, etc) and of course, check out the dudes.

If I haven't blogged about this, let me write about it now.

At its financial district, which was dead quiet on weekends, I was greeted by M/s Butchy (not because she was a butch that I dislike her but the way she conducted herself).

She insisted on a web-cam snap-shot before allowing moi in.

Well, now that I have joined the club, I swung over to the same financial district club just the other day after laying up for such a long time. In fact, when I first started out again, I was all tired out and could not even manage my usual weight loads.

And it was life's sweetest revenge!

I pointed out to her how my replacement card, which was just recent (and yes, that same recept bitch dude insisted on another snap shot today which I flatly refused, citing that they didn't capture it that day - that is your fucking problem dude!), had its gold-embossed letters already worn out!

Amazing isn't it?

I suspect that the personal trainer (some sissy fart who is good for coaching galls and oldies anyway) must be behind this.

Well look, nobody just sign up if prices aren't competitive and you don't measure up! It is simple as that. Let the shenigans bring in their whole ding-dong gang and see what happens to us in the final end. I don't operate that way.

In fact I suspect its henchies (I have spotted two at cruising spots) and perhaps even Big Bro's henchies, are the ones masterminding this.

An Old Pro-Estab And BootLicking Fart
It was also at this gym that I ran into an oldie.

While chatting him up, I realised how much of a pro-estab person he is. He must be doing very well. And fed well by the system. Or bribed by the system. Whateva.

But he was cruising nonetheless, sexuality none too clear.

In fact, I have noticed a whole gang of them swarming places moi goes to. Some old and some of a certain racial make-up.

The boot-licking, apple-polishing swines and sakas that they must be. Spit at your faces!

Don't hide under a cloak of anonymity and insiduousness! Show your fucking face and let us slug it out!

A Room Hunt Is On Again
It has taken me to several places. Only one is reasonable. And I am still awaiting a reply.

In fact I screwed an agent (who advertised on the gay classifieds), first for not knowing what he was marketing (in part because the Indian owners were not very truthful about who lives there) and for being a full hour late (real attitude) and then showing ineptitude.

Sure, he was caught in a traffic jam but I had to call him one and a half hours beforehand to reconfirm, only to be told the appointment will be later and he was still home. And this was fixed a day in advance, mind you and the time was appointed by him, not me.

So he was sick (many, many excuses) but he didn't mention this at all untill after our viewing and my screwing him.

The asking price was a ridiculous $450 which he said could be re-negotiated to $250 if I had wanted the room. But as the landlord is Hindu, I don't think I wanna repeat another Doray episode.

This is the sad state of gaydom, of the hencies and of the real estate industry in general.

They are perhaps one and the same, all rolled into one!

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