Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nudists' Night Out Fiasco ,Keep Out Unless We Ask You To Step In, A Solarium Sojourn And When Is It Perfect Or Not Perfect?

Men's Club Night-Out Fiasco
As I was whiling away my time, in between stealing looks at the gorgeous young male helpers at the cafe, I couldn't help noticing how much time has passed that the bewitching hours of a DOG-TAG NUDE night out was in fact drawing near at a men's club a stone's throw away.

In fact I have been bumping into too many gorgeous and reasonably hunky dudes at the gyms, at the men's clubs and at about everywhere else moi chose to go. Like this American Born Chinese at an eatery.

So much so, each and every one of them has been a sexual fantasy fodder for my wet, wetter and wettest dreams every night as I lie naked on the floor.

With a lean hungry look of Cassius and a sexual appetite of the werewolf of London, I logged on to check if the dog-taggy nude night out was still on.

I couldn't find anything but decided to go anyway, if just to check out a nudists' Friday Night out at the club.

When I arrived, there was a sizeable crowd and the club had some new camouflage leaves and curtains fronting its doorways which I thought was hip and cool, besides affording some privacy.

Normally when it is jam-packed with testerone-drooling hunky dudes, there is hardly space nor room for sexual trysts. So you have to wait your turn or it is NEVER. Even if you do find a crack in the dark, other less enticing characters lurk to jump in which dampens or spoils your fun.

When it was nearing midnight, the whole crowd had gone out and I was surprised. I was still acclimatising my asgtimatic and bleary eyes to the dark and wasn't in a particularly good mood (well, for one, I would love to spend time relaxing at home or something but hey, THIS ISN'T MY HOME, IT IS ANDY, MABEL AND ASHLEY's home).

I decided to snooze in one of the rooms because it would be a long night after all. It closes at 8am the next day and I was intending to stay over.

Fucking God! They had a break in between for a clean-up (this I didn't know at all) and the club boys hollered and pounded on my door repeatedly while I refused to open up. Until that last pound and more hollering! Apparently they had announced it 15 minutes ago but hey, it didn't get to me!

I was pissed and the whole night's mood dissipated! I packed up and left at about half past two after sulking for a long while and mulling over some of the other stupid things that had gone on before like the needless and inconsistent security checks at the National Library.

I could see they had a glow theme night going on as well and the boys were in their glorious naked forms.......

So why didn't they say something about their clean-up and glow-in-the-dark theme on their webby? And there was not a mention of the dog-tag event anymore. Does that mean that has been annihilated?

What poor communications! As usual.

Who Is Annie (Crew Leader) Anyway? Why Is She Meddling In Our Family Affairs?
Among the other things I was mulling over was this conversation with an old lady at a Mcdonalds Cafe near my old old neighborhood.

She claims to be an upstairs neighbor but I cannot for the life of me, remember who she was and where she came from.

It appears that my third sister had spoken to her and she knows quite a fair bit about what is going on in our family. A feuding family or at least a very fragmented and disunited family. Thanks in part to Big Bro and Second Sister who pulled us in different feuding paths and directions.

Yes, it is true. It is to the credit and magnamity of my brother-in-law (my third sis' hubby) that both my father and mute sister have been able to find a roof over their heads.

This is undeniable and in fact, I feel ashamed my own sister doesn't cook and the whole family has to wait for my brother-in-law to return to cook for them.

My third sister has been putting on tremendous weight and that is because she has been gorging herself with food and there are all these medicine she is downing like a hypochrondriac.

She also suffers from Obsessive Compulsion Disorder as she constantly washes her hands, the last time I remember when we were staying together in our old old old place.

And yes she is a seance of sort too, going into trances and claiming to speak with spirits and so on.

The only guilty party to blame would be the GP who prescribes her whatever she wants and not what she needs.

What I hated is my own flesh and blood has washed every dirty linen in public and I haven't even breathed a word about anyone.

And this woman should have kept out of our family affairs and not add fuel to the fire.

I will tell her this into her face the next time we run into each other.

A Solarium Outing
It was with wide-eyed curiousity that I decided to try out this sun-tanning salon.

I checked with them their precise location and as it was a weekend afternoon, the whole financial district was almost like a ghost town and the crowd milling at the mall was really thin.

The cute young dude briefed me on their promo packages and after I had confirmed one try-out session, he passed me a promissory note to read and initial.

I was handed a towel, a padlock with key, a suntan lotion satchet, sun-proof eyewear, buffer solution and lens holder for me to take off my contact lenses and put them in.

I headed for the changing room, dunked my barang-barang into the locker, took off my lenses, stripped off my clothes and rubbed in the lotion all over me body and face.

The cute hot young recept dude accompanied me to the solarium room, instructed me on a few stuff I had forgotten by now and hey presto, I was all ready for my sun-out.

I was hoping we could tan together, in the buff, lying down on the solarium bed and orgasmed to an orgasmic fling. But hey, life is so unfair isn't it?

I locked the door, peeled off my towel, hung up my locker key and laid down on a bed of fluorescent tubes (which was essentially what a solarium is).

I set the time to 10 minutes (as I was already very tanned and just wanted to rid myself of tanlines) and closed the capsule and whoa, what followed was a session of windy hot radiation flowing through my body.

I got out before the time was up, washed off my sun-lotion in the showers and was hoping someone would join me here!

But again, life is never fair, isn't it? Or is it?

When Is It Perfect And When Is It Not
So it is always the same lame excuse.

When the situation warrants, we absolve ourselves with the excuse that nothing is ever perfect. Be it governance or our "system" or our infrastructure or our civil service.

So why are we demanding perfect role models for teaching (and arent gay teachers absolutely hypocritical if they can't be a model for gay relationships but they have to pretend to be someone else?)

And perfect scores for exams because we have middle, high school and university admission criteria like the PSLE aggregate score or the L1R4 or the L1R5 or a credit system?

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