Friday, September 14, 2007

Of Needless, Petty And Stupid Security Checks In Rules-Bound Singapore, Bogus Role Models And A Fragmented Gay Community

The Thing About Our Security Guards Here
I have nothing against the very old and the old who are manning our security posts. But seriously, if a burglary happens, I can't be too sure if they can handle it.

Anyway, some old and the not so old can be real pains in the asses.

The Security Stupid Stares
Like this big stout senior Indian woman at the hypermart at AMK hub. I walked out after buying some groceries but remembered I had something else I needed.

So I walked right in again.

Immediately, she turned around and faced moi squarely as if bracing for a fight but backed away when I gave her the stares.

Inconsistent And Needless Security Checks, I Felt
The few femme security guards at the National Library were no better.

The first few occasions, they asked nothing of opening up my lappy's casing but the next two occasions they did. So it was rather inconsistent.

Some even insist on examing the pile under my clothes (my gym and running gear mostly).

I had a good mind to flash them the condoms I had on me and my g-string the next time, like I did my underwears on one occasion.

Another Prime Example Of SenseLess Rules-Bound Singapore
I bought a drink and some kuih kuih and as the eateries were meant for take-aways and the few seats around the Bugis Office Tower were filled, I walked into the office lift lobby where there were some metallic benches.

I plonked down and ate my snacks.

After I almost polished off my food, an old male security guard walked up to moi and told me consuming food was prohibited.

I really do not see what the BIG PROBLEM is with eating here. Do you?

Another prime example of needless and petty security checks and patrols. Shouldn't they be more concerned about break-ins or crime or something?

This is exactly what I mean when I say that we are so clever with all those petty stupid stuff like these that we are not pre-occupied with real niggling issues.

A Mirror That Reflects Back What It Sees
I know many of the older generation (maybe even among a handful of the younger ones) has A BIG BONE to pick with how the younger set look.

I mean the colors in their hair and so on. Certainly in schools they do.

Well, what about the younger people having a BIGGER BONE to pick like the balding and greying pate of the old?

Bogus Role Models
Time and again, our dear Ministry Of Education has consistently sloganeered the tagline that "teachers" should be "perfect" role models to their young charges.

The few key words here are "perfect" (didn't we like, when the situation warrants, always excused our shortcomings by prefacing that the world or the system is never perfect?) and "role models".

I think the young charges are gonna be sorely disappointed when they get out there in the real world and see that the world is less than perfect.

Even worse, when they grow up and they interact with their 'role model' "teachers", they find that they are no less scummy than the working capitalist pigs they deal with on a daily basis at work.

So much for role modelling.

Like I told Mabel, I said it is gonna be VERY TOUGH on Ashley if Mabel keeps disciplining him on all the "wrong things" he does and he finds himself, all grown up one fine day and getting out there, that the rest arent doing the RIGHT STUFF either.

So please, drop the "perfect" "role modelling" requirement.

Let the students see for themselves a variety of characters in ALL THEIR FULL GLORY AND FURY!

The scums and the angels.

A Fragmented Gay Community With Different Segments Needing Different Addresses
I have written about this in one of my previous blogs.

The gay community is as diverse as any cosmopolitan society is. There are, I suppose if I can term it, the good, the bad and the ugly.

For me, I can't personally relate or wanna relate to those who are much too similar to women in traits. I leave that to gay brethen who can.

I am neither asking for sado-macho masculine bulls raging in a china shop.

Something in between would be nice. It does seem that we always have two extremes here (because I think we have done this intentionally), either too hot or too cold or the best or the worst.

Someone decent and reasonable. With both a tough streak and a soft touch when circumstances dictate.


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