Sunday, September 02, 2007


Sleazy Hair Salons
Ok let me put down the circumstances how I met M/s Nun-Wannabe-Dropout.

The reason why she dropped out is unclear but for one, she was apparently jealous of the unequal treatment between nuns and priests. And she prolly also fell for some of her fellow seminarians or something. That much I can gather.

As you already know, I change hair-dressers very often unless he/she proves to be a really good hair stylist and someone whom I can trust and who takes good care of my hair.

Not those who try to shove things down my throat. Those who wanna straighten my hair or change my hairstyle (oO, don't think it was) or tell me I am losing my hair and wanna make me go for scalp treatment.

The only hairstylist I stuck with was my old old Malay neighbor who lives a few floors below me. He was not too bad.

Profile Of Nun-Wannabe-Dropout
So it was one of those shopping expeditions that I ran into her. Ivy was her name. In fact I noticed a few other shops near her who had all those sleazy foreign women offering hanky-panky on the side.

I am not sure if she does the same but she was in the midst of handing over the shop and quitting the business to become a child "educator". The hair business was getting competitive, it seems.

Can you imagine a woman coming over to my place like that? She offers to cook for moi (and I didn't ask her or force her) but much later, she will make it seem as if like she was forced to.

I am not sure what gave her the idea we were gonna get hitched and so on. It was just all in her head.

Gosh, women! What can I say?

Three Things That Will Keep Your Place Untidy And Messy
There are just a few things you must know that will surely dirty or mess up your house.

One, you keep animals or plants. Two, you have kids and three, you cook.

Bear these in mind, will you!

Profile Of Chris
I have to quit this place. Again, you ask! Well yeah.

But Chris hasn't returned the wardrobe keys (and it seems my deposit will be forfeited against this) and he hasn't cleared his stuff since he says he is quitting. And yes, he did agree to foot half the agent's fees.

He keeps going back on his word. Like the so many I have met. He just slinks away. The rat that he is.

Bullying Tactics
Now I am beginning to think, like one Uncle Cabby told me, that BIG BRO has all these henchies that outnumber the rest of us opposed to them. So they are using all these 'grass-roots' henchies to bully us.

You are not succeeding MAN!

I will repeat again: If you did correctly and with good reason, everyone follows. If not, we won't. Simple as that. Period.

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