Thursday, September 20, 2007

More Moot Cases, Ashley My Darling Boy And A Coolie House Plus Many More

Sexual Grooming - That Is A New One - Does This Mean Personal Grooming? Oo
As I read some postings on a gay site, I am surprised there is now a Penal Code Section 376. Something related to "sexual grooming of minors under 16" while the rest is just lost on me.

Wonder what this mean....but I can guess......

Nepots And Croners
An associate trainer asked me the last time why I don't farm out some of the training jobs to my siblings. We were training at this premier all-girls secondary school by the way.

When I thought about it, I don't think any of them qualify and this will not do justice to the girls.

I am no nepot nor croner. That is the way I operate. You can do the job, it is yours. If not, no go. You did wrong, you kena. That is it.

Non-Profit, You Close
I am not like He-Ape who engages his sis-in-law to run a branch. Because of kinship. She is not even cut out for her job.

Worse, I understand this centre doesn't earn profits. Why? The teachers like She-Ape and Miss Accident-In-The-Face were just seriously not service-oriented. And M/s Black Widow?

Well............the way she answers customers on the phone was already a huge turn-off.

Unless the customers were like and they return like, well then maybe.

I talk to her and I know her tone too.

They can't have other centres which are turning in profits subsidizing them. You close if you are not earning profits for so long and you know why.

Your fucking lousy attitude.

WhatEva Happened To This Entrepreneur
Remember the WYWY group of telecommunication shops? A whole network in fact.

Now it seems that STARHUB and SINGTEL shops have replaced them.

Was there a change of name or were they ousted? Or are they still around? I don't see them much.

Another Note On Our Global School House Vision
Now the government agency staked private school which, in its heydays was named Corrine Private School and was owned by a Chinese national turned our PR (who many of its Chinese students had whinged about), has now been renamed and relocated.

We all know that.

In fact it has a string of Chinese partners and our vocational school has msucled in as well.

I have met some of the vocational institute's heads, one who runs the SHELL LiveWire program (a Taiwanese turned our PR I believe and some relations to a known celebrity sportsman here perhaps?) in particular and its head at its Dover premise.

I know what they stand for.

And I refuse to work with its related construction arm, the BCA, who runs its programs. Because the premise to be leased out to moi wasn't a win-win proposition. It was more like win-lose.

They have calculated everything while I haven't quite worked out mine yet.

The same few shenigans and that explain why not too many people are keen to come in here to do business with us. Period.

Staff Turnover
A complete change of face. A sea of new staff.

The last time I sit here to surf or blog, I notice all the politicking going on. And I can sense why some left.

All the tell-tale signs are there! It is written all over the faces of those who resigned.

If you ask me, it is good some of the delivery people left. As for the staff, well....can be sad for some who did.

Another Planter! You ScumBags And SlimeBalls
Just only, I ran into someone. Now as I told you, people don't just turn up for no reasons. As I look around, I am so aware of who is near me.

Even here now at MacDonalds, I keep running into this young dude and I know who he is affiliated with. It is crystal clear to me.

Someone is playing a political game. There are two scenarios here. Either I am driven into the opposition camp or I am driven into the pro-estab camp.

The last they manage to do so by planting some indirect henchies of theirs in my midst so that hey, this isn't exactly the estab but nonetheless a pro-estab player (could be a foreigner who is stationed here permanently and having a whale of a time and privileged, so he is saying all the good stuff about the estab) who, get this, saved moi from certain destruction.


We will see how I maneovure this. You wanna play games and not leave me alone to just pursue the things I want in the first place, we will see who wins!

Because you ASKED FOR THIS, not me.

I did nothing but you fired so many salvos, don't expect me not to retaliate. And go skunking to you like the rest. I care two hoots what you do as long as I am not involved.

And I will smash the face of every GALL you strew along my way and the same goes for the WIMPS.

You chao ah gua! You aint no hero, you are just scum, doing the things you do!

Nah, You Won't Get Me Laying Down My Life For You, You Ain't Worth It
By now, I am positively sure the community is nudging me into the direction and the tribulations that they have faced in dealing with the State on various platforms, be it schools, or its agencies or its whateva.

So they in turn do the same.

Unfortunately I will not fall into the trap of fighting for them and laying down my life for them while they sit back and cheer on as a spectator or a supporter but without they themselves being at the forefront of the battle field.

That I must state categorically.

State Planters To Sow Discord And Drive Division
And judging by the so many things that have happened to me and my family (my mother used to think someone has charmed us and thus she calls in the exorcists, both bomohs and Catholic ones), I cannot help harp back to my grandfather days.

He was rich and he remarried a few times only because the wives died. Then the war came and the wealth disappeared just like that. He must be a contemporary of those old money elites of those days and who are ruling over us today.

I can only guess that there were "planters" (state-planted ones, that is) among us who sow deceit, betrayal and drive division among us, our families and our relatives.

Don't we all remember the opposition member once upon a time whose ancestors were owners of plantations in Yishun? Look at the fate of the descendants.

Updates And A Webby Is A First Point Of Contact With A Customer/Or Potential Customer/Or Visitor, Much Like A Recept Answering A Call Or Engaging A Walk-In Customer Or Visitor - So This Has To Be Done Right
As I visited the webby of our housing authority, I realised that studios are open to singles and solely for their own use. Didn't see this the last time, not sure if it was recent or I missed it.

And the men's club had listed the Dog Taggy event under its upcoming program schedule, not its specials which is a weekly staple like their Tattoos day, their days for the young and their beefcake nights.

Strange that since Dog-Taggy night (so where comes the Glow theme night?) is already a regular feature almost every Friday, they do not have it on their specials menu.

The Men's Clubs Are Only Worth An Occasional Look-See, Not Regular Visits. I Have Never Missed Them While I Had Ma Own Home Nor Visited Any For The Decade While I Was Living On Ma Own - So Seriously Will I Die Without Them? I Started Now Only Because The MotherFuckers Were Pushing Me Right To This Corner
Remember what I said about leaving something behind just like that, without hesitation, without a second thought. Like I quit smoking or sold my car or my house.

Well I have a good mind to just quit visiting men's clubs and I will, as soon as I am ready and in good time.

Today I visited BlueHeaven and the beng owner was already a pain in the arse the last time. If you remember, they issued two padlocks intertwined together and I have blogged about how pea-brained the beng is.

I also a bought a canned drink and sat on the sofa to watch its plasma tv the last time and the beng came right out and said that was prohibited, being afraid of spills as he claimed (well I finished it in one gulp usually). The man that he is, or is he a woman?

So why sell drinks and where do we drink our drinks?

Today he accused moi of opening (oops, sorry, sliding and it is that spring back kind)the door not too gently. Well the last time it could be fully opened but today, it can't. Stuck halfway. Not my problem dude.

If it spoils, that is just too bad.

When everybody slides it and if it springs back like that - very loudly, it is just that. So what the fuck?

I asked for a refund and got out. No use talking to stupid people. I could better spend my 8 bucks on a drink or a meal.

Stick To What You Say Are Your Opening And Closing Hours
I also got round to talking to another white owner about its staff at another club. I mean I got that at about half past 9 or so, closing time is half past 11 but by ten or so, they were cleaning out the whole place and getting ready to shut.

Granted there were quite a few people in it (about ten or so) but seriously, if you say you close at 11.30pm, then it is 11.30 pm.

If the gym closes at midnight, we would expect its facilities to be still up and running till that time. Not mid-way and the steam shuts down or the sauna.

A Certain Fixed Cleaning Schedule And Not At Various Odd Hours
And sure the uncle cleaners really work hard at cleaning out the shower rooms. You should see the way they scrub the whole place, rolling up their sleevs and hemlines.

Like the local cleaner at this swimming pool I visited. Or some of our local cleaners pushing trolleycarts of debris and rubbish from our HDB flats. They work really hard.

But hey, don't they have a certain cleaning schedule and not the various odd times they do this? They do have a washing schedule for our HDB flats and so why can't the rest do the same?

More Instant Moot Cases About The Old
Well, look at the pathetic state of some of the oldies today.

Some are still slogging away in their old age, sometimes not by choice, but by circumstances. Not too many are in a good state, financially, in health or at their jobs.

Can you imagine how some are still cruising at that age at gay haunting grounds?

The Case Against The State For Its Non-Acknowledgement Of Its Gay Population
Look what we have gotten ourselves into. It is almost like the local movie production of "Men In White". The ghosts are invisible though a handful can see them.

Is this what we want for ourselves?

I mean can you imagine they give us gay clubs and gay pubs (the sleaze) but they refuse us our due recognition in meaningful areas of our love, our life and our work.

They have reduced gayism to homo-eroticism (another sleaze industry), just pure physical lust and sex and not treating it like a wholesome relationship as it should be.

That we exist even. That we are non-entities. An aberration.

Our fundamental rights. That a gay relationship is as viable as any other. That it begins with education. What fucking backlash are they talking about?

We gays may be as diverse as a cosmopolitan society as I wrote about the last time but these, I am sure, we stand united for.

The penal code treatment of us and the official sanction of a domicile partnership/or gay marriage. Plus granting us the same rights in public, at work, in schools, the whole works.

The Case Against The "Foreigners" (Naturalised And Non-Naturalised Residents) Who Are Among Us, Occupying Important Jobs And Starting Businesses And Of Course They Speak Well Of Us - They Have All Their PlayThings Here
I ran into an Indian doctor (from Northern India) working for KK Hospital on a residency permity (wasn't there a quota imposed once upon a time and weren't the utmost stringent requirements necessary back then? So it seems we now have an approved list that covers almost anywhere).

I ran into a French owning a retail business. We have seen the foreigners speaking on behalf of and working for our distinguished public policy school. And for some of our universities. And the men's clubs.Foreigners owning accounting firms. Starting up medical companies and multi-levelling health products.

The list goes on.

Every single one of them could do this while the rest of us seem like we are held back for one reason or another.

Either we are too poor and can't afford the capital or we are killed off by all the nonsensical licensing requirements which do not seem to affect the "foreigners".

They do seem to be privileged.

And we are their playground?

Like I am sure they are speaking all the good things about us because they have been privileged. They can do business, they can own homes and they can do almost anything (diplomatic immunity extended?)

For the gays, they have their sex boy toys and for the rest, they have other playthings and playtoys - real live living, breathing toys I mean.

Singaporeans, another wake-up call!

Ashley And I
The boy and I have had some great moments together. I mean I have addressed him as my darling boy but hey, he can't be my adopted son. He still has his parents with him and their ages are not too many years apart from mine.

I mean we fix his jigsaw puzzle together and I can't help noticing how the alphabets A to Z have gotten more profound like U for underwear and A for alarm clock (traditionally an umbrella and an apple respectively).

Then we hit his McDonald's Happy Meal giveaway hot-air balloon like a volleyball or kick it like a soccer ball. We sing the ABC song together and I even got him to write his ABC.

And yes, Ashley is a left-hander. You should see the way he writes and forms his alphabets - way out from every conventional way a right-hander would write them. Very much the opposite.

He can't speak whole sentences very well yet and that is because he just got admitted into kindergarten, having skipped all the nursery stages because he was afraid of the teachers or something.

He would sometimes ask if I wanna talk to him and invite me to sit and watch VCD movies with him.

Today, I found out he got hit in the eye by the door handle and he was sporting a really bad bruise and bump around his right eye.

I have yet to watch Rataoulie with him as I promised.

And one fine day I will.

What Is Happening At Andy's And Mabel's
Yes there are strange things that have cropped up and it is no stranger than the sensor wash taps can't detect you and so do not turn on water.

Or that an electronic fuel-injected digital tachometer and speedometer on the dashboard could go berserk.

Or among my three digital Adidas watches synchronised together and after keeping the same time for a while, one is now about 10 seconds behind while the rest is only a second apart.

So it is with the washer. The 35 minutes stretches by another few more minutes and I never finish my wash on the stipulated time. The sensors must have gone awry.

And yes Mable has gotten better but hey, on the surface that is. I can still feel and detect it. And the whole row of neighbors are home-makers. Gosh, really!

A Police-State And All The Big Dogs Are Here
Again, I won't be surprised this is another one of BIG BLABBER's schemes! I don't just get to lease and stay at the places I do, I think, for NO GOOD REASON. Maybe even Mabel and Andy are one of them and yes, the whole row of neighbors.

I don't bump into that pro-estab Frenchman (now partially one of us, maybe even one of us and hey, would he say so?) at the swim pool just like that.

Or have two of them sitting near me and to whom I shot off an email and guess what, they never replied. Or that Indian couple sitting near me, watching me as I chat the two Frenchmen up.

A police-state?

A Final Cautionary Word To Both Estab And Pro-Estab Henchies
Remember henchies, you are only as good as your next assignment.

Some have come and gone. Even the pro-estab "Old Guard" have seen some of them falling by the wayside.

And estab, remember these are short-lived alliances and you are in greater danger than you think. These henchies, if they can do this now, will waver as soon as another opportunity strike!

I will just pray for you, you will need it! Both of you.

Also remember that you can't have your citizens 100% backing you up or behind you if your policies are not even 70% right.

What My Room Hunt Has Turned Up
A double storey shophouse with its upper floor doubling up as quarters for a whole gang of young China men.

The shop touts beauty salon services but all I could see is a cleavage-showing China woman in a tight and short dress and a lone old male customer walking out of its premises as I came calling.

Next door boasts better sleeping quarters and this where I will be holed up with 4 other Chinese Malaysians in various jobs like accounting, hair dressing, landscaping and travel agenting, if they should accept moi.

Generally clean and nicely done up and the price is a steal at $270.

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