Wednesday, August 08, 2007

More Housing Woes

Another Mental Asylum, What Else
It has been a week since my move. I was sleeping half the time I spent my days in the room. One because of the medication and two, because I needed plenty of rest.

But the bitch of a home-maker had no end to her nags and I am not giving in.

Before I moved in and on the day we signed our tenancy agreement papers (all particulars were provided and if she had signed them, then she agreed to all the terms and conditions - pure and simple), I had checked with her very clearly where we could place our shoes and specified the days we would do our washing.

I didn't want any mis-understanding like at Doray's. Then, the agent and Doray must have collaborated and though I had requested it, both didn't show on the day I moved in. It was left to Leela, the maid, to show me around the place.

So if Doray wasn't pleased I had placed my shoes in the storage area and I do have quite a few pairs, then it is just too bad.

As I said, if you wanna lease out your place, then there must be provisions for tenants to be able to do their stuff like washing, drying, eating, shitting and storing their belongings.

Apparently this did not sink in with Mabel.

I had to call in the real estate agent (who, it appears, is her auntie) again on Sunday to settle the matter once and for all. But she certainly hasn't called it quits as evidenced by the things she did after that. She had deliberately left her laundry in the washer to prevent us from washing on our non-washing days.

As you all know, on the Thursday I did my washing, the bitch-whore was in the kitchen and every single move I make, she was hovering and watching over moi.

Now she only has 5 bamboo poles but there were no less than 3 possible drying areas. One was on the stand rack, the second was the ceiling hanging racks and the third out the kitchen hanging on the balcony sockets.

She washes every day and I have told her I can't be like her where she is stationed in the kitchen to watch over the laundry. Like she has to catch the sun to hang them out to dry and to take them in again when it is dry or to ensure that the laundry doesn't get dirtied.

The nipple spray remains a nipple spray but as long as Chris doesn't complain (he is the one who has to hurry to work), I don't mind. Anyway it has only two functions which to me are equally nipple sprays.

And I ain't knobbing anything because if it spoils, then I am not GONNA BE RESPONSIBLE. Let the owners do the knobbing.

All I know is that Mabel wanna control the water level we wash our clothes in and I have told her that is no business of hers. Certainly the water level has to be more than the clothes we put in to wash away the detergent.

That is because she soaks her husband's soiled engineering clothing overnight and washes everyday and we are like footing the water bill for them by stinting on our side.

Now she has issues with our identification papers (more on the part of Chris, really but he is only an occupier) but if they have agreed to it by signing the tenancy papers in the first place, hey, abide by it.

I have told the agent our final position : refund us the one month deposit (in cash), give us a month notice, find another place for us at no cost (meaning the agent fees) and we will move out.

Straight and simple.

The Neighborhood And The Real Estate Agent
Mabel is on excellent gossiping terms with two neighbors right here on this floor. Their kids are about the same school-going age as Ashley. They were helping her keep an eye on us for sure.

I spoke with a coffee-shop owner down the corner and he had spoken unfavorably of Winnie, the real estate agent.

She had asked him for help once, apparently on account of nuisance calls from a man on her mobile.

It really shows because I know she has zero listening skills and she loves putting things into people's mouths.

She deserves the trouble for whatever she got.

Chris My RoomMate
Doesn't help that I didn't exactly get an ideal room-mate for a bed partner.

Even before I signed the tenancy agreement, I had told him that it is a 6-month commitment, that I wouldn't have signed up for a SGD480 room rental if it hadn't been on a cost-splitting basis and that he had agreed and confirmed to it all.

But he was delaying moving in and keeping me in suspense, for whatever reasons, only once citing confusion.

Then why the heck did he advertise looking for a room. The same reason Mabel and the agent had advertised for renting out their room. So please don't come back and then say it is so rush. If you advertise, then you must be ready.

I know he hasn't told me the truth on many occasions (like I can tell that his clothes stink of ciggies - either he smokes or he hangs out at the pubs).

And he hasn't brought in all his barang barang. Who he stays with before he moves in with moi isn't clear. What their relationship is and who he hangs out with?

He has specified a "room-mate" relationship, claims to be attached but seems to be always getting presents from older guys. I am fine with that. So he stays his half of the bed while I do the other half.

But for the two nights we spent together, he has inched very close to moi and last night, he bjed me. I know he thinks that extras will earn him a rent-free but as I said, all my rental days have been like this - I just pay when the rent is up and I don't hanky-panky for free rent.

Unless that guy is my beau and we are committed.

Chris' (not his real name anyway) identification is with his mum but he only has a photocopy to show for, he has quitted school since secondary 2 and had just lost his student transportation pass right after I had seen it.

He hasn't paid moi half the rental fees yet and I have footed the agent fees outright while waiting for his half share which he says he will pay next month.

Sigh! This is the lot with the gays (doesn't matter the age - I have met enough older gays who are like that too) I meet all the time - unreliable, unforthcoming, deceitful, evasive and always hiding something.

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