Monday, April 02, 2007

Number 23

At Arm's Length
I decided to lay off my gymming and running for a while and rested really well over the weekend.

On Sunday , I set off for dinner at the nearby hawker centre.

I was under siege.

Patrons were either families or couples (mostly straight save one gay coupling).

In fact I was occupying one seat at a four-seater and this family of three (a foreign mother and her two daughters) were actually eyeing my seat for whatever reasons, hovering about, yakking and pointing.

As it is, I already don't like women, in whatever form or shape or manner. So I gave her a really bad scowl.

I hope all women take a hint - just keep your distance from moi.

Gay Fashion House Didn't Get Its Sums Right
I visited the very popular gay fashion house again today and realised how they had overcharged me $20 for my pair of running shorts the last time. But I didn't let them get away for my new pair today and duly got my $10 back.

In fact that muscled dude, besides misinforming me about the "running shorts", had also misinformed moi about my tanks' cut.

This dude is either seriously mistaken or he is doing this on purpose.

Much Needed Limbering And Perking Up
All the recent visits to those gay haunts really perked me up in some ways.

For one, I got much needed stretch and exercise of a different kind - meaning I kinda sharpen all my five senses in a "predator or prey" role and all that chasing around is seriously good limbering up.

Even showering under a running tap for a long time helped ease my many woes away. Water is therapeutic, much like what swimming does for your body or feasting your eyes on water and greens and HUNKS of course.

What Does That Mean?
I tried hunting down "Men's Folio" at two major bookstores. Both didn't have it. But they used to. So if moi can't find it, it can only mean several things :

(1) they are temporarily out of stock
(2) if (1) then there will be a certain x time in the future, the stocks will arrive again
(3) they are discontinuing carrying it

But the sales assistant couldn't provide a clue as to if it was (1), (2) or (3).

At a third major bookstore I did.

It is the same thing with clothes. For example I wear a XL size for a particular clothes model. The sales staff tells me they "don't have".

What does that mean? It can only mean any of the following:

(1) that item only has sizes from S-L
(2) the XL size is temporarily out of stock
(3) if (2), then at a certain X time in the future, the new stock will arive

Usually the sales staff is clueless.

My hunt for a love-nest has taken me to yet another part of town.

I think this is it.

This place has confirmed development plans that will be completed in 5 years. And once its surrounding development flies, so will it. Too bad it offers NO waterfront living but it is at the confluence and minutes away from every imaginable kinda hub: transportational , sporting , shopping , dining , entertainment, water and greens.

I think I am buying a place here.

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