Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Beach Outing

It Is Still Here But Completely Surrounded
I headed for the gay beach today.

It is, despite all that is going on all around it, still there. Beautiful white sandy beaches, the mangroves and creepers growing on its edges and the deep blue sea.

The golf course is right behind and to one side of it while some other developments are happening to the jetty to the other side. In short, it is besieged.

The gatekeepers, some Indian Nationals, actually directed me to a longer and more dangerous route (the huge trucks were rolling by enroute to more construction work) but I got to see the golf course. Another was really rude in re-directing moi to pass through it gates. FUCK YOU! We employ you to control us.

There were just a few of us beach bums. REALLY SAD!

Why The Young Are Still Good To Teach
Youths are not as contaminated or tainted yet. They still have that freshness about them. That makes it worth teaching and "moulding" them. They are not so set in their ways and are more "open" and porous.

The Kinda Neighborhood It Is Here
It is a BAD neighborhood alright. You can observe the kinda crowd that hangs out here. Many foreign workers and they are the Malaysian Chinese kind, both males and females.

Just the other day a couple got into a fight at Mcdonalds. They looked like foreigners to me and apparently fighting over their kids - methinks they are separated.

Bishan wasn't half as bad as here.

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